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Support (Leadership) / NT QoL Update (




Given the state that support archetypes are currently in (we know, staff as a whole is trying to find a good way to approach the problem) we've discovered that most supports have little to use their post actions on. We'd like to address that by looking to one of their only non-heal based post actions (action economy is everything, and we want players to spend it in a meaningful way.)

Likewise, we'd also like to address the difficulty of obtaining equipment. As it sits we feel as though our current avenues for gearing and preparing a 'frontline ready' character is a little too pigeon holed, gatekept and otherwise a chore. A small removal of recurrence on NT should help alleviate the crawl and allow for more explosive growth. Something for your time and effort.

Leadership Breakdown:
These are all the respective changes to Leadership that are current as of this patch:

[Rank 1 Leadership Art] Elusive
Active: Post Action
Energy cost: 4 EN
Cooldown: 2 Turns.
Effect: Increase the Evasion of all players in your party by 1 for a single turn, while decreasing your own by 1.
Description: The user raises their weapon/fist into the air, with each player in the party glowing a soft blue glow for a few seconds.
[Rank 2 Leadership Art] Rally
Active: Post Action
Energy cost: 6 EN
Cooldown: 2 Turns.
Effect: Increase the Accuracy of all players in your party by 1 for a single turn, while decreasing your own by 1 for your next attack.
Description: The user raises their weapon/fist into the air, with each player in the party glowing a soft violet glow for a few seconds.
[Rank 3 Leadership Art] Steadfast
Active: Post Action
Energy cost: 8 EN
Cooldown: 3 Turns
Effect:  Status Effects that would be applied to the party for the next two turns would instead be applied to the user instead (normal rules for how status effects refresh instead of stacking apply).
Description: The user raises their weapon/fist into the air, with each player in the party glowing a soft silver glow for a few seconds.
[Rank 4 Leadership Art] Inspiring Speech
Active: Post Action
Energy cost: 8 EN
Cooldown: 3 Turns
Effect: Decreases all currently active sword art cooldowns of all other party members by one. The user cannot regain any energy until the start of their next turn.
Description: The user raises their weapon/fist into the air, with each player in the party glowing a soft red glow for a few seconds.
[Rank 5 Leadership Art] Press the Attack
Active: Post Action
Energy cost: 10 EN
Cooldown: 3 Turns
Effect: Increase the Damage of all other party members by +(Target's Tier) base damage for a single turn. The user’s base damage for their next attack is decreased by the total increased base damage for their next attack.
Description: The user raises their weapon/fist into the air, with each player in the party glowing a soft iridescent glow for a few seconds.

NT Breakdown:
As of this patch, repeating Nature's Treasure no longer requires the spawning of mobs with defined/set stat blocks or mechanics. However, the quest must still be completed the first time correctly to be eligible to use loot minimum mobs during a Nature's Treasure.


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