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About Me

Teigi has always liked MMORPG games. She hadn't particularly loved them- she just liked them. Once the nervegear came around, however, she started to spend more and more time on the game, becoming completely immersed inside it. She got her friends into MMO, and spent many hours playing with them. So of course, she got a copy of SAO as soon as she heard about it. Teigi possesses no “real” strength outside the game- being the addicted gamer she is, she's quite the pale little kid. Teigi has high ambitions due to the SAO incident, and wants to some day be a fighter on the front lines. Her only problem is that Teigi happens to be very weak at the moment, but she wants to be the best so she blows other players off when they try to help her. She also played flute outside the game.

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