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Entries in this blog

Community Poll: Fallen/Holy Rebalance Analysis

Oh boy, here we go with addressing the elephant in the room. Given the state these enhancements are in, we have noticed there's a tendency to gravitate to them exclusively. This is due to the fact that Fallen and/or Holy are considerably overtuned in comparison to other options. We’d like to encourage build diversity and instead of making the call and changing something that very well be essential to existing builds, we’d like to understand and accept what the community believes we should do to


Raidou in Community Feedback Skill Refund/Item Re-evaluation Grace Period

As a result of our recent changes within the New Mechanic Systems Release/Rework Patch, up until August 31, 2024 GMT all players will enjoy the following benefits: 1. Refunding Weapon Skills and their respective mods/addons will not incur a col cost or count toward your normal 50 SP per month limit. This is to allow players to make a swap to one of the new weapon types if they choose to. These refunds are undergone in the same skill refund evaluation process otherwise. 2. A player


Raidou in Current Events

Floor 27 Boss Fight (Post Completion)

Now that all is said and done, we'd like to plug the community and see how the material was received. This is an attempt to cater future content to the desires of the community. Below is the outline of the design process behind Wushen and the Ronbaru Roundtable companion event. Wushen: Too big to hurt, he was supposed to embody the idea of facing a titanic monster that easily dwarfed the players involved. Based around the Wuxing cycle, he was the embodiment of a Boss that had access to In


Raidou in Community Feedback

Floor 26 Boss Fight Rewards

For those of you involved in the floor 26 boss raid and received a <<Fate's Armament>> from Gabrandr's defeat, there has a number of questions regarding these items. Staff is making this announcement as an aim to rectify this. Anyone who possessed this item and participated in the companion event "Defying Destiny" is eligible to submit the vanity weapon to their evals. The item will become a T4 Demonic Quality Weapon, type being whatever the player so chooses and the name and descrip


Raidou in 3.1

[2021] Halloween Celebration!

Hey fellow players! From now until the 30th of November, the site will be under effects of the Halloween Event that may be found [here]! Here's a quick rundown of what bonuses you players stand to gain from: Golden Gingko Scatter All threads closed within the event period will gain the following benefits: +15% EXP +30% col +50% materials Furthermore, for each loot-minimum monster slain that has a loot roll of natural CD9+, rewards gained from that loot ro


NIGHT in 3.1

Welcome to 3.0!

You wake in your own bed. While it may be a bit hazy at first, the events of the previous evening come rushing back - either you were among those on the Frontlines, or you bore witness to the horror of a vast darkness, an unrelenting storm. In both cases, the last thing you remember is being swallowed up by shadows.   Effect on Lore The World Aincrad has reverted back to optimal settings. Any damage caused by the storm's influence (in Storm of Shadows) has been


Lessa in 3.0

Farewell 2.6 Event Notice!

Hello fellow Aincrad dudes! It's your boy Oscar here with an update. I'm sure you guys are wondering why we haven't done away with the Quarantine Bonus. It's been going for months now. Well, here's some good news about that: The Current SP Bonus Event will remain active until the launch of 3.0~~~ Since the Labyrinth Guardian has been slain, we have decided to make this bonus period permanent until 3.0 is here. The update itself is progressing smoothly so rest assured that when the Raid



Last Day to Hunt for Eggs!

Hope you've finished up your hunting, because today is the last day to collect eggs! Please read below to find important information regarding the end of the Easter Egg Extravaganza: 1) You will have until 11:59 pm EDT (GMT-4) on Wednesday, April 22nd, 2020, to roll for eggs. All posts with an egg roll must be filled in by this time, or the roll is rendered invalid. 2) After this point you may continue to post in event threads, bringing them to a natural close. You may continue to excha



Easter Egg Extravaganza

After a long day, all you really want is a big dinner and a soft bed. The mobs have been slain, the mats have been found, and the crafts have been crafted. You’ve completed quests, messaged with friends, and hardly spent any time at all considering the harsh realities of the virtual world you’ve been trapped in. All in all, a good day, and one that you- Wait a minute. Nestled in a tuft of green grass is a vibrant pink ball. As you crouch to examine the object, you realize it isn’t exactly sp



Quarantine Bonus SP Event

Hello fellow potential viral vectors! Staff is proud to unveil another Bonus SP Event! From now until ThE CoViD gets under control, enjoy an extra +1 SP to all threads. You may apply this bonus to threads locked today prior to this announcement. So stay home and enjoy some SP while you're bored on lockdown. And stay safe everyone~



Wedding Update

Special Wedding Quest Update   In preparation for February's holiday, Valentine’s Day, we know that every Aincradian has that special someone and wants to spend every moment with that person. But the marriage steps and the associated quest was lacking in what was needed. So today, we bring you not just a revamped version of Saying Vows, but two more quests associated with it. Making Vows and Broken Vows.   Making Vows lets two players speak to a representative and plan their



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