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Various QoL improvements & Additional Content (



Back around for another round, we'd like to inform you all of recent patches released in one dedicated place! Without too much time lets get down to business:

Field Bosses:

Inanos, The Aether Wurm [F26 Field Boss]

T4 Danger noodle, with the atom bomb teeth
Drops: Iridescent Tooth (T4/Reusable/Consumable) | Usable as free action once per combat after you apply a stack of Envenom. This item consumes all of your stacks of Envenom on the target dealing unmitigated damage equal to the damage those stacks would have dealt over their entire remaining durations.

Shar, Prismatic Elemental [F27 Field Boss]

T4 walking DoT bomb, made out of a fountain of elements? Caution: May or may not explode.
Drops: Prismatic Orb (T4/Reusable/Consumable): As a free action once per combat, apply a single stack of a T4 status effect of your choosing from the following list to a single target: Frostbite, Envenom, Bleed, Blight, Burn

Midnight Ripper [F28 Field Boss]

T4 jack the ripper meets texas chainsaw massacre. Pretty hard to enjoy thanksgiving with this guy running around. Stay inside come midnight!
Drops: Meathook (T4/Reusable) | As a free action once per combat, apply a single stack of [Shatter] to one target of your choosing (No roll required). 

DoT Build QoL:

<<Soundtrack>> | A once per combat reusable Debuff Song, to help alleviate the resource demand of being a DoT build (looking at you incarcerate). Crafted from 10 identical debuff songs + 1 demonic shard and each one takes up a battle ready inventory slot. They are made much like the Cooking Professions Feasts! You may still need a handful of incarcerates in a longer fight, or just fill your inventory with these things and you might have enough.

Catalyst Enhancement (Performer/Debuff Song) | A masterpiece/instant required enhancement, Costs 3 slots and caps at 1. When a DoT would be refreshed, you can use this and deal all the damage of the DoT that would have happened over its remaining duration. Pretty neat, especially when you and a buddy are both rocking Burn 2

Perpetuate Rework | We found that after Incarcerate and Perpetuate were changed, they no longer needed to be exclusive. But we realized that DoT really was under performing due to incarcerations changes, so we made them just a little better. Perpetuate will now refresh damaging DoT effects in addition to disables, returning it to its roots in a somewhat manageable way.


A new 'armor' skill for those that love to run around butt naked. For real though, we found that there were some players especially lower level players who avoided taking armor skills because they either couldn't afford to or it isn't practical at this time. This skill bars the purchase and activation of Armor Skills/Mods/Addons but in exchange allows you to access some of the mods normal utility benefits by wearing at least 1 accessory. Which most do, right?


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