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About Kirito

  • Birthday 10/07/1997

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  1. I don't know! All the dating sims just go to credits at this point!

    1. Morgenstern


      Keith? Are you the one still controlling this account?



    2. Aoda


      Try the Leelee dating sim.

    3. Lessa


      Oh hey, are you back?

  2. OMG the best anime character ever has a birthday today! Like, teenage hacker, super gamer, ladies man in one! He has like the best personality too! And to think the government specifically asks for his help in solving mysteries! Happy Birthday James Bond Jr.!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Teayre


      Very true Lessa!

    3. Vesuvius


      thar be birthdays still

    4. Amira


      The world hasn't ended...




  3. I'm so amazing. I have by far the greatest character development in any anime ever. Clearly, extreme OPness with no explanation means that I make up for poor character foundations.

    1. Clarence


      ...I really hope you are joking :|

    2. Zeke


      I agree, please don't shoot.

  4. Sorry I haven't been on. I've been sulking around, grieving over how I'm an attractive young male with countless females surrounding him. It's hard being me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lessa


      The best part is, the first time I read this status, I thought it said "grieving over an attractive young male with countless females surrounding him." I was like HEY ME TOO.

    3. Jacob
    4. claim


      ^ what he said

  5. Kirito quickly took hold of the vine that had lashed at him and he got his sword ready, raising it up and then hacking at the vine. The dull sword didn't cut all the way through, so Kirito kept repeating this pattern, trying to hack into the vine, until with a snap, it was cut off. The Nepent roared and wailed, bringing the tendril back underground. Kirito: 9/9 <> 3/5
  6. Kirito felt the gash on his leg and he regained his breath. Alright, it wasn't going as planned. At least he could try some different tactic... Kirito tried to step forward, but felt a burning pain in his shin were he had been cut, and he leg collapsed. He fell to the ground and face planted, the boars attacking him once more. No good. Kirito: 9/11 <> 1: 5/5 <> 2: 5/5
  7. Klein was strolling about when he came across this shop. He blinked a few times and stared at the sign called the Black Odyssey. He perked a brow as he managed to come across the two npc girls and spoke. " Oh. Hello. I'm Klein. " He flashed a smile as he made to the display." Oh nice.. materials." He smiled as he fished out the necessary col for payment. "The mistress is not in right now so we shall take over for her duties."They chimed in at the same time. " Um great. I'll take the two iron ore please." He smiled placing two hundred col."Alright. Thank you for your business! The girls
  8. Kirito approached the two boars, gripping his sword with confidence as he now felt the drive to become better in the world of Sword Art Online. Yes, it would take him a very long time, but he felt the conviction to do it. The boar broke out at him and slashed his leg with it's tusk, sending him staggering back. And as it would seem, there would be a lot of mistakes along the way too. Kirito: 10/11 <> 1: 5/5 <> 2: 5/5
  9. Kirito passed a few more boars he his eyes lingered over them for a brief moment. He did need the Experience. And some Col could never be a bad thing for lower levels. Kirito drew his sword and looked over at the boars again. There were only two... So Kirito may as well try and take a chance today. After all, he had seen a cartoon about four kids farming boars in an MMO. It took them quite a really long time if memory served him right.
  10. Kirito walked for what felt like forever, so many questions running through his head at a million miles per hour. Kirito didn't focus on Mavericks or guilds, he was planning to clear the floors. He was positive there was someone out there with the drive to take care of that menace. Kirito wasn't very well connected, so he would have to try and show up at boss fights on his own accord. As no one would be able to vouch for him if we wanted to join.
  11. Kirito could go and investigate, but he wasn't string enough to do it alone. He would have to do it another time. He sighed and watched as boars roamed in the distance. Kirito shifted position and turned back towards the town. It really did feel like he was helpless at this time. As though he was bound for something more, but just lacked the means to get to it. All he could do now was just chop down boars and not over-think it.
  12. Kirito had been well-adjusted to the game for some time now. Being in the Beta, he knew the game like the back of his hand upon release. But being a tester was taboo in the game now, but Klein did seem genuine... Kirito might as well take a risk. It wasn't like he was good at making friends anyway. "I've been pretty well-acquainted. Being in Beta teaches a player all they need to know." He said, gambling his chances.
  13. " Nothing really. I was just going to go mining or something for materials. " He shrugged. Truth be told, the man was bored out of his mind. Gaze was given to the boy who seemed a bit nervous or anxious. " You adjusting okay here in the game ?" He asked him trying to gauge him and what to do afterwards.
  14. Kirito looked around him for anything else they could do. "Well, the boar meat should suffice. Provided that was the mats you got. So what we could do now is head back and buy drinks, or try and find the things to make our own. Because you're the cook, I'll ultimately let you make the choice." He said softly, pondering what choice Asuna was going to make for the drinks they would get.
  15. She opened the chest's lid which had held three materials. "Three materials!" she reported with a light smile while taking them out of the chest and handing them over to Kirito. "What next, captain?" she giggled liking to call Kirito 'captain'. She wasn't sure what she found in her hero, bravery, fury, courageousness... Justice? She was only glad to have seen him, by chance. 1-4: The chest contains nothing. 5-8: The chest contains two materials. 9-13: The chest contains three materials. 14-17: The chest contains four materials 18-19: The chest contains five materials. 20: The chest con
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