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  1. Past hour
  2. Placeholder Rolls and Stuff: Hakai | HP: 700/700 | EN: 88/88 | DMG: 21 | MIT:20 | ACC:1 | EVA:4 | BH:21 | BLD: 48 | PARA | LD: 9 Enemies:
  3. That was a lot. Hakai wasn't sure if she would manage to get that done in one day of hunting. Her luck had been pretty terrible, especially for having invested a third of her skill points in getting better loot. She figured she had two, maybe three rounds of enemies left in her before she needed to take a long rest. If she was lucky that would be enough. And if she was lucky she would find a chest as well. That would certainly help meet her imaginary quota. It just wasnt very efficient to have to do one of these runs for every single day she wanted to appraise things. She had to find a better
  4. Yesterday
  5. Hakai considered how much loot she wanted to get before she headed back to her shop. She hadn't gotten nearly enough yet, but she had already worked her way through a fair amount of enemies, and things were looking a little weird lately. She didnt want to run into some field boss out here by herself. She had looked into that before, and those enemies were nothing to be trifled with, especially not with her level of equipment. She was geared out to be a scout, not a bruiser who could take those things on by herself. She frowned, her hand falling to rest on the pommel of her katana out of habit.
  6. Kissing you (platonic). (Received.)
  7. Skill(s) Being Dropped: First Aid R5 Mod(s)/Addon(s)/Shift(s) Being Dropped: Purify, Energize, Barrier, Field Medic SP Incurred Towards Limit: 30 SP Refunded: 51 Cost: 51,000 Col
  8. ID: 243265 | LD: 20 + 11 = 31 (I think i found it) Dungeon Found! <<[T4] Dungeon Map #243265>> acquired She navigated the forest carefully, still spooked a little by the quietness of the surrounding nature. She sheathed her blade slowly as she made her way through the roots and bushes, searching for any kind of trace of the prey she was tracking. Instead, she stumbled, quite literally on the entrance to a dungeon. Her foot caught on a root, and she found herself tumbling head first down a flight of stairs, coming to a halt against a pair of large wooden double doors. She
  9. thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou taking mafiq
  10. iris: hello! items out for delivery!
  11. Another hot day on floor five. The sand was particularly irritating today, the high gusts of wind carrying loose particles into his mouth and eyes. Today was a farming day, Teion and himself set aside some time to wander the wonderful desert to kill every sand worm, bandit, and scorpion within a twelve mile radius. And this deep into the desert, they sometimes posed to be a challenge. Were it not for Teion's remarkable knowledge of this floor, he'd be lost for sure. And the denizens of this floor proving to be a hassle at times, it would've been awful. Thankfully, he had decent company. H
  12. The tip of Hakai's sword dropped as she faced the final beast. One more kill and she could could continue the hunt. Her eyes glimmered with life as she felt the adrenaline rushing through her. Her fingers gripped the hilt of the katana tightly, feeling the friction of the snakeskin underneath her fingers. Her thumb rubbed the bottom of the hilt absently before she rushed forward. She slashed, the edge of her weapon finding purchase against the main of the remaining coyote. It wasn't a deep cut, but it was enough. The coyote carcass tumbled to the ground before bursting into blue crystals.
  13. ”Left!” The single word was all she needed. The ground was trembling, the sands shifting under Teion’s feet, and matching her call just a moment later, a geyser of desert erupted to the left of a purple-haired man in the distance. Teion stood in a battle-ready stance, her hands tight around the handle of her ivory-white axe. She waited for the right moment to move, the correct time to lead her partner’s strike. Emerging from the ground in an explosion of force was the rounded head of a massive, segmented creature–a sand wurm. The center of it seemed to splay open in a ring of thousands of tiny
  14. Her blade flickered through the air, having slashed through three of the four coyotes. She panted, resisting the urge to grasp her wounded shoulder. She would staunch the bleeding as soon as she was out of danger. She whirled around, trying to keep her eyes on all of the coyotes, a task that was made much harder due to the fact that they were pacing around her at a uniform distance from one another. Her hand trembled a little, unused to the one handed grip. This was not a situation where caution would pay off. She was bleeding, and surrounded. She let out a long breath the sigh fading into the
  15. It was treasure time. Again. The ginger woman's hair fluttered behind her as she braved the sand and wind of the fifth floor. Usually she would pick a nicer floor for a treasure hunt, but she had gotten a tip about a dungeon with enough treasure to make the suffering worth it. Her black jacket with white fleece flapped around her waist where she had tied it, the article of clothing being a horrible choice for trekking through the sun scorched wilderness that made up the fifth floor. Her black crop top and blue jeans were only slightly better. Her fingers grazed the light brown cloth covering h
  16. A splash of cold water was always a nice way to wake up to reality. Now for the second time here, though with much more poise. Kindling was knelt down, one knee just above the hardened sand and red rocks, cupping his hands together to bring the clear, unimpeached water of this oasis to his face once more. A brief respite from the warmth of the sun on his skin. Wiping any of the stray sand that danced in the wind from his eyes and face, as well as disspelling any of the adventurous water droplets that trailed down his face now as a result of that splash. When his eyes opened again, hands parted
  17. Morningstar blinked. He knew she was weird, but hadn’t pegged her as crazy. He listened while Acanthus tried to explain herself. Morningstar could see the remorse in her hunched, curled posture; in the tremor in her voice; in the tears that soaked the molten rock below. It hadn’t been intentional–he could tell she regretted it. But what was done, was done. Teion countered with a fair question. Clearly, fighting was no longer enough to keep the voices at bay–or at least, to keep Acanthus in control. She was a loose cannon and that was a problem. Morningstar exhaled slowly.
  18. Travel Back 2432450 | LD 9 | You, and only you, see yourself walking in front of you. They mimic your every move, before violently turning their neck to look you in the eyes. The moment you lock eyes, they are gone. Shenanigans inbound
  19. Unloading the Cargo 243249 | LD 16 | You hear a voice that only you can hear. It speaks in tongues but you understand. Terrible things whispered into your ear, Once you depart from the vessel, the voice is no longer with you. (Literally I was hoping for any of the outcomes other than this one. LET ME WRITE SOMETHING THAT ISN'T VOICES) ----- This is the part where she does things :nod:
  20. I don’t know much about boats, but at this rate, the ship is never going to— docked right in front of her, clipping through the wooden piers. The massive galleon vibrated angrily, stuck between the textures. It promptly vanished, reappeared, zipped up into the air, came back down, did a flip, vibrated a little more. And then it settled calmly next to the dock, awaiting a player’s touch. Acanthus eyed the object incredulously. Maybe vocalizing her anxieties would reduce them “How fucked up would it be it you did that again and catapulted me three miles out to sea to be eaten by some f
  21. A horseless carriage awaited her outside the bar. Acanthus slung herself up into the driver’s seat with an anxious impatience. One last bottle from the shop dangled in her fingertips. It had been the most disgusting of the beverages by far, something that had put even Oz’s most experimental elixirs to shame. “C’mon, hurry up. Go. ‘Yip yip,’ you stupid—” The cart lurched forward with an unsteady gait. Acanthus gripped the reins with her free hand, swigging rotten battery acid with the other. If it tasted bad enough, she could pretend it was working. ----- Waiting at the docks 24
  22. Three bottles later, her nerves were still shot. It hadn’t been very long ago the frontlines had taken to this floor, looking for the labyrinth as quickly as they could manage. It was going well until some stupid, low-level players decided to let their curiosity overpower their common sense. The new floor had turned into a graveyard for some of that unlucky one-hundred. Not unlucky, she reminded herself. Stupid. The young, defenseless boy flashed through her mind. She recalled his final whimper vividly. Or what should have been, except for Jomei. Acanthus took a tired swig from the bottle
  23. Hakai stopped in place. The tracks halted right here, but she couldn't see any coyotes around. There were trees and bushes everywhere around her, it was likely whatever she was tracking had sought refuge in the surrounding foliage. She stood up slowly, having inspected the tracks more carefully. A twig snapped, and she snapped to face it, her weapon drawn and raised. She realized she was holding her breath and let it out quickly. From the bushes emerged a wounded coyote. It appeared as though it had decided to go out with a bang instead of a whimper. She cautiously approached, ready to
  24. Her weapon cleaved through branches and cleaves as she cautiously moved forward. She was following a specific pair of tracks that seemed to lead off in a slightly different direction. One of the paw prints was noticeably deeper inset into the mud than the other. The coyote was putting much more weight on one paw than the other. It was likely wounded, straggling behind the pack like the ones she had found earlier. It would be an easy target to loot. Perhaps she could continue on like this, picking off stragglers until she could confront the leaders of the pack. She frowned, a strand of hair get
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