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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. The Bats


    The bats swarmed at the young girl once again at the same time, however she was able to duck and dive out of the way, she did not want to get hit by these annoying bats, as they had a huge advantage over her, being able to fly. They tried to follow her, but the sharp icy stalactite made it impossible for it to navigate into the little area that she had just ran into. There was nothing else it could do, other than chase her and take unnecessary damage, thus it stop chasing for now.


    [id: 5572, 5573]: Mob = 7, 5

    7 - 2 = 5 (Miss)

    5 - 2 = 3 (Miss)


    Rebekah 32/34


    Giant Bat 1: 30/30

    Giant Bat 2: 30/30

  2. Rebekah was not going to give up that easily, but the two bats continued to fly around in a big swarm. There was no way that she could be able to hit any of it, but she knew that there must be a way. Luckily the height of the cave was not that high, so she had a decent possibility of hitting them, as there were not a lot of room for the giant bats to fly around in, but they still moved quite fast. Her accuracy today has been rather lacking as of late, but there was not a whole lot else she could do except for continue trying.


    [id: 5514]: BD = 2 + 2 - 1 = 3 (Miss)


    Rebekah 32/34


    Giant Bat 1: 30/30

    Giant Bat 2: 30/30

  3. The Bats


    The animals flew directly at the girl who had attempted to kill them the turn before. They attempted to create a swarm around her, but she was too smart for that, and was able to use her rapier to block the first attack, but she was unable to prevent the second bat from landing a scratch from her backside as she could not fight the two of them at the same time, or so she thought. It was an interesting predicament that she had found herself in.


    [id=5448, 5449]: Mob = 5, 9

    5 - 2 = 3 (Miss)
    9 - 0 = 9* (Crit) = 2 + 1 = 3 - 1 (Mit) = 2 DMG


    Rebekah 32/34


    Giant Bat 1: 30/30

    Giant Bat 2: 30/30

  4. Rebekah had ran out of materials for her store once again, she knew that it would be a problem if she could not find enough materials to continue her cooking. It had been her goal to be the first to reach the last rank as a chef, but it would not be easy. That required a lot of patience and a lot of practice, but she needed the materials to continue improving her craft. She knew that she could take a quest in exchange for them, but she preferred improving her combat skills at the same time.

  5. The two giants bats were blocking the path to the little child that was lost in this cave. Without them gone, there were absolutely no way that she could leave with the little boy to finish this important quest. She ran towards the two bats, but she had not decided on which would be her target, thus she swung and completely miss at either of them. Rebekah's indecisiveness in battle is often a problem for her, as she had no idea what she would be doing lately.


    [id: 5447] BD = 4 + 2 - 1 = 5


    Rebekah 34/34


    Giant Bat 1: 30/30

    Giant Bat 2: 30/30

  6. Rebekah turned to Draterion, It was 200 col.


    She took out her last three materials that she had with her, and decided to start cooking once again. It was the first time in a long time that she had rushed 3 orders at once, but knowing that she was trying to finish them for today, she hurried and attempted to give it her best shot. In the end, she ended up burning one of them, while only making average food the other two. She put the other two away in her storage.


    [id: 5405, 5406, 5407] CD = 7,3,8 = Good, Fail, Good


    2 + 1 + 2 + 3 (bonus per craft) = 8 EXP

  7. It had taken a while since her last attempt, as she knew that she needed to be careful with her low amounts of materials. She took a honey that she had struggled to collect on her previous quest, and was thinking about what she could do with it. Rebekah had some extra garlic left over, and decided to make a mini-snack. She decided to make some bread, which was easy by the simplification of Aincrad. She started mixing all the ingredients in her bowl, before setting a heat/time in the oven. She waited for it to be perfectly mixed, and put it in the oven, she could already feel the aroma of the food coming out, and when she pulled it out, she put it on a plate, and set it as uncommon.
    [id=5131] LD = 10 (3 + 1 = 4 EXP) - Uncommon


    Item: Honey Garlic Bread
    Type: Consumable
    Quality: Uncommon
    Shop: Rebekah's Cafe
    Enhancements: [Well Fed 1]
    Description: + 1 Max HP for Roleplay.


  8. Regardless, she had found two bats that were keeping a little boy hostage, or in other words not letting him leave. As the NPC boy could not fight, there was no way it could escape, thus it was up to her to face the two monsters alone. She wondered the last time she had fought two big creatures like today, but could not remember the last time when. She quickly looked for another alternative, as she could not see effectively in the dark, thus lowering her accuracy. She wished that she could avoid fighting, but it would be impossible.

  9. This battle was quickly nearing the end, as Rebekah could see that half of the heads have already been destroyed, and a third was on its way. They were making quick progress, which was nice, she looked over for her cue to attack, after Kazuya but there was none. Not wanting to waste anymore time, she moved on to fight this boss. She attack with her rapier, trying to kill the head but her attack had dealt zero damage. Not wanting to think about it any longer, she quickly got back to a relatively safe distance, before it had hit her, she attacked it at its strongest point, no wonder it did not do anything.


    [id:4980] BD = 1 (Miss)


    Group 1: Hydra Head 1
    Daeron: 65/70 -2 HP Burn for 2/3 turns
    Tristan: 29/35 -2 HP Burn for 2/3 turns
    Alkor: 18/26 -2 HP Burn for 3/3 turns
    Seldentar: 51/55 -2 HP Burn for 2/3 turns 

    Group 2: Hydra Head 2
    Zelrius: 74/77 -2 HP Burn for 3/3 turns
    Kazuya: 20/23 -2 HP Burn for 3/3 turns
    Rebekah: 27/30 -2 HP Burn for 3/3 turns
    Life: 29/32 -2 HP Burn for 3/3 turns

    Group 3: Hydra Head 3
    Shark: 50/55 -2 HP Burn for 2/3 turns
    Primrose: 20/27 -2 HP Burn for 2/3 turns
    Lessa: 29/34 -2 HP Burn for 2/3 turns
    Mari: 23/28 -2 HP Burn for 2/3 turns

    Group 4: Hydra Head 4
    Kiru: 66/71 -2 HP Burn for 2/3 turns
    Celesmeh: 23/29
    Yuji: 27/32 -2 HP Burn for 2/3 turns
    Rue: 12/17 -2 HP Burn for 2/3 turns

    (Healing 4 HP for 2/3 turns)
    Hydra Head 1: DEAD
    Hydra Head 2: 7/30
    Hydra Head 3: 30/30
    Hydra Head 4: DEAD

  10. I actually do agree with the idea somewhat (maybe not the tutorial - although if we do keep adding to it, a td;lr may be warranted), as I do keep reading all the rules, but I like the idea about having an external location to submit (can be as similar to google docs) and have GM's approve each roleplay thread that way. I agree with the idea, that sometimes when we may ask one to lock it, if they do not get back, or are just busy with life, its sort of somewhat bad (at least in my perspective) to bug a second one to do the same job in about a day.


    Also, Destiny, I think that list that you were referring to was taken down, I do not think it was updated often enough to warrant it be active, as I do remember it stating PST were the ones to lock roleplays and not GMs, but it was also somewhat hard at times keeping track who was a PST and who was not, as some were not comfortable with approving a quest that involves an uncommon item.

  11. Rebekah continued searching in the cave, and finally started hearing some sounds, perhaps she was close to where she needed to go, or she should remain silent. She did not know which would be the best option, but knew that she was going to be cautious. As far as she knows it could be another player hiding out in this cave, the child she wanted to rescue, or it was a monster inside this cave. However, it was hard for her to tell who it was due to the fact that she barely heard it.

  12. Rebekah knew that this cave would be dangerous, and had come prepared scenario possible that would guarantee her safety. If she had gone missing after this exploration, it would be as if nobody would have noticed on these dangerous solo missions, but she knew that she needed the extra experience of training alone. She continued down the pathway, luckily she had pre-scouted the cave with some previous mapping data from other people and knew that there were not too many forks where she had to make a decision which way to go. The pathway was wide enough, but at the same time narrow enough for only a few people to squeeze through side by side easily, she knew that there was no heading back until she would finish the mission.

  13. Rebekah took her first few steps into the cave, while holding a spool of thread behind her, it was her only way out, to make sure she can exit the cave. She decided to linger around to help her eyes adjust to the darkness. Even though her eyesight would be quite bad in the dark, it was better if she could readjust them a tiny bit before continuing into this cave. It would prove more beneficial than learning to fight with a lantern. That was what she wanted to avoid that, as that would be detrimental to her fighting. After a few minutes, she continued down into this cave.

  14. Rebekah had reached the village near the cave where the NPC mother had lost her child. She knew that exploring a cave was dangerous, and she had brought every pre-caution necessary to make this trip possible. She quickly chatted with the NPC, before accepting the quest on the pop up panel that appeared in front of her. She walked over to the entrance of the cave, and saw that there were a few pegs that were hammered into the ground already. That's perfect, she brought along a lot of string, and this would ensure her that she would be able to find her way out, by leaving the original trail of how she got into this cave in the first place. She quickly tied a strong knot around the peg, so that it will not break.

  15. Rebekah had heard about the new quest on the second floor that had just appeared the last few weeks. She had been meaning to take it for a while, but she knew this was something that had been on her bucket list for quite a while. Typically, a quest this size did not take much planning, but it would be the first time that she was going to fight two monsters, probably as strong as she was, defensively that was. She had heard rumors of the giants bats being strong and weak from players alike, but she approached the village over on the second floor, where they had lost a child.

  16. Rebekah readied herself for the moment that Kosan would attack. She knew that she was next in line to make her move, and she had a small window of opportunity to fight this battle. She took the shortest route to the monster, fully knowing that its better to be fast rather than miss her turn completely. She looked up at its giants HP bars, its dropping but not fast enough she thought.


    3785: BD = 8

    DMG = 1 + 3 (Weapon) + 4 (Skill) = 8


    Group 1:

    Daeron: 72/72

    Kazuya: 25/25

    Mayonaka: 37/37 (Skipped)

    Alkor: 28/28


    Group 2:

    Zelrius: 79/79

    Kosan: 22/22

    Rebekah: 34/34

    Rue: 17/17


    Group 3:
    Tristan Delaney: 39/39

    Celesmeh: 39/39

    Mari: 45/45

    Ranganok: 17/17


    Group 4:

    Lessa: 38/38

    Life: 28/28

    Orhalimi: 17/17

    Yuji: 40/40


    Frosty The Warlord 152/200 (2 BD/t, One Turn)

  17. It should be ready just shortly, it'll be 200 col for it. She needed to add the finishing touches on it, and took from where she had put it down the other day after making it. It was her first drink that she had made in a long time, and was happy that she was giving it to someone who would have more useful than herself.


    (OOC: Just waiting for them to approve crafts, might take another day or so)

  18. At the exact same time when Zelrius had attack the first mont that had jumped out at them, Rebekah decided to quickly attack the nearest one that she could fine, without wasting much time. Usually she would follow up on that target, but there was one who was right in front of her, and she nearly freaked out over it appearing out of nowhere. She took out her rapier and thrusted her weapon into it, surprisingly she had found the weak spot right away, landing a huge critical hit. She now found the rest of the group.


    3672: BD = 10 (crit*, no evasion)

    DMG = 3 + 4 + 3 = 10


    Zelrius 79/79

    Rebekah 31/31

    Alkor 28/28

    Mari 41/41

    Life 28/28

    Kiru 75/75


    (Mont has +1 EVA, 5 DMG)

    Mont 21/30 (Two BD/T, Two Turns)

    Mont 20/30

    Mont 30/30

    Mont 30/30

  19. Rebekah had arrived back in the shop, and decided to call it Warrior's Tunic instead. She did not know a better name, but wanted the item now, and not spend as much time on the name if possible. She paid him for his efforts, sewing this piece of equipment together for her.


    [Rebekah hands over 1200 col to Ranganok]

  20. It had been a while since Rebekah had ran out of mats, she started to take a step at opening the cocoa pod which she had collected. Even though she had despised chocolate as a child, she knew that people liked that sort of stuff, and wanted to make a drink out of it. She wanted to add a bit more flavour to the hot chocolate, and decided that mint leaves, would leave a bit more minty to the drink. It was a cold floor anyways, and people would be more willing to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate over any cold drinks that she knew how to make.
    3381: CD = 12 (Perfect) = 8 + 1 EXP


    Item: Mint Hot Chocolate
    Type: Consumable
    Quality: Perfect [3381]
    Shop: Rebekah's Cafe
    Enhancements: [Herbs 2][Probiotics 1]
    Description: + 2 ACC, + 1 DMG Mitigation vs Poison/Bleed. Lasts for 1 Roleplay.


    45 + 9 EXP = 54 EXP*

  21. Rebekah showed up at Lessa's forge, and handed her the 4 materials that it had cost her to finish this order. She sat there, waiting for her to give her the stuff that she had order. It was a freezing day, and she was lucky that it only took a day or two to quickly finish up the order. She needed the items for future events, that would happen, as they would make her a stronger fighter.


    [Rebekah hands Lessa 4 mats]

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