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[2021] Halloween Celebration!



Hey fellow players! From now until the 30th of November, the site will be under effects of the Halloween Event that may be found [here]!

Here's a quick rundown of what bonuses you players stand to gain from:

Golden Gingko Scatter
All threads closed within the event period will gain the following benefits:

  • +15% EXP
  • +30% col
  • +50% materials

Furthermore, for each loot-minimum monster slain that has a loot roll of natural CD9+, rewards gained from that loot roll is doubled.

Oni's Skeleton Hunt
For every thread made and closed during this event, stand a chance to encounter that guy and try to land tags against him! Fair warning, for he's hard to hit; tags made against him would earn players bonuses for themselves and their parties! Furthermore, each player will gain additional rewards from Oni for every successful tag they land against that guy. Visit the thread to find out more!

Kuni's Collection
Writers rejoice! For every thread closed during this event period, players will gain some pumpkin seeds to exchange for a variety of wares Kuni has to offer. Rainbow Scales, Demonic Shards, Bottled Vigor and even the elusive  DELTA RUNE  is available for trade! Visit the event thread for more details.

A Growing Buttercup
Here's a bit of reflection in time for thanksgiving; writers may see EXP bonuses in the event thread itself by answering prompts with regards to events that their characters have been through during their time in Aincrad. While these prompts have a word minimum and do not count towards the post minimum requirement of 150 words, prompts are also considered towards EXP calculations during thread closure, so feel free to expand upon your character's reminiscence to your heart's desire! More information in the event thread above.

* that guy
* he's just that guy man.

From all of us at staff, thank you for playing SAO-RPG!

Have a happy Halloween (and subsequent Thanksgiving)!


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