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Contributors to this blog Skill Refund/Item Re-evaluation Grace Period



As a result of our recent changes within the New Mechanic Systems Release/Rework Patch, up until August 31, 2024 GMT all players will enjoy the following benefits:

1. Refunding Weapon Skills and their respective mods/addons will not incur a col cost or count toward your normal 50 SP per month limit. This is to allow players to make a swap to one of the new weapon types if they choose to. These refunds are undergone in the same skill refund evaluation process otherwise.
2. A player may re-evaluate an existing item into one of the new or altered Item Types (Rapier, Throwing Weapons, Projectile Weapons) with no additional item requirement and at no additional cost. This re-evaluation can only be done once per item, and only the following attributes will change: Item Type, Name, Description. The other attributes (ID, Tier, Enhancements) will remain unchanged when using this evaluation process. To re-evaluate an item in this way, please use your personal evaluation thread on the evaluations board in the same way you would a newly crafted item.

A small QoL period as to allow a bit more freedom of choice, a countdown to when this event will end has been created for simplicity.


Happy Trails Aincradian Rabble,
Danger Noodle Slapper, Raidou


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