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[] Guild Rework, Scents Adjustment, Shift Acquisition Rework, Tierless Clarification, Shift Refund Procedure and Housing Ownership Clarification



Oh boy, here comes another big boy hot out of the presses. Staff has been hard at work on some big doozies and I'm here bringing it out full swing. Without further of due:

Guild Rework:

The main focus of this change is to make the system a more active part of the game and allow players who are not intending to make a 'non combat capable' character able to interact or benefit further from the system. Maybe its a book club, or a small conglomerate of farmers? This will allow narrative only characters to really dig into guilds and form a fun community for their characters. The changes to the system include:

1. Guild Tokens, a new currency that can be sent directly to the guild treasurer when a thread is closed or kept. If they are collected on your character they cannot be traded, which we will be monitoring all transactions and expect proper behavior in their transfer (Only to the banker once awarded). Failure to follow the rules will result in all tokens being revoked and any new tokens from being rewarded. These tokens are bound to the guild they are earned, the moment the character leaves the associated guild they must be returned to the banker who will then send them to that guilds associated Guild Treasurer.

  • Guild Tokens are earned upon thread completion based on the amount of guild members present.
  • Guild Tokens can be purchased for 1m col a pop, but its much more difficult then simply writing with other members of your guild.

2. Guild Shop, a place to spend guild tokens on guild exclusive rewards. These rewards should not be overbearing and are not combat centric, but should be small boons to add a 'cool thing' you can do as a result of your guild association. It is accessible [Here]

3. Guild Buildings/Territory, existing rooms have been reworked into buildings as well as incorporating new additions to those. This also removes the current 'type' associated with guilds and making them more general, while also allowing growth. This allows a guild to purchase locations on the floor they exist on for a token cost, or alternatively on other floors for a small surcharge. Existing rooms from the prior system will be offered an exchange in guild tokens to allow for a confident migration into the new system. This is done through Guild Evaluations [Here]

4. Guild Ranks, a way for guilds to 'level' and gain new access to new fixtures/buildings. This rank must be maintained through the use of guild tokens. These ranks increase/decrease based on maintenance of the guild.

5. Guild Maintenance, Every 3 months a guild must contribute a scaling amount (based on member count) of tokens to maintain their current rank & improve their rank. Failure to due so can result in the guild losing one of its accumulated ranks and potentially access to some of its unlocked buildings. This 3 month period is known as 'evaluation periods'

6. Guild Quests, custom and approved guild quests created by Guild Officers that can be run once per evaluation period per quest. The experience reward allotted can only be earned once regardless like standard material, but standard rewards can be reobtained. These are intended as 'initiation rituals or training programs' for the guild.

For a deeper in depth breakdown then this tldr check [Here]

Scents Adjustment:

This quest has some very powerful, almost mandatory buffs for accessing the frontlines. And it is extremely simple for a player to get to 'frontline' ready status through the use of existing material, expected participation around Level 33/Paragon 10. Which equates to about 79000 experience, which isn't a whole lot. We have found that most players approach when it comes to this quest chain is either: A. avoid it entirely (mainly due to how quickly it out scales them) or B. get hand held through the quest because they don't have the mechanical support [SP/Enhancements] to do it on their own or with another person around their level. Both of these problems we hope to address.

Given the status of the quest, the requirements it imposes and how it functions it is of our opinion that it works very well as the 'end of' the tutorial chain. The new tutorial chain would now look like this, and includes expected level after their completion:

  1. <<First Lessons>> teaches players about gathering/questing mechanics | Level Expectation: 3 [1100/1500]
  2. <<Earning a living>> reinforces gathering/questing mechanics and teaches crafting mechanics | Level Expectation: 4 [1700/2000]
  3. <<Challenge of Olympus>> introduces solo only questing and self driven narrative | Level Expectation: 6 [2500/3000]
  4. <<Feeding the Enemy>> explains natural rolls, and post cooldowns | Level Expectation: 7 [3100/3500]
  5. <<Training your Friend>> cements the above lessons | Level Expectation: 8 [3700/4000]
  6. <<The Traveler>> is intended to be the first encounter with environmental effects | Level Expectation: 10 [4500/5000]
  7. <<The Gemini>> teaches mechanical scaling and difficult boss encounters | Level Expectation: 13 [6300/7400]
  8. <<Scents of the Wild>> reinforces difficult boss encounters and is a crash course in 'Raid-Like' abilities/mechanics | Level Expectation: 25 [27160/27500]

Of course any part of this tutorial chain is optional, but it is what we've seen reflected on site quite often. With Scents being able to get a player to roughly around 25, this should allow enough wiggle room for longer page counts and gear grinding to bridge the remaining 50k or so EXP missing to become 'Raid Ready'. Here was the different breakpoints we used as a medium to adjust Scent's quest scaling for each part. This assumes a T2/T3 player would not attempt to obtain any unique enhancements/demonic equipment prior to T4:

1. Kumatetsu: Level: 13 [6800/7400] | Tier 2 | SP: 7/65 | HP: 260 | Skills: Weapon Skill R5, Ferocity, Precision, Stamina, Light Armor R3, Meticulous | Equipment: T2 Perfect Weapon (Damage 3), T2 Perfect Armor (Evasion 2, Mitigation 1), Tierless Perfect Trinket (Accuracy 3)

  • Player Stats |  HP: 260 | DMG: 1 + 7 [Skill] + 2 [Ferocity] + 1 [Meticulous] + 6 [Enhancement] + 5 [Consumable] = 22 | MIT: 18 + 12 (6x1x2) - 10 [Protein] = 20 | EVA: 2 [Enhancement] + 2 [Consumable] = 4 | ACC: 1 [Skill] + 3 [Enhancement] + 2 [Consumable] = 6
  • 1000 + (150*20 = 3000 / 10 = [300 x 2] = 600 x .7 = 420 ) = 1420 EXP gained 

2. The Leech Lich: Level: 14 [8220/8600] | Tier 2 | SP: 4/70 | HP: 280 | Skills: Weapon Skill R5, Ferocity, Precision, Stamina, Light Armor R4, Meticulous | Equipment: T2 Perfect Weapon (Damage 3), T2 Perfect Armor (Evasion 2, Mitigation 1), Tierless Perfect Trinket (Accuracy 3)

  • Player Stats | HP: 280 | DMG: 1 + 7 [Skill] + 2 [Ferocity] + 1 [Meticulous] + 6 [Enhancement] + 5 [Consumable] = 22 | MIT: 24 + 12 (6x1x2) - 10 [Protein] = 26 | EVA: 2 [Enhancement] + 2 [Consumable] = 4 | ACC: 1 [Skill] + 3 [Enhancement] + 2 [Consumable] = 6
  • 1000 + (150*20 = 3000 / 10 = [300 x 2] = 600 x .7 = 420 ) = 1420 EXP gained 

3. Mōretsuna: Level: 15 [9640/9800] | Tier 2 | SP: 1/75 | HP: 300 | Skills: Weapon Skill R5, Ferocity, Precision, Stamina, Light Armor R5, Meticulous | Equipment: T2 Perfect Weapon (Damage 3), T2 Perfect Armor (Evasion 2, Mitigation 1), Tierless Perfect Trinket (Accuracy 3)

  • Player Stats | HP: 300 | DMG: 1 + 7 [Skill] + 2 [Ferocity] + 1 [Meticulous] + 6 [Enhancement] + 5 [Consumable] = 22 | MIT: 30 + 12 (6x1x2) - 10 [Protein] = 32 | EVA: 2 [Enhancement] + 2 [Consumable] = 4 | ACC: 1 [Skill] + 3 [Enhancement] + 2 [Consumable] = 6
  • 2000 + (150*20 = 3000 / 10 = [300 x 2] = 600 x .7 = 420 ) = 2420 EXP gained 

4. Colossus: Level: 16 [12060/12200] | Tier 2 | SP: 6/80 | HP: 320 + (10x2) [Skill] | Skills: Weapon Skill R5, Ferocity, Precision, Stamina, Light Armor R5, Meticulous, Resolve | Equipment: T2 Perfect Weapon (Damage 3), T2 Perfect Armor (Evasion 2, Mitigation 1), Tierless Perfect Trinket (Loot Dice 3)

  • Player Stats | HP: 340 | DMG: 1 + 7 [Skill] + 2 [Ferocity] + 1 [Meticulous] + 6 [Enhancement] + 5 [Consumable] = 22 | MIT: 30 + 12 (6x1x2) - 10 [Protein] = 32 | EVA: 2 [Enhancement] + 2 [Consumable] = 4 | ACC: 2 [Skill] + 2 [Consumable] = 4 | LD: 3 [Enhancement] + 3 [Consumable] = 6
  • 2500 + (150*20 = 3000 / 10 = [300 x 2] = 600 x .7 = 420 ) = 2920 EXP gained 

5. Suterusu: Level: 19 [14980/15800] | Tier 2 | SP: 11/95 | HP: 380 + (10x2) [Skill] | Skills: Weapon Skill R5, Ferocity, Precision, Stamina, Light Armor R5, Meticulous, Resolve, Combat Shift (AoE) | Equipment: T2 Perfect Weapon (Damage 3), T2 Perfect Armor (Evasion 2, Mitigation 1), Tierless Perfect Trinket (Accuracy 3)

  • Player Stats | HP: 400 | DMG: 1 + 7 [Skill] + 2 [Ferocity] + 1 [Meticulous] + 6 [Enhancement] + 5 [Consumable] = 22 | MIT: 30 + 12 (6x1x2) - 10 [Protein] = 32 | EVA: 2 [Enhancement] + 2 [Consumable] = 4 | ACC: 2 [Skill] + 3 [Enhancement] + 2 [Consumable] = 7
  • 2500 + (150*20 = 3000 / 10 = [300 x 2] = 600 x .7 = 420 ) = 2920 EXP gained 

6. Taneuma: Level: 21 [17900/19100] | Tier 3 | SP: 8/105 | HP: 420 + (10x3) [Skill] | Skills: Weapon Skill R5, Ferocity, Precision, Stamina, Light Armor R5, Meticulous, Resolve, Combat Shift (AoE), Combat Mastery: DMG R3 | Equipment: T3 Perfect Weapon (Bleed 1, Accuracy 2), T3 Perfect Armor (Mitigation 1, Recovery 2), Tierless Perfect Trinket (Accuracy 1, Evasion 2)

  • Player Stats | HP: 450 | DMG: 1 + 7 [Skill] + 2 [Ferocity] + 1 [Meticulous] + 9 [Enhancement] + 5 [Consumable] = 25 | MIT: 30 + 18 (6x1x3) - 10 [Protein] = 38 | EVA: 2 [Enhancement] + 2 [Consumable] = 4 | ACC: 2 [Skill] + 3 [Enhancement] + 2 [Consumable] = 7 | Bleed: 36/2 (12x3) | Recovery: 6 (2x3)
  • 3000 + (150*20 = 3000 / 10 = [300 x 3] = 900 x .7 = 630 ) = 3630 EXP gained 

7. Mother Nature: Level: 23 [21530/23300] | Tier 3 | SP: 8/115 | HP: 460 + (10x3) [Skill] | Skills: Weapon Skill R5, Ferocity, Precision, Stamina, Light Armor R5, Meticulous, Resolve, Combat Shift (AoE), Combat Mastery: DMG R3, Charge | Equipment: T3 Perfect Weapon (Bleed 1, Accuracy 2), T3 Perfect Armor (Mitigation 1, Recovery 2), Tierless Perfect Trinket (Accuracy 1, Evasion 2)

  • Player Stats | HP: 490 | DMG: 1 + 7 [Skill] + 2 [Ferocity] + 1 [Meticulous] + 9 [Enhancement] + 5 [Consumable] + {3/Charge} = 25{28} | MIT: 30 + 18 (6x1x3) - 10 [Protein] = 38 | EVA: 2 [Enhancement] + 2 [Consumable] = 4 | ACC: 2 [Skill] + 3 [Enhancement] + 2 [Consumable] = 7 | Bleed: 36/2 (12x3) | Recovery: 6 (2x3)
  • 5000 + (150*20 = 3000 / 10 = [300 x 3] = 900 x .7 = 630 ) = 5630 EXP gained 

As a result of the above calculations, the following adjustments will be made to each of the effected bosses:

Kumatetsu | HP: 1200/1200 | DMG: 155 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 1 | EVA: 2

  • Dodge and Parry | On a player's natural attack roll of 10, the attack will miss <<Kumatetsu>>. Instead <<Kumatetsu>> will gain a +2 Accuracy for his next attack. This buff will expire after the attack has been resolved.
  • Beast Form | When <<Kumatetsu>> is reduced to 600 (or lower) health, he will transform and turn into a bulked-up creature, increasing his damage to 170, but also reducing his ACC by 1 and MIT to 25. 

The Leech Lich | HP: 1300/1300 | DMG: 100 | MIT: 55 | ACC: 2

  • Leech | Four <<Stygian Warriors>> spawn with the boss when it is engaged in combat. <<The Leech Lich>> will consume up to two creatures per turn as a Free Action and will do so whenever it can. If it consumes the creature, it gains +25 Mitigation, +50 Base Health, +25 Damage for the rest of the battle, and restores +100 HP after the other effects have taken place. If it lands a hit on the player, <<The Leech Lich>> will heal a third of the final damage it dealt to the player (rounded up). At the start of every other turn (starting on the second turn), two more <<Stygian Warriors>> will spawn, but there will always be a maximum of four <<Stygian Warriors>> at any given time.
  • Protected | <<The Leech Lich>> cannot be attacked until the all active <<Stygian Warriors>> are defeated or devoured by <<The Leech Lich>>. After the original 4 die, <<The Leech Lich>> is no longer protected.
  • Undead | Fallen damage has no effect on <<The Leech Lich>>, but Holy damage deals +25 final damage when the enhancement procs.

Mōretsuna | HP: 1350/1350 | DMG: 165 | MIT: 60 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 1

  • Drown | On a CD of 10+, <<Mōretsuna>> will attempt to drag down the player instead of attacking. The player, on their next turn, will need to make a separate LD roll (as a free action) of 10+ to resist being dragged down. If the player fails, they lose their current turn and are dunked deep into the water, where they take 150 unmitigatable damage. The damage repeats at the start of the player's turn until they spend a post action to return to the boat.
  • Splash | On an attack roll of a natural 9-10, along with its basic attack, <<Mōretsuna>> will splash water onto the player, bringing them to their knees and stunning them their next turn.
  • Struggle | On an attack roll of natural 1, <<Mōretsuna>> will flail and automatically hit each player for 50 unmitigable damage, but also deals 50 unmitigated damage to itself.

Colossus | HP: 1400/1400 | MIT: 75 | EVA: -2

  • Weak Points | Weak points can be found on both hands, chest, and head. These can only be attacked up to three times each before the weak point is gone, and you have to move onto the next one. If you miss attacking it, it will not count as using one of the three chances. [Note: To climb to a weak point, you must spend 2 Posts climbing to it, and this goes for every weak point.]
  • Oblivious | Since the boss is so large and you have to hold on and climb, players have no way to get space to <<Charge>> for extra damage.  Hiding, the Surprise Attack mods and the Tracking mod similarly have no effect on the creature.
  • Shake | This boss does not attack directly. Instead, every three rotations after the boss is found, <<Colossus>> will try to "shake" the player(s) off of its body. Players have to grip onto the creature, rolling an LD as a Post Action to see how strong their grip is on the creature. The next post, <<Colossus>> will roll his own LD. If his LD is greater than the player, the player is thrown off, dealing 100 Unmitigatable damage to the player. They will then have to restart their climb to the next Weak Point. [Note: LD equipment and consumables can come into effect when rolling, The only +LD skills that apply are Nimble and Unhindered]

Suterusu | HP: 1300/1300 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 55 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 3

  • That's Cute, Human | Debuff effects last half their normal duration.
  • Stealth | Every three rounds, <<Suterusu>> will enter stealth as a free action following its attack. Using its LD, with +3 stealth rating. If the players are unable to keep track of <<Suterusu>>, it will leap from stealth on the following turn and attack, gaining a +25 damage for the attack. Also, if a 9-10 is rolled, it gains a Partial Phase, bypassing 25% Mitigation.
  • Cunning Dodge | On a player's natural attack roll of 9, it is not guaranteed as a hit, and is still affected by Evasion and Accuracy.  If the attack included the Focus attribute, this effect ignores critical rolls on a natural 8 instead.
  • Unsteady Ground | This fight takes place on treacherous terrain with many large stones, broken statues and fallen trees scattered, giving a -1 Accuracy to every player due to the area where they are fighting. Survival Negates this effect.

Taneuma | HP: 1500/1500 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 50 | ACC: 2 | EVA: 2

  • Grounded | <<Taneuma>> will not lose a post action when inflicted with Paralyze/Stunned/Paralytic Envenom. Instead <<Taneuma>> loses -1 ACC during its next attack. This effect does not stack
  • Static Aura | When a player rolls a natural attack roll of 9-10, <<Taneuma>> will send out an electric shock, causing Paralysis to the player after their attack has landed.
  • Conductive | If <<Taneuma>> rolls a natural attack roll of 9-10 and rolls a 6+ on the CD, it will knock the player with the highest hate into water, then cause a electric shock that deals 100 Unmitigated damage.

Now a Party Limit of 2 to match the rest of the chain!
Mother Nature | HP: 1550/1550 | DMG: 125 | MIT: 100 | ACC: 3 | EVA: 3

  • Nature’s Strangle | Throughout the fight, players will have to deal with vine and roots attempting to pin them down. Whenever the player rolls below CD 3 on their attack they are rooted in place after their attack, Their next Post Action must be sacrificed to break free.
  • Nature’s Resilience | Mother Nature is resistant to all debuffs and disabling effects, including stun. Status effect durations are halved (rounded down to a minimum of 0 turns). Damage from damage-over-time ailments are also halved, as well as lasting half as long (round down). The Burn enhancement, however, deals double damage and lasts twice the normal duration.
  • Rage Rooted | When Mother Nature is inflicted with Burn, she will gain phase.
  • Blighted Poison | On MD 9-10, Mother Nature will inflict the players with a mixture of poison and decay. Players will suffer from T2 Blight for two turns.

Shift (Refund) Rework:

This one is rather small but in our opinion equally massive. It has come to our attention despite original intention that shifts were being refunded, which this wasn't the original attention. So we've decided to make this official with the following RAW:

  1. Shifts are now bound to the weapon type they are taken on, much in the vein of Ferocity/Focus. Any given weapon skill can only own one Shift, just like the mods outlined prior.
  2. Players can refund shifts if they refund the ENTIRE skill they are attached to. Meaning if you want to remove TECH Shift from Straight Sword, the entirety of R5 Straight Sword must be reset including Mods/Addons
  3. As a result of the above, Shifts can now be obtained multiple times to add further value to owning an entire second weapon skill. It will now be possible to have AOE Shift on Katana and TECH shift on MA.
  4. CSA are bound to a specific shift on creation, so that shift must be active to use one.
  5. In addition this makes Quick Change just a little better

Tierless Clarification:

Only consumables could be tierless, despite some permanent gear also falling under the 'does not scale' clause. It seemed like semantics and unequal footing for crafters. An cook could make 30 evasion 2 foods that anyone could use, but a tailor could not do the same with evasion 2 light armor. As a result of this we've decided to move forward with the change to RAW:

Original |
Consumable items that do not scale with item tier are considered tierless and can be used by players of all tiers. 

New | 
Consumable and Equipment items that do not scale with item tier may be considered tierless and can be used by players of all tiers. Note that both items may only be indicated as tierless upon item evaluation, and will be valued as Tier 1 items upon a junksale.

With the above adjustment, not only do we have rules in place to make permanent crafting easier and more worthwhile, but in addition we now have a way for these items to be scrapped officially. 

Housing Restriction Clarification:

There was an unintended 'loophole' where a player could theoretically own multiple houses, a minor errata to confirm that this was never intended and is no longer possible.

Home Purchasing Rules:

  • Player homes cannot be purchased on Floors 1-10 (restrictions vary with donation rewards).
  • Player applying to purchase a home must be at least level 10 (these restrictions do not apply to donation rewards).
  • Each Player may only own one home at a time. To purchase another, they must either liquidate their previous home for col or use it as equity to fund the new property.


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