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Patch Notes

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Hotfix Update!



<<The following mechanics have been changed!>>


<<Nature's Treasures>>

LD rolls of 11-14 give 1 material.  LD rolls of 15+ give 2 materials.  Gatherer skill is added to this roll as well.
Monsters and bosses never spawn.  Fishing receives no bonus materials.  CD 12s require a LD of 15+ (modifiers allowed) to fish up a treasure chest.  If 1-14, players receive 4 materials.
Treasure Chests: 
LD of 1-3 does not result in a mimic, but drops (Floor * 25) col and one material.
Looting Mobs: 
Loot required mobs always drop (HP * 4) col and 1 material as default drops.

Nature's Treasures has been reopened!

<<AoE Energy Costs>>

From now on, AoE energy costs are no longer double the damage multiplier.  Instead they are calculated as cost equal to the multiplier +2 for each target successfully hit.

Updated in resource tutorial section

<<House:  Kitchen Effects>>

Kitchen effects in households has been changed to: Increase the effectiveness of a single food item consumed in a thread by +1 T1 slot. This can exceed normal Cook enhancement caps. Ex: A perfect T2 MIT food gives 35 MIT instead of 30

Updated in resource tutorial section

<<Boss Raids>>

New Rule Added:  Players can only enter/start a boss raid thread if there is a minimum of 12 players (3 groups of 4)


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