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New Mechanic Systems Release/Reworks (



Hello All, Its that time again for some QoL improvements. This time we are releasing something new and adjusting existing mechanics to link them in consistency. First off the frying pan....

Some keywords have been made for the sake of clarity:
[True Level] = Player's Level + Player's Paragon Level (at the start of the thread)
[True Tier] = [True Level] / 10, Rounded Up

These should look familiar to you, given these are the same numbers used to calculate experience earned at the end of a thread. These values do not change regardless of what conditions a system may imply and are still used at all times for determining experience gains. If you are using a system that may alter the level you use for stats, please record these in your initial post of the thread along your stat block to help staff.

As well as a couple of changes to weapon skills (Red for Change, Green for New additions):

►<<Weapon Type>> Skill
5 Ranks
Effect: At Rank 1, gain +3 DMG. At Ranks 2-5, +1 per rank (max of +7 DMG for R5 Weapon Skill). At Rank 5, unlock the ability to specialize in a Combat Shift.

Weapon Types:
Straight Swords
Curved Swords
Thrown Weapons
Projectile Weapons

Martial Arts**


Tier Lock System Rework:

This mechanic serves a purpose, but that doesn't make it any less of a headache when used frequently in the same thread. As a result, we are making the following adjustments as both a benefit and a small nerf while also converting it into a full fledged system:

1. A Tier Lock is now declared at the beginning a thread using the [Tier Lock] tag within that participant's first post, and once declared cannot be reversed within the duration of that thread. This can be done on a per participant basis unless the intention is to hunt a field boss or using the new Assist system.
2. A Tier Lock must be imposed upon all participants to allow a field boss to spawn, and the tier lock imposed must be equal to or lower then the lowest intended field boss target or that field boss will not spawn if you do not match its tier.
3. A Tier Lock can now be used to reduce your Current Level in addition to your Tier, reducing your loot minimums to match as well as changing the items dropped by creatures to the proper tier of the newly Tier Locked Tier/Level
4. A participants Skills/Addons/Enhancements that scale with tier are adjusted according to your newly defined tier within the system. (The player's available SP for their skills are not affected.)

Now we know that it does make fighting back to back Field Bosses with varied tier a bit more difficult, but inversely it allows for a more fluid use of the mechanic to the players benefit and makes evaluating threads that contain it much easier.

The Storyteller System:

This is a bit of an interesting introduction, the short version is that this system allows a writer to take on the role of third person [Storyteller] for a thread, instead of writing as your character. This basically allows you to control the other aspects of thread making (Monster Spawns, The weather, the time of day, etc.) as well as you control the conversations for NPC's present within the quest/thread, and can make up your own as you write. Pretty neat right?

Below is the method to start using the system:
1. You create a thread and label the title with any of these tags ([ST] or [Storyteller])
2. On your first post you write out some version of '<<Storyteller System in effect, Acting as Storyteller>>' to let PST know who is using the system. and begin writing the scene.
3. Include your [True Level] and your [True Tier], but you do not need to include your stat lock as a result.

Simple enough, but now lets get down to brass tacks and the more minute rules regarding using the system.

Rules on this system actually works at a deeper level:
1. The Storyteller must start the thread, even if they are not the party leader. This is for the sake of clarity and so the Storyteller can set the scene.
2. There can only be 1 active storyteller in a thread at a given time, and this is determined on the first post. Likewise, the topic must include the [Storyteller] Tag to alert PST to the fact the system is being used.
3. This system cannot be used to write for yourself, as a way to generate extra experience for your other characters (I.E. Alts) and doing so will be considered abuse, subject to normal penalties.
4. The Storyteller's character is not actually 'present' in the thread and cannot hold a conversation or participate mechanically in any way. This extends to being not considered as part of the player count maximum for determining quest restrictions and they are not an applicable target in combat
5. The storyteller does not require a stat block, but within their first post their current tier/level must be stated for determining experience rewards on thread closure.
6. You will not receive any quest completion rewards, rewards/drops from field bosses, loot drops from hostile mobs or col from thread closure. You will only receive experience based on the word count of the thread.
7. This system can be used even on normally solo only quests (Gemini, Challenge of Olympus, etc.) as a way to allow for a more diverse narrative and easier option.
8. The Storyteller controls the NPC/Hostile Mobs/Quest Targets/Environment/and General Flow of the thread. This includes material spawns, chest spawns, dungeon spawns, locale information, time of day etc.
9. Material/Chest/Dungeon spawned by the Storyteller must still follow normal mechanics. (I.E. the Storyteller spawns a herb patch, then players must still roll successful gathering attempts to yield anything)
10. Spawned Mobs must be agreed upon by all participants. In the event of a disagreement, it is a Storyteller's responsibility to curate the stat blocks in a way that is favorable to the party.
11. This cannot be abused, and if staff determine that the system was abused (Player Griefing, Mechanic Exploitation) then the acting 'Storyteller' will be barred from utilizing the system in its entirety until an appeal has been made. If a character is lost in a way that is determined by staff to be predatory, then it is likely that the thread will be considered 'non-canon' and the character in question may be 'revived'

Next up is going to be the sister system known as....

The Assist System:

This system allows you to level match to a lower level player, provided that there is a level difference of 5 or more between you. When doing so, both you and the other player will enjoy an experience bonus. This system was designed to allow more players to play together on equal footing without one feeling as though they are being carried.

That's the general description, now lets get in the deeper end:

First lets name the two types of participants in the system for clarity

[Assisted] = The lowest level player within the thread that is being level/tier/paragon matched to.
[Assisting]  = A player who is choosing to match their level/tier/paragon to the [Assisted] player.

With the above descriptions in mind, rules and examples below:

1. The [Assisting] player(s) are considered "Tier Locked" to [Assisted] player's tier and their level reduced to [Assisted] player's level.
2. All participants in the system enjoy a +5% experience reward bonus for each [Assisting] player.
3. When this system is activated, all other eligible participants must join as an [Assisting] Player to continue in the thread. This is to prevent an exploit. Two higher level players join a low level player, and only one becomes an [Assisting] thereby gaining the experience bonus. The other remains at high level and goes ham).

Kirito | Level 33, Paragon 58, Tier 4, True Tier 10
Lisbeth | Level 7, Paragon 0, Tier 1, True Tier 1
Asuna | Level 33, Paragon 42, Tier 4, True Tier 8

Kirito chooses to use the Assist System, becoming the [Assisting] player and designating Lisbeth as the [Assisted]. The new stat blocks look like this.

Kirito | Level 7, Paragon 0, Tier 4, True Tier 10 [Assisting]
Lisbeth | Level 7, Paragon 0, Tier 1, True Tier 1 [Assisted]
Asuna | Level 33, Paragon 42, Tier 4, True Tier 8
Experience Bonus: +5%

Asuna must join in given that the system has been activated as an [Assisting], matching her stats to Lisbeth as well. This adds an additional +5% experience gain bonus (for each [Assisting] player). So finalizing it looks like this:

Kirito | Level 7, Paragon 0, Tier 4, True Tier 10 [Assisting]
Lisbeth | Level 7, Paragon 0, Tier 1, True Tier 1 [Assisted]
Asuna | Level 7, Paragon 0, Tier 4, True Tier 8 [Assisting]
Experience Bonus: +10%


And that's all folks
Truly Yours,
Trash Panda Raidou


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