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About Erroneous

  • Title
    Founder and Owner
  • Birthday 08/15/1985

Profile Information

  • Location
    Washington, USA
  • Interests
    Anime and Games

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42,425 profile views
  1. Site going offline soon! 9 PM PST 2/13

  2. A new feed submission to the Podcast on the Apple store has been sent. http://www.sao-rpg.com/podcast/feed.xml It will take awhile on the webpage, but this change should appear if you are already a subscriber. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sword-art-podcast/id843641559
  3. I only prefer these sports. Chess Boxing Cheese Rolling Extreme Ironing Underwater Hockey Toe Wrestling Don't know what they are or never heard of them? Google them, they are all very real.
  4. In development; RP's to the sequels of SAO are found on The World Seed. GunGaleOnline is currently progressing well. http://worldseed.sao-rpg.com/forum/6-gun-gale-online/

  5. Discord chat moved https://discord.gg/p2zsGGJ

    1. Shizua


      Do people get autobanned from this one, too?

  6. As of now you can use your SAO-RPG account username/password to log onto The World Seed without having to create new accounts.

  7. Happy New Year from Seattle, WA! Best one of them all!

  8. Wanting to test out Discord https://discord.gg/p2zsGGJ

    1. Fynn


      Well this seems cool

    2. Shark


      I have joined, mighty Overlord

  9. Heading to PAX West this weekend, will bring you many photos!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lycan


      Bring me paraphernalia from the vendor tables. I need to see the loot haul.

    3. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Bring me Nekopara pics please!

    4. Baldur
  10. Happy birthday to you

    Happy birthday to you

    Happy birthday dear Erron

    Happy birthday to you

  11. How did you all like Trailer #1 and #2? Would you be interested in seeing a 3rd trailer for SAO-RPG?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Helios


      i like i like

    3. Baldur


      I loved the first one. The second hit a little too close to home :P I'd love to see a third!

    4. Beatbox


      I would love to see another one, both of em' are extremely funny and feels like what happens on the page xD

  12. Last year I created a YouTube video showcasing the players versus the staff. Sort of show to new users the fun everyone shares at SAO-RPG. Today after many many requests, I've created a new video, showing off the emotional feeling one feels on a good day, and the bad. This is Trailer #2 And if you haven't seen, this is Trailer #1
    1. Opal


      I honestly have no idea what to say to this. Lol. 

    2. Baldur


      RNGesus is a cruel mistress 

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