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Entries in this blog

Community Poll: Fallen/Holy Rebalance Analysis

Oh boy, here we go with addressing the elephant in the room. Given the state these enhancements are in, we have noticed there's a tendency to gravitate to them exclusively. This is due to the fact that Fallen and/or Holy are considerably overtuned in comparison to other options. We’d like to encourage build diversity and instead of making the call and changing something that very well be essential to existing builds, we’d like to understand and accept what the community believes we should do to


Raidou in Community Feedback

Floor 27 Boss Fight (Post Completion)

Now that all is said and done, we'd like to plug the community and see how the material was received. This is an attempt to cater future content to the desires of the community. Below is the outline of the design process behind Wushen and the Ronbaru Roundtable companion event. Wushen: Too big to hurt, he was supposed to embody the idea of facing a titanic monster that easily dwarfed the players involved. Based around the Wuxing cycle, he was the embodiment of a Boss that had access to In


Raidou in Community Feedback

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