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Posts posted by Rician

  1. Rician


    » Username: Rician

    » Real name: Ben Pluncett

    » Age: 18

    » Gender: Male

    » Height: 5'9''

    » History/PERSONALITY

    Ben and his Family were born in America. Ben's family move to Japan because his father's job required them to. This was not the first time Ben's family has move. Because of this unstable lifestyle, Ben doesn't have many Friends in the real world. He normally gains friends through gaming. This is how Ben found his friend Chris. the only thing that separates a difference between Ben and Chris i that Ben got word art online and Chris stuck to old console gaming. So Ben is alone in this Deadly MMO.

    » Virtues

    .Quiet- Ben is very chill and calm. His nerves are hard to overcome and because of it he has learned to draw less attention from people making a deadly opponent.

    .Loyalty- Ben lays down trust to those he finds are friends. He would give his life in exchange for friends and would never betray them.

    .Strategist- Ben was a Chess play in real life, and would play games with his father. Because of this Ben is always thinking of all of the chioces he has, and only pickes the ones he know will benefit him.


    .Stubborn- Ben, as a strategist, feel that the ideas he comes up with are always the best option and is hard to persuade otherwise.

    .Withdrawn- Ben will almost never initiate the conversation. He always tends to be a listener more than a talker.

    .Paranoid- Ben was cheated on by his girlfriend who was the one person he was closest to. He now doesn't get close to someone without watching there every move.









    Weapon skills :






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