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[OP-F1] Frenzy Boar Mayhem!

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*clenches his scythe*


...Well well well... I do believe it is that time every year when the people gather hordes of poultry and pigs for their own consumption and gluttony. And then they CARVE the meat from the bone and dine in on their flesh. Now I too like to partake in this ritual, but I prefer to harvest the flesh off human bone....


Ah well, today is not about me, it's about all of you! And only ONE of you will have what it takes to win... the swine of swines...


The player today, to write the most creative Frenzy Boar chopping (killing) technique will receive the Frenzy Boar monster account here on the site.


Happy murdering players...




*releases a horde of Frenzy Boars into the field*

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[iOC:this okay?]


Draterion slammed his sword into the ground, feeling the vibrations coming from inside the earth. Draterion singled out on two of them. In an instant he hit the rest with the hilt of his sword sending them back, as he flew toward the two. Draterion flew onto his face as the two boars he had singled out were gone, with the others. Draterion pulled out some bread and layed them out and Draterion left for a second. Then he came back in and slammed his sword into two of them. Two out, a couple more to go. 


Draterion looked around for any item he could use to wrap around the boars and lock them in the air.... Draterion saw some vines. Quickly he trapped two more boars and then they were gone with two slashes. Draterion saw the last one playing in mud. Draterion poured each bottle of water he had and slid into the last one like a slip n' slide then landed a smashing, finishing blow.

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     Azureth decides to name his technique...



The Frenzy Kabob

Azureth readied his spear.

The Frenzy Boar charged at him with a top speed of 120 miles per hour.

Azureth knew that most boars simply charged at you. He used this to his advantage, holding his spear straight in front of him.

The boar charged... straight at his weapon!

The Frenzy Boar obviously wasn't very intelligent, as it impaled itself.

Azureth could tell, however, that the raw strength of this mob couldn't be joked about.

He materialized an olive the size of a basketball from his inventory.

The Frenzy Boar, meanwhile, was dashing to take another shot at Azureth!

He stepped to the side of the mob. The monster would take him down to half health if it actually hit him, but that would never happen. It was very easy to dodge.

Azureth used the rod of his spear to smack the olive at the boar. It bounced back to the sender.

Azureth and the boar were now in the final phase of the technique.

He ran straight towards the boar, who was dazed by the olive, and skewered it.

He then took the olive, smashing it onto the spear.



The boar shatters on his spear.

"Wait, where'd it go?!"

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(Notice me Scythe-kun!!)


I chewed the inside of my mouth as I walked through the field. It was annoyingly calm. There was any breeze in the air and no one was around. Here and there were a few boars sprinkled evenly through the open area. It was conveniently designed to where players wouldn't be overwhelmed by a bunch of boars at the same time. The grass was crushed under my boots with every step I took. To my left a boar began to stare, then another on my right. About three were in range as I got closer to a tree. Behind it were even more. Suddenly out of nowhere I was surrounded by boars from all sides. About three were behind me and one was to my left, leaving two in front and another to my right. 


With a smirk I pulled out Thorn, my sword. 


Today was supposedly Thanksgiving in America so the irony of this moment practically killed me. I put the sword in my left hand and snapped my right finger. This of course made the boars angry. I guess they couldn't handle such noises? Either way, when the one on my right came charging forward it released the others into chaos. I looked up and jumped, driving my sword into the tree branch and lifting myself up onto the tree. I peered down in disgust as the stupid boars head-butted each other in the head. They all were stunned so now was my chance. I let go and tugged so that my sword would come down with me. I stabbed through the first two in front, killing them in a matter of seconds. The other three in the back of me were killed in a more creative way, with a spin attack. It left those three on their sides, squealing helplessly. The one on my left, and the one on my right, came for me as soon as I attacked the other two. With a flip of my two-toned hair I chopped the first one in half, causing it to burst into pixels, and the other to run away. I ran forward and jumped onto the little boar's back. It could barely hold the weight of my body! I directed it to where the tree was. Once it was there I stabbed right through the head of it and hopped off right before it met the same fate as it's "friends." I walked calmly over to the three stunned on the ground. If you were a real boar this would be much worse! I laughed and killed them in an instant. I knew that I was only killing pixels, unable to feel a thing. Therefore one this Thanksgiving holiday I carved up some boar for myself. 

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Something about today just ... wasn't right I felt ... murderous, which for me is different ... very different I wanted blood and I wanted lots of it.


I stepped out of the inn at midnight wrapping my black coat around me concealing the scabbard of my blood red blade on my back. Something was going to die tonight and it was going to die in the most brutal way I could muster. I stepped out of the west gate to starting city. I heard rumours of a new type of boar appearing in the plains, the frenzy boar, these boars were meant for the stronger players to take on but I wasn't going to give the higher players the satisfaction of taking them all. I wanted to taste their blood myself. I walked forward observing all the players fighting the boars and recognized a few of my guild mates amongst them. But tonight was not the night to be playing with a guild tonight I was a solo player and I wanted blood. I drew my blade and continued to walk forward my Black coat and cloak blowing behind me in the wind. Some of the players stopped to observe me as I stopped grinning the most evil smile anyone had ever seen my bangs covering my eyes ... and then I set to work. I rushed forward into a group of ten boars slicing the first of them clean down the middle as it exploded into pixels.


I laughed ... a dark laugh more players began to observe me as sliced another boar in half like it was paper. I jumped up into the air summersaulting onto another stabbing it in the head. Three down seven to go. The other boars began to crowd me but I wasn't just giving up like that. I grinned to myself and my blade shone a blood red colour and I lost control screaming ''DIEEEEEE!''. I sliced through the leader of the pack watching as its head rolled along the ground infront  of my feet. Running to the sixth boar I swiftly swiped its legs of and impaled another through the side with a bloodlust I have never felt before ... and it felt good ... really good. My body seemed to move on its own, my body and blade became a whirlwind of death there infront of were the pixels of the ten frenzy boars I had slain floating up around me like crystals of soul fragments its beauty was breath taking. The other players around me stood awestruck and I sheathed my blade and left without another word. My bloodlust had been sedated ... For now ...

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