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Patch Notes

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New and important features added to Sword Art Online.

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Patch Notes: Crafting and Adventuring Update

<<Crafting and Adventuring Update>> SAO-RPG Patch 2.5.1 Timeline Update! Please note that the following is out of character knowledge. Time progresses at a different rate in the game than in our characters' real lives. As of November 6, 2017 (OOC real time), characters should have the perception that 2 years have passed since the game's launch. This will continue to roughly mirror the passage of real time until the game's completion. The note that the perception of time i



[Live] 2.5.0 Patch Notes

<<2.5.0 Patch Notes>> Main Guide: The main rules/tutorial section has been rewritten. Resources: A Resources section has been added. This contains reference material such as the SP/Level chart, Skills list, Enhancement list, individual profession stats, and a new FAQ. General Rule Changes: Word count requirement in Merchants & Shops section has been reduced to 100 from 150. Col logs are no longer required to include in jou



[Important] Bank System & Spending Account

The [Banker System] is now in effect! Please visit the link above for the full rules and instruction on how to use the Spending account. This system is mandatory and will be used to distribute thread rewards going forward. For existing players that need to set their initial resource values, visit the [Spending Account] thread to have these totals evaluated and added. Until further notice, players must still continue to track col transactions in their journals. Feel free to contact



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