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Posts posted by Ethan

  1. «Ethan Smith/Ison» Subtitle.


    » Username:Ison

    » Real name: Ethan Smith

    » Age: 16

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 6'1

    » About: Ethan was born into a middle class family in the United States. The oldest of three with young parents made Ethan the testing dummy for the do's and do not's of child raising. Ethan had a public education, but best put challenged the system. There was at minimum a yearly call from the principal’s office. Ethan though tried his best to behave but things never seemed to work out and the other kids never really helped. Ethan was bullied at school and well best put didn't take things easily. Ethan always tried to find ways to try and stand up for himself but of course the kids simply turned this around on Ethan and blamed him. Ethan typically found his social role as a wander or a leader of a small group of outcasts. Most of these groups dispersed after one tried to make a new attempt to climb the social ladder. Ethan never attempted to climb he was content at the bottom despite the names and the beatings. The biggest problem Ethan really had was dealing with his parents, he truly did love them but he felt that all be brought them was disappointment. As people periodically pulled themselves away and Ethan felt more and more certain it was better if his family didn't deal with him he found solace within music and video games. Both provided an escape he so desperately needed and was eager to accept. With the both of those things his life slowly got better, he found gaming communities and had easily accessible things to talk about. His escapes provided him new people and with that new opportunity. The feelings that he was a disappointment to his family though remained and pulled him down and made him seek even further escape. Upon discovering Sword Art Online Ethan knew that could be his answer and he waited in great anticipation. When Ethan got his nerve gear and the game he rushed up to his room and began. As he entered the digital world he had to hold himself back from crying as he felt his feet on the ground and finally felt free , unaware of what was about to happen. Ethan's personality is strange, Ethan loves people but isn't always good at interacting with them. Ethan is very honest and very sincere, after years of bullying he's very sure of whom he is and doesn't plan to lie about it even if he hates to admit it. Ethan will answer almost any question. Ethan is also very strong willed and scarcely would go down without a fight, this despite his self-confidence issues. After years of abuse from his peers and his own thoughts Ethan is subject to bouts of depression because of his self-consciousness. Ethan also can get extraordinarily angry, while typically he is very calm if he is upset he loses control of himself.


    » Virtues:

    Honesty: Ethan after spending years of being lied to and teased by his peers has lead him to be extraordinarily honest and to tell you what's on his mind and how he feels. Ethan is straightforward in dealing with how he feels, where other people may find it difficult to say what's one there mind Ethan says it with an extreme amount of ease. Valuing this tends to typically allows Ethan to be well spoken and respected amongst people. .

    Leadership: although he only has lead small groups of outcasts Ethan is almost always ready to take charge as well as action and lead people into what they may need. Ethan is very good at thinking strategically and making orders. With a loud sounding voice although sometimes quite he makes his presence know on the battlefield. With this skill Ethan enjoys as well as feels at home fighting . .

    Empathy: after years of being abused by his peers as well as his own insecurities Ethan is very understanding of other people and always willing to lend an ear. Ethan although sometimes gives a stand off aura he is always willing to help someone he can tell is upset. Typically through speech or body language Ethan can establish what mood people are in and the proceed to react . .

    Loyalty: If Ethan has anyone that he values he is willing to do almost anything to protect them after so many years alone he owes it to anyone who has made him feel that he is not alone. Ethan is loyal and will die for his comrades in battle . This attribute also makes Ethan very respectable and trustworthy . When Ethan is ever part of a cause he is always willing to do anything to further there progress


    » Flaws:

    Stubbornness: Ethan is very stalwart on opinions which can lead him on occasion to fights with others. On many occasions Ethan will refuse to admit that he is wrong. Besides this starting fights with other people this also causes Ethan to make poor decisions and not listen to anyone that offers any advice . This also causes him on occasion to acquire a bad reputation for starting fights with people over stupid things. .

    Paranoia: After years of being bullied Ethan isn't quick to trust, he enjoys people but is typically unsure of some motives and will act in fear rather than thought sometimes. This causes Ethan to be very weary of other people. Even though Ethan is always there for people without significant convincing he cannot truly follow other people. This causes Ethan to be very rogue like , if he doesn't feel that he has any connection with a group of people he does not hesitate in the slightest he disappears. .

    Disturbed: After years of bullying Ethan has a slightly bizarre mindset and sometimes does not feel any emotion towards someone if he is hurting them losing restraint. Ethan also has a very large amount of built up anger , when he gets pushed past his limits he loses control of himself and simply outbreaks into . As well as in certain instances Ethan becomes almost void of feelings and is completely numb. .

    Self-consciousness: Ethan tears himself apart from the inside out. He as well as his peers for years have been drilling into his head that he's just a disappointment and lets people down. This leads to severe depression on occasion. It isn't always an issue but when Ethan is put in a situation where he blames himself he shuts down and shuts himself away. This at other points also destroys his ability to maintain relationships. When he doesn't feel he deserves to be in a situation or with certain people he doesn't hesitate to wander away. .









    Weapon skills :






    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle

    » [solo/private/open] LinkedTitle - in progress

    (no "in progress" means its complete; "incomplete" can mean one or the other person stopped replying for a long time)

    Relationships (optional)

    » Ethan is always open to making new friends , and building relationships with people. At heart though Ethan is a wander so consistency can’t exactly be spoken for .

    Story Thus Far (optional)


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