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Everything posted by Daemon

  1. Maybe we can go together through a dungeon to get mats. He equipped his sword. There is a few dungeons nearby. PM ,e when you are ready. He turned and waited for any last replies.
  2. Walking into the shop filled with swords on the walls Demon stared. He turned around looking at the owner with golden eyes that would almost unnerve anybody. He moved the black hair out his face and handed the man a slip.
  3. Col Transaction Total col: 70 Col earned monster fighting: 70 Col earned from RPs: 0 Col given to:0 Col spent: 0
  4. «Name» Subtitle. Daemon <> Profile » Username: Daemon Nickname: Demon » Real name: Devon Rite » Age: 19 » Gender: Male » Height: 5"7 » About: History/personality Daemon is a strange man. He lives in the darkness of his past miseries. He in school was every day bullied and grudges and bad feelings erupted inside of him. He started to get bad grades and he started to run away. Then Sao came out. He bought it an started to play. When Kayaba Akihiko told them that if their HP in the game touched zero then they would die in real life and they could not log out he was
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