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[Clash Of Blades Season 1] Week 5: Jomei vs Katoka
Jomei replied to Kindling's topic in Player Vs Player
::PH:: //Main Action -> Recovery | +13 BH, +9 HB, +1 EN ST-II | ID 243435 | BD8(+4)(-1) Hit | Fallen Procs. (-11 EN) 11x14= 154(-30) = 124 DMG //Swift Action Basilisk Fang | T2.ENV(O)// 16dmg/4turns (-2 EN) Katoka | HP: 154/400 | EN: 10/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 | ENV-O 16 (0/4) Jomei | HP: 125/400 | EN: 4/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:13 | HB: 9 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | CHG (3/3) -
KAIRI | Approved. Total EXP: 41200 Total SP: 160 Current Level: 32 Paragon Level: 0
[Clash Of Blades Season 1] Week 4: Kiyabu Hisao vs Vigilon
Vigilon replied to Kindling's topic in Player Vs Player
Vigilon had awakened to one of the worst possible scenarios yet. Kiyabu was no longer stunned and he was now ready to strike. Vigilon prepared to ready himself, but he'd notice that he did not have Kyrkuran in his grasp, leaving him helpless to his opponent's attack, which left him stunned, thus helpless still. Unable to move he fell to the ground, and could only watch as Kiyabu managed to avoid the appendages reaching for the players, while Vigilon was powerless to avoid them. Some neared him, others grappled at his damaged leg. "Get off me...GET OFF ME!!" Vigilon panicked as he failed to eve -
[Clash Of Blades Season 1] Week 5: Jomei vs Katoka
Katoka replied to Kindling's topic in Player Vs Player
PH ---- Katoka regains +1 EN CD 8 (Rec Proc ID#: 243232) +2 EN Katoka regains +13 HP via BH Main Action: [x11] ST-II : -11 EN Swift Action: None ID#: 243233 | BD: 9 CRIT! | [Holy Proc] 15*11=165-41 MIT = 124 DMG vs Jomei! Katoka | HP: 278/400 (269+13-4) | EN: 10/43 (18+3-11) | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 Jomei | HP: 97/400 | EN: 17/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 41 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:12 | HB: 8 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | SHELL (3/3) | CHG (2/3) - Today
[Clash Of Blades Season 1] Week 5: Jomei vs Katoka
Jomei replied to Kindling's topic in Player Vs Player
::PH:: //Main Action -> Recovery | +13 BH, +9 HB, +1 EN ST-1 | ID 241231 | BD 6(+4)(-1) Hit | Fallen Procs.(-8 EN) 8x10(+4)=112(-30) = 82 DMG //Swift Action --- (//Note: Fixing a discrepancy in Jomei's EN. Should be +1) Katoka | HP: 269/400 | EN: 18/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 Jomei | HP: 227/400 | EN: 17/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 41 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:13 | HB: 9 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | SHELL (3/3) | CHG (2/3) -
[Clash Of Blades] Season 1 - Week 6 Matchups and Weekly Shop
Katoka replied to Minako's topic in Player Vs Player
[Clash Of Blades Season 1] Week 5: Jomei vs Katoka
Katoka replied to Kindling's topic in Player Vs Player
PH ---- Katoka regains +1 EN Katoka regains +13 HP via BH Main Action: [x8] ST-I : -8 EN Swift Action: None ID#: 243230 | BD: 9 CRIT! | [Holy Proc] 15*8= 120-41 MIT = 79-19 via Counter = 60 DMG vs Jomei! Katoka | HP: 351/440 (342+13-4) | EN: 18/43 (25+1-8) | DMG: 10 | MIT:30 | ACC:3 | EVA:1 | BH:13 | REC: 2 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 4 Jomei | HP: 201/400 (261-60) | EN: 23/43 | DMG: 10 | MIT:26 41 | ACC:3 | AA | F-SPIRIT | EVA:2 | FL.AURA: 4 | BH:12 | HB: 8 | FLN: 4 | HLY: 2 | SHELL (2/3) | CHG (1/3) -
Rezed85 joined the community
York学位证书办理约克大学毕业证Q微707091118加拿大毕业证成绩单修改GPA分数,留学未毕业办理学历文凭认证,留服认证York University美国,加拿大,澳洲,英国毕业证成绩单QQ微信707091118留服认证办理,留信认证制作国外留学毕业证成绩单购买国外留学学位证办理真实可查留学归国证明,办真实存档留信网认证大使馆认证学历认证和教育部认证,以下国家都可办理:办理英国留学归国证明,美国留学归国证明,加拿大留学归国证明,澳洲留学归国证明,新西兰留学归国证明,新加坡留学归国证明,德国留学归国证明,法国留学归国证明,荷兰留学归国证明,意大利留学归国证明,奥地利留学归国证明 一、办理毕业证成绩单(学校原版1:1真制作) 二、使馆认证(留学回国人员证明,大使馆存档可查,查到后付款) 三、教育部学历认证(中国教育部留服中心存档可查,查到后付款) 四、可提供钢印,激凸,烫金,烫银,激光标,水印等防伪工艺 五、诚招各地区中介代理,合作共赢!如果您有兴趣,欢迎您的加入 ———————————————————————————- 如果您是以下情况: 2、挂科多门,拿不到学位证书; 3、论文没过,只有个diploma; 4、留学院校不被教育部认可; 5、留学时间不足; 6、第二国拿第三国文凭; 7、认证材料有缺失; 8、急需国外学历认
CC学位证书办理高贵林学院毕业证Q微707091118加拿大毕业证成绩单修改GPA分数,留学未毕业办理学历文凭认证,留服认证CoQuitlam College美国,加拿大,澳洲,英国毕业证成绩单QQ微信707091118留服认证办理,留信认证制作国外留学毕业证成绩单购买国外留学学位证办理真实可查留学归国证明,办真实存档留信网认证大使馆认证学历认证和教育部认证,以下国家都可办理:办理英国留学归国证明,美国留学归国证明,加拿大留学归国证明,澳洲留学归国证明,新西兰留学归国证明,新加坡留学归国证明,德国留学归国证明,法国留学归国证明,荷兰留学归国证明,意大利留学归国证明,奥地利留学归国证明 一、办理毕业证成绩单(学校原版1:1真制作) 二、使馆认证(留学回国人员证明,大使馆存档可查,查到后付款) 三、教育部学历认证(中国教育部留服中心存档可查,查到后付款) 四、可提供钢印,激凸,烫金,烫银,激光标,水印等防伪工艺 五、诚招各地区中介代理,合作共赢!如果您有兴趣,欢迎您的加入 ———————————————————————————- 如果您是以下情况: 2、挂科多门,拿不到学位证书; 3、论文没过,只有个diploma; 4、留学院校不被教育部认可; 5、留学时间不足; 6、第二国拿第三国文凭; 7、认证材料有缺失; 8、急需国外学历
UBC学位证书办理英属哥伦比亚大学毕业证Q微707091118加拿大毕业证成绩单修改GPA分数,留学未毕业办理学历文凭认证,留服认证University of British Columbia美国,加拿大,澳洲,英国毕业证成绩单QQ微信707091118留服认证办理,留信认证制作国外留学毕业证成绩单购买国外留学学位证办理真实可查留学归国证明,办真实存档留信网认证大使馆认证学历认证和教育部认证,以下国家都可办理:办理英国留学归国证明,美国留学归国证明,加拿大留学归国证明,澳洲留学归国证明,新西兰留学归国证明,新加坡留学归国证明,德国留学归国证明,法国留学归国证明,荷兰留学归国证明,意大利留学归国证明,奥地利留学归国证明 一、办理毕业证成绩单(学校原版1:1真制作) 二、使馆认证(留学回国人员证明,大使馆存档可查,查到后付款) 三、教育部学历认证(中国教育部留服中心存档可查,查到后付款) 四、可提供钢印,激凸,烫金,烫银,激光标,水印等防伪工艺 五、诚招各地区中介代理,合作共赢!如果您有兴趣,欢迎您的加入 ———————————————————————————- 如果您是以下情况: 2、挂科多门,拿不到学位证书; 3、论文没过,只有个diploma; 4、留学院校不被教育部认可; 5、留学时间不足; 6、第二国拿第三国文凭; 7、认证
SFU学位证书办理西蒙菲莎大学毕业证Q微707091118加拿大毕业证成绩单修改GPA分数,留学未毕业办理学历文凭认证,留服认证Simon Fraser University美国,加拿大,澳洲,英国毕业证成绩单QQ微信707091118留服认证办理,留信认证制作国外留学毕业证成绩单购买国外留学学位证办理真实可查留学归国证明,办真实存档留信网认证大使馆认证学历认证和教育部认证,以下国家都可办理:办理英国留学归国证明,美国留学归国证明,加拿大留学归国证明,澳洲留学归国证明,新西兰留学归国证明,新加坡留学归国证明,德国留学归国证明,法国留学归国证明,荷兰留学归国证明,意大利留学归国证明,奥地利留学归国证明 一、办理毕业证成绩单(学校原版1:1真制作) 二、使馆认证(留学回国人员证明,大使馆存档可查,查到后付款) 三、教育部学历认证(中国教育部留服中心存档可查,查到后付款) 四、可提供钢印,激凸,烫金,烫银,激光标,水印等防伪工艺 五、诚招各地区中介代理,合作共赢!如果您有兴趣,欢迎您的加入 ———————————————————————————- 如果您是以下情况: 2、挂科多门,拿不到学位证书; 3、论文没过,只有个diploma; 4、留学院校不被教育部认可; 5、留学时间不足; 6、第二国拿第三国文凭; 7、认证材料有缺失;
UVIC学位证书办理维多利亚大学毕业证Q微707091118加拿大毕业证成绩单修改GPA分数,留学未毕业办理学历文凭认证,留服认证University of Victoria美国,加拿大,澳洲,英国毕业证成绩单QQ微信707091118留服认证办理,留信认证制作国外留学毕业证成绩单购买国外留学学位证办理真实可查留学归国证明,办真实存档留信网认证大使馆认证学历认证和教育部认证,以下国家都可办理:办理英国留学归国证明,美国留学归国证明,加拿大留学归国证明,澳洲留学归国证明,新西兰留学归国证明,新加坡留学归国证明,德国留学归国证明,法国留学归国证明,荷兰留学归国证明,意大利留学归国证明,奥地利留学归国证明 一、办理毕业证成绩单(学校原版1:1真制作) 二、使馆认证(留学回国人员证明,大使馆存档可查,查到后付款) 三、教育部学历认证(中国教育部留服中心存档可查,查到后付款) 四、可提供钢印,激凸,烫金,烫银,激光标,水印等防伪工艺 五、诚招各地区中介代理,合作共赢!如果您有兴趣,欢迎您的加入 ———————————————————————————- 如果您是以下情况: 2、挂科多门,拿不到学位证书; 3、论文没过,只有个diploma; 4、留学院校不被教育部认可; 5、留学时间不足; 6、第二国拿第三国文凭; 7、认证材料有缺失;
SFU学位证书办理西蒙弗雷泽大学毕业证Q微707091118加拿大毕业证成绩单修改GPA分数,留学未毕业办理学历文凭认证,留服认证Simon Fraser University美国,加拿大,澳洲,英国毕业证成绩单QQ微信707091118留服认证办理,留信认证制作国外留学毕业证成绩单购买国外留学学位证办理真实可查留学归国证明,办真实存档留信网认证大使馆认证学历认证和教育部认证,以下国家都可办理:办理英国留学归国证明,美国留学归国证明,加拿大留学归国证明,澳洲留学归国证明,新西兰留学归国证明,新加坡留学归国证明,德国留学归国证明,法国留学归国证明,荷兰留学归国证明,意大利留学归国证明,奥地利留学归国证明 一、办理毕业证成绩单(学校原版1:1真制作) 二、使馆认证(留学回国人员证明,大使馆存档可查,查到后付款) 三、教育部学历认证(中国教育部留服中心存档可查,查到后付款) 四、可提供钢印,激凸,烫金,烫银,激光标,水印等防伪工艺 五、诚招各地区中介代理,合作共赢!如果您有兴趣,欢迎您的加入 ———————————————————————————- 如果您是以下情况: 2、挂科多门,拿不到学位证书; 3、论文没过,只有个diploma; 4、留学院校不被教育部认可; 5、留学时间不足; 6、第二国拿第三国文凭; 7、认证材料有缺失;
Ottawa学位证书办理渥太华大学毕业证Q微707091118加拿大毕业证成绩单修改GPA分数,留学未毕业办理学历文凭认证,留服认证UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA美国,加拿大,澳洲,英国毕业证成绩单QQ微信707091118留服认证办理,留信认证制作国外留学毕业证成绩单购买国外留学学位证办理真实可查留学归国证明,办真实存档留信网认证大使馆认证学历认证和教育部认证,以下国家都可办理:办理英国留学归国证明,美国留学归国证明,加拿大留学归国证明,澳洲留学归国证明,新西兰留学归国证明,新加坡留学归国证明,德国留学归国证明,法国留学归国证明,荷兰留学归国证明,意大利留学归国证明,奥地利留学归国证明 一、办理毕业证成绩单(学校原版1:1真制作) 二、使馆认证(留学回国人员证明,大使馆存档可查,查到后付款) 三、教育部学历认证(中国教育部留服中心存档可查,查到后付款) 四、可提供钢印,激凸,烫金,烫银,激光标,水印等防伪工艺 五、诚招各地区中介代理,合作共赢!如果您有兴趣,欢迎您的加入 ———————————————————————————- 如果您是以下情况: 2、挂科多门,拿不到学位证书; 3、论文没过,只有个diploma; 4、留学院校不被教育部认可; 5、留学时间不足; 6、第二国拿第三国文凭; 7、认证材料有缺失; 8
UT学位证书办理多伦多大学毕业证Q微707091118加拿大毕业证成绩单修改GPA分数,留学未毕业办理学历文凭认证,留服认证University of Toronto美国,加拿大,澳洲,英国毕业证成绩单QQ微信707091118留服认证办理,留信认证制作国外留学毕业证成绩单购买国外留学学位证办理真实可查留学归国证明,办真实存档留信网认证大使馆认证学历认证和教育部认证,以下国家都可办理:办理英国留学归国证明,美国留学归国证明,加拿大留学归国证明,澳洲留学归国证明,新西兰留学归国证明,新加坡留学归国证明,德国留学归国证明,法国留学归国证明,荷兰留学归国证明,意大利留学归国证明,奥地利留学归国证明 一、办理毕业证成绩单(学校原版1:1真制作) 二、使馆认证(留学回国人员证明,大使馆存档可查,查到后付款) 三、教育部学历认证(中国教育部留服中心存档可查,查到后付款) 四、可提供钢印,激凸,烫金,烫银,激光标,水印等防伪工艺 五、诚招各地区中介代理,合作共赢!如果您有兴趣,欢迎您的加入 ———————————————————————————- 如果您是以下情况: 2、挂科多门,拿不到学位证书; 3、论文没过,只有个diploma; 4、留学院校不被教育部认可; 5、留学时间不足; 6、第二国拿第三国文凭; 7、认证材料有缺失; 8、急需
zhilinxing988 joined the community
EN 1 -> gathering: ld 18: +1 material.
[F29 | SP] Alcoholics Notorious | <<One The House>>
Acanthus replied to Acanthus's topic in Intermediate Floors
Waiting at the docks 243228 | LD 10 | You see the ship far away, on the horizon. You blink and suddenly the ship is right upon you, and much bigger than you were expecting. Narrative -
[F29 | SP] Alcoholics Notorious | <<One The House>>
Acanthus replied to Acanthus's topic in Intermediate Floors
Acanthus drank in the tense silence. Maybe if she waited a little longer, he’d show. But two and a half bottles later, she began to doubt it. With a perfectly sober hand, she reached for another bottle behind the counter and cursed the game. Old enough to die, but not old enough to get drunk doing it. Fuck Cardinal, and fuck Kayaba. Fishing around in the dark for another bottle, her hand instead closed around something crinkly and dry, like the carcass of a large beetle. Her hand snapped back to her side as her anxiety spiked. A drink—a real one—would be perfect right about now. Slowly, s -
[F29 | SP] Alcoholics Notorious | <<One The House>>
Acanthus replied to Acanthus's topic in Intermediate Floors
“KANPAI!” Haru stood as she raised her glass, nearly knocking over the collection in front of her. Akihiko laughed. “Damn, Haru, you’re probably about half beer at this point!” “Bbiolo gica lly imp ossible,” Haru slurred her retort as she sat back down. “P oint ffiv e blooo d alcolol content kills people. Iiam probably sitting around—” She jostled up in down in her seat, like she was weighing herself. “Point oon e four.” Mr. Nakatani laughed. “I knew you were smart, Haru. I didn’t realize you were your own breathalyzer.” Haru shook her head, arms splayed out. “Ssmathmatics. I’ve have -
[F29 | SP] Alcoholics Notorious | <<One The House>>
Acanthus replied to Acanthus's topic in Intermediate Floors
“Why is that?” Came the innocent question from Eiji. Haru’s world slowed to a halt as she scrambled for an answer. Thankfully, Mr. Nakatani stepped in. “She’s a busy girl, Eiji. Getting into the University was one thing. Now she’s dealing with classes and exams on top of a full work schedule at the hospital. You said you had an exam next week for History of Japanese Government, right? How is that going?” Any attention was bad attention, but center of attention was the worst of all. Haru nearly fell over at the table. Maybe it wasn’t too late to leave. Or fake a heart attack. A beer a -
[F29 | SP] Alcoholics Notorious | <<One The House>>
Acanthus replied to Acanthus's topic in Intermediate Floors
The decrepit bar greeted Acanthus with a mournful whistle as she forced the crooked door shut. Her mind was still racing. There had to be someone here. This was the exact location—she had triple checked. Her heart pounded. —Haru’s heart pounded. Mr. Nakatani had dropped her right into the middle of the table. It was barely 20:30 and the drinks were flowing freely. “Slow down, Eiji!” A short man in glasses playfully slapped the back of the wiry boy sitting next to him, who appeared to be halfway through his first plate already. “Gods know where you put that. I miss having your kind of -
On the House Acanthus slammed the tavern door open. Breathless and nearly doubled over, she managed her question through half a dozen wheezing coughs. “Where… where—are—you?” “Where are ya goin’, Masuda?” Haru craned her neck to look at the clock. 20:00 on the dot. She remained frozen, foot halfway out the door as the rest of her coworkers observed her like an animal in a zoo. Gingerly, her foot returned inside. “I usually leave work around this time.” Her confidence faltered for just a moment. “I—I have all my projects finished and I’ve made sure the lab equipment is
She glowed from the praise, her cheeks warming beneath the layer of cool rainwater that she suspected would never dry completely. Then she nodded. “I pinky-swear, our next adventure won’t be nearly this spooky. I hear Floor Four is lovely this time of year. Maybe we can build a snowman or something. It… probably won’t come alive and try to eat us.” She let that thought hang ominously between them, but couldn’t let the gag go on for too long before speaking again. “I’m glad you don’t mind being dragged around, though. And I’m glad you don’t mind my company. I like yours, too. It’s probably why,
“I understand the need for a good routine. I myself enjoy some light calisthenics to wake up along with the sunrise. The sea breeze doesn’t quite match real life, but… it has to do, doesn’t it?” Acanthus moved to the front of the group to try and get a better glimpse of the path. There were a few options ahead of them, and she waited to see what Wildfire would do. They stopped to adjust their lenses and survey the area. Both Nymoria and Wildfire had asked similar questions: why this quest? Acanthus began to talk as she checked the area for tracks or clues, using her search skill to p
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