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Check up on the latest and current events, and discover information about upcoming events.

Entries in this blog

Floor 26 Boss Fight Rewards

For those of you involved in the floor 26 boss raid and received a <<Fate's Armament>> from Gabrandr's defeat, there has a number of questions regarding these items. Staff is making this announcement as an aim to rectify this. Anyone who possessed this item and participated in the companion event "Defying Destiny" is eligible to submit the vanity weapon to their evals. The item will become a T4 Demonic Quality Weapon, type being whatever the player so chooses and the name and descrip


Raidou in 3.1

[2021] Halloween Celebration!

Hey fellow players! From now until the 30th of November, the site will be under effects of the Halloween Event that may be found [here]! Here's a quick rundown of what bonuses you players stand to gain from: Golden Gingko Scatter All threads closed within the event period will gain the following benefits: +15% EXP +30% col +50% materials Furthermore, for each loot-minimum monster slain that has a loot roll of natural CD9+, rewards gained from that loot ro


NIGHT in 3.1

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