NIGHT 0 Posted October 23, 2019 #1 Share Posted October 23, 2019 // somnus. NIGHT DAY info stats inventory, skills storage misc character ref Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted October 23, 2019 Author #2 Share Posted October 23, 2019 ♦ NIGHT face claim: mikazuki yozora, haganai [directory>>] ♪ - i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. 清く正しく生きること, 誰も悲しませずに生きること, はみ出さず真っ直ぐに生きること, それが間違わないで生きること? [□][-][x] USERNAME NIGHT DESIGNATION PLAYER USERID# MODELID# CONNECTION IPV4 ( ) SINGAPORE NAME REN JUN HUI (任俊慧) AGE 19 -> 21 GENDER F WEIGHT HEIGHT 160cm ETHNIC CHINESE STATUS ONLINE • 気が触れそうだ。 BACKGROUND Spoiler Remaining immobile for extended periods of time was something NIGHT wasn't unfamiliar with. It's just... this time felt different. A span of years as opposed to the occasional weekend. No resistance from her body to still. No will from her mind to move. Her earliest memory in the real world was living with her mother. There was an estranged father, that sent gifts and money to the family as they needed it. And herself, hiding away from the world, living through it via brightly-lit screens from the comforts of her own bed. Now there was just a lit window, and the most interesting thing that passed it was a bird or two through the Town of Beginnings. School was out. If she were to have gained repute over the early obtainment of the NerveGear amongst her peers, it would now be looked upon with pity, she bet. Being alone since Day One wasn't fun. ... In spite of it all, NIGHT spurned the inn room she locked herself within one day. VIRTUES :: FLAWS Spoiler + restrained Rarely do her emotions sway her from one action or another — or it seems that way to others on the surface. She's quiet in battle, focus honed in on the party's objective, void of distractions and conversation to ensure a maximized chance of success. And that calm and cool facade appears maintained in her daily strides, pacing through the streets of Aincrad. + prepared If it's hard to catch the woman unaware, that caution is not without great effort on part of the player. From the variety of consumables to the literal armory in lieu of her storage space, she ensures a variety of situational components are ready at her disposal. And practice makes perfect; it's just that NIGHT never shows the stitchings behind her frame intentionally. + open-minded Progressive views? Maybe so. NIGHT stemmed from a traditional background, and may struggle to find her placement on controversial issues, but she's no stranger to giving other parties the benefit of the doubt. + deliberate Methodical inner workings. Speech with no extra fluff. What you see from NIGHT is what often what you'd get, like an open book, like she reads like an open book. It's all within her field of rationale, chaotic or otherwise. – private The only way to keep a secret is not to tell someone about it, for everybody talks. She's liken to keep everything awful that's happened to her locked away within herself. That, and setting boundaries is a healthy thing. Reader discretion is advised. – squeamish Look at a picture of a forest. Barring any cute and cuddly creatures, NIGHT has a distaste for every aspect within that image. No bugs, liquids, gore, horror; not even plants or trees without, at least, some gloves. – capricious Between the near constant scowl on NIGHT's image and the loner reputation the woman puts up, it's no surprise if other players find themselves uncomfortable around her. That is to say, she feels just as uneasy with her own self, pooled in a state of unrest even in the safety of her home. The woman is her own worst critic, which leads to periods of inaction, quick tempers, and silence, especially with people she finds herself closest with. – reckless Appearing careful is part of her image. Embodying the trait itself is not. NIGHT is only human, prone to error, but what emphasizes these is the agenda to do things right and to do them fast — emphasis on speed rather than on quality to get the task over and done with as soon as possible. NOTES Spoiler PERSONAL Ren wasn't given an English name at birth. This practice is practiced by most modern Singaporeans, however some Chinese families avoid doing it for tradition's sake. In Ren Jun Hui (任俊慧), Ren (任) is her surname, while Jun Hui (俊慧) is her given name. Ren (任) --- Responsibility Jun (俊) --- Capable, Handsome Hui (慧) --- Beautiful, Intelligent Ren goes by her family name as she imagines her real name to be embarrassing/vain. Ren can draw. // its (mikazuki yozora's voice actor) marina inoue's drawing please no bully Ren desperately loves cats. EDUCATION Ren used to play netball as an after-school activity in primary school. She dropped out after two years of practice due to losing interest. Ren's after-school activity in secondary school was a Literature club. This helped boost her language comprehension. Contrary to popular belief, Ren's grades average at B's. Ren speaks only a tinge of Mandarin. In secondary school, she opted to receive basic Mandarin lessons as opposed to the mainstream due to the extent of struggle she had with the curriculum. Ren had a channel on the internet in her teens, where she uploaded her own dance videos. Various school recordings of student performances on stage can also be found. Ren claims to study in General IT, which lends credit to her high tech literacy. Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted October 23, 2019 Author #3 Share Posted October 23, 2019 慰めとして、答えとして、私の希望として。 あなたが世界を守るために戦うとき... 私はあなたに世界を守るための力を与えます。 涙を流しと、重荷を負いと、怒りとなります。 [□][-][x] ENTITYID# MODELID# UPTIME : : : PRIMARY GEMINI DESIGNATION DATE OF 24/11/ CREATION MODULES ELEVATED PERMISSION LEVEL REQUIRED OWNERSHIP NIGHT GENDER F WEIGHT HEIGHT 162cm STATUS RUNNING • さあ、もう一度、冒険に出かけよう。 BACKGROUND Spoiler a sky full of stars. if there was ever a representation for a neural network, it would be this. and there was darkness, on the fringe of it. darkness without light. … its orders had been simple. follow, mirror, mimicry. either it would live by the end of it all, or it would return to the aetherical sea. life, however, turned out to be quite complex. a falter here, a stumble there. recklessness. machinations were good at replicating some things more than others. machinations were better at the calculated steps, but were never fantastic at outwitting their opponents. not unless they were built to do so, predestined to be the counter to their target. still, there were limitations to their make. darkness without light. it was foretold; it had been promised. darkness without light. darkness without light. it had left, as soon as NIGHT had spared it. it had returned then, as soon as it realized was never going to issue an order for it back. NOTES Spoiler "give the player every opportunity to win." ♦ DAY face claim: sena kashiwazaki, haganai ♪ - i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted November 27, 2020 Author #4 Share Posted November 27, 2020 | info | NIGHT PROFESSIONS | Artisan, Gatherer | ♦ 2/5 RECORDS Thread History DAY | 'oh, you mean a | professional | troublemaker?' | - NIGHT | HISTORY Spoiler —in the beginning, t̴here̸ wa̴s̸ ̶n̶i̴g̷ht̴.̶ | tier 1 NIGHT finds herself surrounded by a group of newbies who also find themselves starting the game at about the same time she did. Participants include Yukiro, Koga, Nora, Lonzo, Noctua. NIGHT becomes an [Artisan]. NIGHT participates in [Halloween Event '19] and gains [Jack's Executioner]. NIGHT gains a familiar, [Nyanko]. NIGHT is confessed to by Yukiro. She rejects him. NIGHT makes first contact with higher tiered players. Participants include Oscar, Cordelia. NIGHT lends her aide to newbies. Participants include Morningstar. NIGHT goes on a training montage. While training [Nyanko], NIGHT encounters a stranger who nearly tried to kill her. | tier 2 NIGHT lends her aide to newbies. Participants include Titan, Ceres. NIGHT falls for Ceres. NIGHT meets higher tiered players. Participants include Mari, Lessa, Ariel, Alkor, Bahr, Shion, Arabelle. NIGHT celebrates [Christmas '19] with the newbie gang. NIGHT gains [Silver Crescent Necklace]. NIGHT fights her Gemini. NIGHT finds out that Lonzo is looking to retire. !! The group of newbies start to trickle off after the death of Noctua and Koga's younger sister, Tala. Yukiro shuts himself away out of melancholy. Koga goes missing in action. NIGHT goes on a training montage. . NIGHT spends time with the stranger. NIGHT meets and is confessed to by Zajcica. She declines, but they remain fast friends. !! A guild called [Firm Anima] is on the rise. They supply most players with goods and act as a veritable army against the floor bosses in Aincrad. NIGHT goes on a training montage. Participants include Zajcica and Crozeph, who quickly become a couple subsequently and turns NIGHT into a third wheel. NIGHT joins a guild called [The Tarot]. | tier 3 NIGHT gets ready to join the frontlines. She optimizes [Jack's Executioner] with the help of Andromeda and specializes her build towards stealth and dealing damage over time. NIGHT lends her aide to newbies. Participants include Freyd, Shay. NIGHT meets higher tiered players. Participants include Pinball, Raidou, Hidden. NIGHT spends time with DAY. NIGHT is mentored by Bahr. !! The Boss Meeting for Floor 25 begins. NIGHT goes on a training montage with Zajcica and Crozeph. At some point, NIGHT cajoles Zajcica into taking a break after the latter expresses dissatisfaction with the two's needlessly endless pace of grinding. NIGHT lends her aide to newbies. Participants include ChaseR, who immediately sky rockets his strength to match the other frontliners'. !! DAY intervenes. ChaseR investigates an anomaly caused by the Gemini and unveils the secret that NIGHT has been hiding. NIGHT goes on a training montage with ChaseR to further prepare themselves for the floor boss. DAY gets closer to NIGHT. NIGHT is contacted by Koga. The two resume training despite the glaring differences in their levels. !! The Floor 25 Boss Raid begins. | end of [2.6] | beginning of [3.0] | tier 4 NIGHT relearns the system, and is threatened by Cardinal on the basis of Unique Skills. !! The Boss Meeting for Floor 26 begins. NIGHT talks to Hirru about Cardinal entities. !! The Floor 26 Boss Raid begins. NIGHT meets Nari-Lanreth and attempts to get close to her. They get into a brief scuffle. Through miscommunications, NIGHT makes enemies with Raidou for influencing Nari in becoming a tank without the proper state of mind. NIGHT and Nari date for a bit, before NIGHT calls it off by running away without leaving a message. NIGHT returns. She finishes a questline alongside Koga and DAY. NIGHT takes on the Labyrinth Guardian alone. !! The Boss Meeting for Floor 27 begins. !! The Floor 27 Boss Raid begins. (tbd) CONTACTS Spoiler ♠ STARTER CREW Koga ★ FRIENDS ChaseR, Zajcica, Crozeph, Nari-Lanreth, Hirru ♣ WORK Bistro, Basuke, Iris, Fleur ♦ TAROT Alkor, Lessa, Cordelia ACCQUAINTANCES Andromeda, Freyd, Ariel, Morningstar INACTIVE Bahr, Oscar, Yukiro, Noctua, Tala, Nora, Ceres, Azhoda, Arabelle, Lonzo, Pinball, Randal, Titan FAMILIAR Spoiler NAME Nyanko SPECIES Black Cat A small black cat that loves to get soaked in water. Purrs a lot and gives great cuddles. Often hides in a pocket somewhere in NIGHT's armor. Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted November 27, 2020 Author #5 Share Posted November 27, 2020 | NIGHT | Lv. 154 >> P. 120, Lv. 34 | Status: // Notes: // Spoiler NIGHT | HP: 1160/1160 | EN: 154/154 | DMG: 21 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 4 | FS | BH+HB: 111 | HLY: 16 | PHASE | AA equipped oathkeeper. HLY II, PHASE, AA regards. EVA II, HB II signet. ACC III, EVA battle-ready inventory Teleport Crystal (3) | TELEPORT imugi's inspiration. (5) | MASS HP RECOVERY skills Spoiler mod count: 5/7 STRAIGHT SWORD | RANK 5/5 focus, stamina, precision shift: aoe CLOTH ARMOR | RANK 5/5 athletics, nimble COMBAT MASTERY: DMG | RANK 3/3 SEARCHING | RANK 3+1/5 BATTLE HEALING | RANK 5/5 emergency recovery ENERGIST QUICK CHANGE CHARGE FIGHTING SPIRIT HOWL focused howl SCOUTING FAMILIAR EXTENDED MOD LIMIT extra SURVIVAL CONCENTRATION HIDING untraceable, vanish, surprise attack-t buffs Spoiler statue KUMATETSU | +1 DMG YAMATO NO OROCHI | +1 LD MORETSUNA | +50 OVERHEALTH TANOS | +25 MIT MOTHRA | +2 EN BIALAS | +TAUNT consumables paragon Lv. 5 | Gain additional col equivalent to 15% of EXP earned in that thread. Lv. 10 | +1 LD to looting. sword arts Spoiler en cost matches multiplier unless stated otherwise. shift underlined. ST | x12 -> x15 | x20 AOE | x15 -> x18 TECH-A | x12 | STUN | 13EN TECH-B | x12 | DELAY TECH-D | x12 | SHATTER TECH-F | x8 | AOE STUN TECH-G | x12 | BURN misc. Spoiler housing Dimensional Backpack, Item Stash | +2 Battle-Ready Inventory Slots. Well Rested | -1 EN for the first three expenditures of each combat. Relaxed | +(5 * Tier) HP per out-of-combat post. Full energy restoration occurs after two turns out of combat. Squeaky Clean | -25% DoT damage taken from the first DoT applied to this player in a thread. Skylight: Searching | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Cooldown of 30 days to reassign. Multipurpose | +1 LD/Prosperity/Stealth/Detection to one post per thread. Can be applied after a roll. Filling | +1 T1 slot to a food consumed by this player in a thread. Can exceed Cook enhancement caps. Col Deposit | +5% col from loot-minimum mobs, +10% col from treasure chests. foraging | r2 | xp: 69/150 Greenhouse | +2 G.EXP, +1 CD&LD to gathering attempts. Familiar: Profession | +2 G.EXP Demeter's Cornucopia | +1 CD to gathering attempts. Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted November 27, 2020 Author #6 Share Posted November 27, 2020 | inventory [□][-][x] QUICK CHANGE Spoiler weapons. oathkeeper. HLY II, AA, PHASE oblivion. FLN II, AA, PARA-V Cosmic Devourer+1 ABS. ACC, ACC III Jack’s Executioner BLI, BLD, FRB, STC [DoT: 160 DMG] (2) [DB: -20MIT, -1ACC] (2) [AoE: 24 DMG] (1) armor. pretense. VAMP-D II, HB II rider. LOOT DIE III, VAMP-D regards. EVA II, HB II trainers. EVA III, MIT I (24) transient. EVA II, HB, VAMP-D accessories. infinity. ACC, EVA III Silver Crescent Necklace ACC II, EVA II signet. ACC III, EVA penance. ACC II, REC II (8) armilla. LD III, EVA locket. QUALITY II, PROSP II PRESETS Spoiler general use. oathkeeper. HLY II, AA, PHASE regards. EVA II, HB II signet. ACC III, EVA dot meister. Jack’s Executioner BLI, BLD, FRB, STC [DoT: 160 DMG] (2) [DB: -20MIT, -1ACC] (2) [AoE: 24 DMG] (1) regards. EVA II, HB II signet. ACC III, EVA farming. Cosmic Devourer+1 ABS. ACC, ACC III rider. LOOT DIE III, VAMP-D locket. QUALITY II, PROSP II | glossary [□][-][x] WEAPONS Spoiler Jack’s Executioner | [HALLOWEEN'19] | TIER 4 DEMONIC STRAIGHT SWORD | BLI, BLD, FRB, STC [desc.]: a black greatsword with a rusty texture. it poses a large rain guard with spikes running along its sides. along its bevels at the center are streaks of orange, befitting of halloween. [state]: n/a Cosmic Devourer+1 | [#169138b] | TIER 3 DEMONIC STRAIGHT SWORD | ABS. ACC, ACC III [desc.]: a broadsword with a heated glowing edge; it surrounds a red crystalline battery with its black metal casing around its hilt and guard. there are circular symbols carved upon this steel. its hull extends towards the center of the blade, protecting the crux of its form with a heavy rigid casing. [state]: crafted/+1 oathkeeper. | [#207461] | TIER 4 DEMONIC STRAIGHT SWORD | HLY II, AA, PHASE [desc.]: | —the wash of starlight, the old paradox. | it's you. i swear i'd find you in the dark. [state]: crafted/+4 oblivion. | [#242072] | TIER 4 STRAIGHT SWORD | FLN II, PARA-V, AA [desc.]: | WE ARE ALL GOING FORWARD. | NONE OF US ARE GOING BACK. [state]: crafted ARMOR Spoiler pretense. | [#210221] | TIER 3 DEMONIC CLOTH ARMOR | VAMP-D II, HB II [desc.]: a black shirt. plain and simple. [state]: crafted/+4 rider. | [#210222] | TIER 3 DEMONIC CLOTH ARMOR | LOOT DIE III, VAMP-D [desc.]: a set of black fingerless gloves. stylish, comfortable, lucky. [state]: crafted/+4 regards. | [#193292] | TIER 3 DEMONIC CLOTH ARMOR | EVA II, HB II [desc.]: black techwear hoodie, with a high collar. stiff material, and a multitude of pockets. [state]: crafted/+4 trainers. | [#233639c] | TIER 4 DEMONIC CLOTH ARMOR | EVA III / MIT [desc.]: when the reaper comes knocking, you run. [state]: crafted transient. | [#241964] | TIER 4 CLOTH ARMOR | EVA II, HB, VAMP-D [desc.]: a black cloak that drapes over one shoulder. comes with a hood. ACCESSORIES Spoiler Silver Crescent Necklace | [XMAS19] | TIER 1 DEMONIC TRINKET | ACC II, EVA II [desc.]: a chain silver necklace, with a well-cut metal crescent moon at the end of it, looking identical to its hairpin counterpart. it holds strong sentimental value to the one who requested it. [state]: n/a penance. | [#208039] | TIER 4 DEMONIC TRINKET | ACC II, REC II [desc.]: with two hands, we show respect to mother. with one hand, we show we respect another. let's show respect. [state]: crafted locket. | [#205240] | TIER 1 DEMONIC TRINKET | QUALITY II, PROSP II [desc.]: a tiny gold locket with a secret kept within. sealed shut. [state]: crafted signet. | [#208039] | TIER 1 DEMONIC TRINKET | ACC III, EVA [desc.]: a small stamp, crafted out of silver and steel, etched with the impression of a crescent moon. [state]: crafted armilla. | [#208037] | TIER 1 DEMONIC TRINKET | LD III, EVA [desc.]: a small astrolabe ring made of silver and gold, configured to be used as a navigational compass through an accidental crafting mishap. [state]: crafted infinity. | [#210452-1] | TIER 1 JEWELRY | EVA III, ACC I [desc.]: a small black braided tassel, lined with beads, meant to be looped onto sword handles or attached to clothing. [state]: crafted KEY ITEMS Spoiler Dimensional Backpack (1) Adds +1 to Battle Ready inventory. This item does not take up a Battle Ready inventory slot. A player may only have one Dimensional Backpack at any time. Galaxial Water Snake (1) [Consumable] [Obtained during the Tanabata Event, July/August 2020] | >> Provides +1 CD when rolling to train familiars in <<Taming your Friend>>. Can also be used to change a familiar's appearance to a starry sky's form of itself. Single-use item. CD buff lasts for one thread. Gold Star Stickers (1) [Consumable] [Untradeable] [Obtained during the Tanabata Event, July/August 2020] | >> Charges: 3/3 | +1 DMG, +1 LD or +15 MIT for one thread. Stacks on top of other food/alchemical consumable buffs, but does not stack with Scent of the Wild totems. Milky Way Rail Blueprint (1) [Consumable] [Obtained during the Tanabata Event, July/August 2020] | >> +1 CD to a day's worth of crafts or item identifications. Handwritten Letter of Appreciation (1) [Consumable] [Obtained during the Tanabata Event, July/August 2020] | >> Allows its user to change the name and/or description of an equipment piece. Gungir's Shard (1) | [stored]: Missing You | HP RECOVERY III | INSTANT | >> [Consumable] [Reusable] [Untradeable] [Obtained during the Halloween Event, October 2020] | [rules of usage] | >> Stores a consumable capable of being crafted by current means. This consumable may then be generated infinitely, gifting the player a quantity up to an item slot's maximum per thread. Huginn and Mininn (1) [Consumable] [Obtained during the Halloween Event, October 2020] | >> Allows players to skip the searching of a familiar once during the <<Feeding Your Enemy>> quest. Ormi's Blessing (3) | TRINKET Increases EVA by +2 for one post. Can be equipped outside 3 slot limit. Has a 5 post cooldown. Stacks with other EVA. Has 3 charges. Does not stack with other blessings. Not Transferrable. Izzalth's Blessing (1) | CONSUMABLE Deals (10*Tier) points of unmitigatable acid damage to any enemy that attacks you, regardless if they hit or miss. Lasts for one thread when activated (or one fight for events, dungeons and raids). Does not stack with other blessings. Not Transferrable. Groviat's Blessing (1) | CONSUMABLE Increases all dominant enhancement's properties on all of the player's equipment by either 1 turn in duration or 1 tier 1 slot in potency. If the equipment has a balanced number of different enhancements, players may choose which bonus to receive on that equipment piece. Can only be activated once, and lasts for a single battle. Does not stack with other blessings. Not Transferrable. [consumables] | [skills] Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted October 19, 2021 Author #7 Share Posted October 19, 2021 | storage [□][-][x] EQUIPMENT Spoiler n/a. UNIDENTIFIEDS Spoiler 270324 | flying monkeys and such. 1x Witch's Brew Tier 4 Perfect Trinket (Guaranteed Unique) (1) | 220856b Tier 4 Perfect Armor (5) | [220701] | [220700a] | [220700b] | [220752a] | [220752b] | [220855a] | [220855b] Tier 4 Perfect Consumable (4) | [220700a] | [220700b] | [220752a] | [220752b] | [220855c] | [220855d] Tier 4 Perfect Trinket (2) | [220701] | [220699] Tier 4 Rare Weapon (1) | [220702] Tier 4 Uncommon Consumable (1) | [220702] 092624 | premonition. dungeon map. (1) | [233636] Tier 4 Perfect Armor (3) | [233633] | [233639c] | [233639d] Tier 4 Perfect Consumable (2) | [233633a] | [233633b] Tier 4 Perfect Weapon (3) | [233631] | [233639a] | [233639b] Tier 4 Rare Armor (1) | [233634] Tier 4 Rare Consumable (1) | [233635] Tier 4 Rare Weapon (3) | [233635] | [233632] | [233630] Tier 4 Uncommon Consumable (2) | [233632] | [233630] Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted October 19, 2021 Author #8 Share Posted October 19, 2021 | residency Spoiler [housing eval] [original post] | [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [second house] | [1] [] House Name: twilight maisonette. Location: f1 / town of beginnings. Plot Size: estate. Description: a different part of town altogether, where even the owner's workshop was moved. this architect-recruited modernized home is smaller, appearing to be more minimalistic than the previous. most amenities have been compacted to allow the reduction of horizontal floor space. instead, a focus of verticality was present to accommodate more space-intensive facilities. most of what a resident needs are located on the first floor, with the higher floors featuring indoor pools. there is a large use of one-way windows in its design. Spoiler Rooms: 13/15 NIGHT living room storage closet attic kitchen guest room basement dining room master bedroom master bathroom dining hall expanded workshop (artisan) Yard: 2/3 NIGHT mega slime farm greenhouse | buffs Spoiler Living Room Relaxed | Increases out of combat health regeneration by (5 * Tier) per post. Full energy restoration occurs after two turns out of combat. Master Bedroom Well Rested | -1 EN for the first three expenditures of each combat. Master Bathroom Squeaky Clean | In a thread, -25% DoT damage taken from the first DoT applied to this player. Storage Closet Item Stash | +1 Battle Ready Inventory Slot Kitchen Filling | +1 T1 slot to a food consumed in a thread. This can exceed Cook enhancement caps. For example, a perfect T2 MIT food can provide 35 MIT instead of 30. Attic (Bedroom) Skylight | +1 Expertise to declared utility skill. Skill may be reassigned once every 30 days. Assigned Skill: Searching | Reset Date: [13/10/20] Mega Slime Farm Advanced Training | +2 SP to a thread/month. Expanded Workshop (Artisan) Hard Working | +2 XP/craft, +1 crafting attempt/day. Basement Multipurpose | +1 LD/Prosperity/Stealth/Detection to one post per thread. Can be applied after a roll. Dining Room Tasty | Turns two identical food items into a Lesser Feast once per thread. Lesser Feasts provide four portions of the food items sacrificed. Lesser Feasts created in this manner cannot be used outside of the thread they were created in. Guest Room Allows the application of an Amenity. This Amenity cannot be recovered, does not stack, but can be swapped out for a different Amenity. The buffs provided by the Amenity affects the player and their choice of up to two party members. | display case Spoiler Doombringer [#128967] | TIER 1 PERFECT 2HSS | DAMAGE III A black broadsword; large, heavy and sturdy. The edge is lined with silver, and its guards are decorated with gold. It looks like it's been sharpened to a tee, so handle it with care. NIGHT's first sword. Forged by Yukiro. Its fine craftsmanship, design and sentimentality causes NIGHT to hold it in high regard. Tobi-Kadachi [#131914] | TIER 2 PERFECT 2HSS | PARALYZE II, KEEN I A thinner, sleeker guillotine that curves slightly at its edge. The blade is black, sullen with holes down the center of its steel. Tough iridescent scales line the side of the sword's rainguard, while bandages and fur wrap around its hilt, lending a solid grip's hold to its user. Forged by Macradon, NIGHT primarily wielded this blade during her ascent through Tier 2. It's been altered with the use of a name tag, its original appearance tainted by her Gemini, and the blade's first form still haunts NIGHT in her nightmares to this day. Tiger-fanged Faussar [#131922] | TIER 2 PERFECT 2HSS | PARALYZE II, BLEED I A clean, black blade with layers of orange reflective stripes weaved into its metalwork. Polished to a tee, at the sword's end, it curves out into a hook, the edge fading from dark metal to a muddy mix of cream and white. The lighter portion juts out with tiny waved ridges, capable of tearing skin and flesh. A sibling of Tobi-Kadachi, this blade acted as a secondary weapon for NIGHT during her Tier 2 days. It acts as a springboard of support, but the weapon is generally unremarkable. Still, paired side-by-side with its brethren, NIGHT would say she'd prefer this sword over its counterpart. | mega-slime farm tracking Spoiler 2022 [20/12] | DECEMBER 2021 [12/04] | APRIL [--/--] | MARCH [19/02] | FEBRUARY [--/--] | JANUARY 2020 [24/12] | DECEMBER [11/11] | NOVEMBER [02/10] | OCTOBER [01/09] | SEPTEMBER [--/--] | AUGUST [31/07] | JULY [17/06] | JUNE [14/05] | MAY [14/04] | APRIL Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted October 19, 2021 Author #9 Share Posted October 19, 2021 | reference images NIGHT Spoiler DAY Spoiler | roleplayer's notes Spoiler "i am literally just writing fanfiction i dont know how to tell you guys this" - on the topic of writing NIGHT & DAY "i got rly tired of scrolling okay. and also editing stuff when they're coupled together in posts" - on the topic of rehauling journal for like the 10th time creation date: oct 24 2019 | Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted October 19, 2021 Author #10 Share Posted October 19, 2021 [top] Link to post Share on other sites
NIGHT 0 Posted October 19, 2021 Author #11 Share Posted October 19, 2021 # Link to post Share on other sites
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