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Armor Skill Rework (




Hello Incarcerated Citizen's of Aincrad,

Time to address one of the elephants in the room: Armor Skills. There has been noticed a small amount of confusion but a drastic amount of inconsistency across the board in regards to these passives. It has lead to a 'meta' in the shape of light armor and it discourages variety. This patch aims to rectify this.

Original Skills:

Originally our Armor skills looked like this:


► Cloth Armor
5 Ranks
Effect: Gain Mitigation based on your rank in Cloth armor. You can only benefit from one armor skill at a time (the respective armor type must be equipped). Your mitigation is capped at 1 equipment slots.

Rank 1: 5 MIT
Rank 2: 8 MIT
Rank 3: 12 MIT
Rank 4: 15 MIT
Rank 5: 20 MIT
Description: You have become proficient in cloth armor, which protects you a little but grants you agility and mobility.


► Light Armor
5 Ranks
Effect: Gain Mitigation based on your rank in Light Armor. You can only benefit from one armor skill at a time (the respective armor type must be equipped). Your mitigation is capped at 2 enhancement slots.

Rank 1: 5 MIT
Rank 2: 8 MIT (-1 to Stealth Rating)
Rank 3: 15 MIT
Rank 4: 20 MIT (-1 to Stealth Rating for -2 total)
Rank 5: 30 MIT
Description: You have become proficient in Light Armor with leather or scale armor and few metal plates, allowing you protection as well as some maneuverability.


► Heavy Armor
5 Ranks
Effect: Gain Mitigation based on your rank in Heavy armor. You can only benefit from one armor skill at a time (the respective armor type must be equipped). Your evasion is capped at 1 enhancement slot and you take -1 to Stealth Rating per rank.

Rank 1: 8 MIT
Rank 2: 12 MIT
Rank 3: 18 MIT
Rank 4: 25 MIT
Rank 5: 35 MIT

Change Reasoning:

Now first lets look at the worst offender in overtuning, Light Armor by comparing the other two skills:
Cloth Armor | Can Benefit from 3 Evasion (Via Enhancements) and 1 Mitigation (Via Enhancements). This tunes its Defensive Enhancement Limit to 4
Light Armor | Can Benefit from 3 Evasion (Via Enhancements) and 2 Mitigation (Via Enhancements). This tunes its Defensive Enhancement Limit to 5
Heavy Armor | Can Benefit from 1 Evasion (Via Enhancements) and 3 Mitigation (Via Enhancements). This tunes its Defensive Enhancement Limit to 4

One of these numbers is not like the others. A simple solution is to bring Light Armor in line with the other two, but to define it differently. Given 3/1 and 1/3 on Cloth and Heavy respectively, it only makes sense that Light Armor become a 2/2 so the scale looks like this:

Cloth | 3/1
Light | 2/2
Heavy | 1/3

1,2,3 and 3,2,1 Nice even and balanced.

Then we look to ranks, which are inconsistent across the ranks. Using Cloth Armor as an Example:

Rank 1: 5 MIT +5
Rank 2: 8 MIT +3?
Rank 3: 12 MIT +4?
Rank 4: 15 MIT +3?
Rank 5: 20 MIT +5 again?

This inconsistency can lead to confusion as to what each rank provides. As a result each will be retuned to follow the following formula:

Cloth Armor | +4 Mitigation per Rank
Light Armor | +6 Mitigation per Rank
Heavy Armor | +8 Mitigation per Rank

But hold on, wouldn't that add up to 40 from Heavy?
Answer is yes, it sure would. This is because the difference between Cloth & Light both at rank 5 was +10 Mitigation, yet for some strange reason the difference between Light & Heavy was only +5 Mitigation. Strange and inconsistent. So we will be rectifying that as well.

Final Changes:
► Cloth Armor
5 Ranks
Effect: Gain Mitigation based on your rank in Cloth armor. You can only benefit from one armor skill at a time (the respective armor type must be equipped). Your mitigation is capped at 1 equipment slots.

Rank 1: 4 MIT
Rank 2: 8 MIT
Rank 3: 12 MIT
Rank 4: 16 MIT
Rank 5: 20 MIT

► Light Armor
5 Ranks
Effect: Gain Mitigation based on your rank in Light Armor. You can only benefit from one armor skill at a time (the respective armor type must be equipped). Your mitigation is capped at 2 enhancement slots and Your Evasion is capped at 2 enhancement slots.

Rank 1: 6 MIT
Rank 2: 12 MIT (-1 to Stealth Rating)
Rank 3: 18 MIT
Rank 4: 24 MIT (-1 to Stealth Rating for -2 total)
Rank 5: 30 MIT
Description: You have become proficient in Light Armor with leather or scale armor and few metal plates, allowing you protection as well as some maneuverability.

► Heavy Armor
5 Ranks
Effect: Gain Mitigation based on your rank in Heavy armor. You can only benefit from one armor skill at a time (the respective armor type must be equipped). Your evasion is capped at 1 enhancement slot and you take -1 to Stealth Rating per rank.

Rank 1: 8 MIT
Rank 2: 16 MIT
Rank 3: 24 MIT
Rank 4: 32 MIT
Rank 5: 40 MIT
Description: You have become proficient in plated armor of metal and chain, acting as a wearable shield.


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