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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. It was getting dark out, and Rebekah finally made it back towards the outskirts of town, she knew exactly where the teleportation portal was. She had enough of the humid jungle air for today, as the first thing she wanted when she got back, was a nice warm bath, where she could relax, and leave. She had all the ingredients she needed to keep her cafe up and running for a few more days, enough for her to hopefully level up once again, and become a much stronger chef.



    Roleplay Complete


    2 Completed Pages: 800 Col


    + 6 Mats

  2. Rebekah was not a person who would give up easily, and thus continued to try again. It was tough trying dislodge a piece of iron out of the rock, but it was not impossible. She tried again to move it, hoping it would be enough. Slowly but surely, it started to move, and she gave a bit more effort into it, and soon it was starting to dislodge. The next thing she knew, it had dislodge, and it was heavy, she quickly put it into her inventory before she was going to drop it.


    3235: LD = 18


    + Mat

  3. Rebekah was still eating as he was explaining the answer to her question, and took a look around at the menu. She did not really read it clearly the first time, as she ordered the first thing that she liked when she read it, and now was looking for what else do they sell around here. She added, "That makes sense.", but she was already half paying attention to his speech about the theory, and more focused on everything else around her, such as this room, for example.

  4. Rebekah was still examining it, then she had an idea, perhaps she needed to mine it out of there. However, she did not have a pickaxe with her, as a chef, it was not required for her profession, and she had never though about obtain one before. Now, she was stuck here, trying to get an iron ore, for all she carried, she does not know why. She was not going to destroy her perfect rapier, so she took out her beginner items, ones that can easily be replaced, and had no value to her to try to dig out the ore.


    3234: LD = 7

  5. Well, she thought about the answer for a quick second, before responding, "I'll prefer to completely pay in col, unless you run out of materials." As for the colour, she had no personal preference, but she wanted something lightweight, as that could help her with her evasion, but still strong enough to protect her. She settled on the lightest type of armour that he could make, as Rebekah was more of an accurate, quick agile player than a brute force damage dealer.


    If there is a better name, you have, please go ahead. If I think of something, I'll let you know, I don't really like that name, but she could not think of anything better at this moment.

  6. Rebekah continued down the path, hoping to run into a metal of somesort. It was not for her to eat, but she was hoping to look for something that she could collect for a future day, as a stockpile just in case she needed some quick materials for her shopping purposes. Surprisingly there was nothing much ahead, except for a iron rock that she had to mine out. She tried to examine it, to see if there was anything for her to take without any effort at all, there was none.


    3233: LD = 3

  7. Rebekah continued down this path, and up ahead, she could finally see the outline of the town that she was heading back towards. But right in front of her, was another tree with another empty beehive in it. There must be something happening to all these bees, or she was not the only person here, who was trying to harvest these materials.


    3109: LD = 5

  8. Oh! That Theory, as she scanned through her thoughts, where had she heard about that before. That did not matter when or if she remembered when she had learned about that, what just matters was what was happening right now. She had never liked all the names of all these different theories out there, they made it so annoying to deal with. Anyways, she just remembered it was her turn to reply, and said, "so, such as how nothing we every do is new, everything is just a repeat of what it was before it?"

  9. She continued walking, and it was time for her to start heading back, but she would still collect possible cooking ingredients, only if she could find them. She saw another beehive up ahead, and made her way towards it. When she gotten close enough, she took a look inside, and it was empty once again. She continued on this trail heading out of the wilderness.


    3070: LD = 4

  10. Roleplays (2.6 and before)



    Missing Links:

    [SP-F2] Breaking the Unbreakable + 2 SP; Quest
    [OP-F11] Lions Tamed Saying Vows
    [PP-F12] Boss Planning
    [PP-F6] Grind and Grind
    [PP-F2] The Forage 2
    [PP-F10] Why Don't You Love Me Again
    [PP-F2] The Forage ft. Teion

    Total RP: 33 + 4 + 14 + 7 - 7 (no links) = 51 Verifiable

    Total SP: 5 + 33 + 4 + 38 + 24 - 8 (7 missing links + 1 quest) = 96 Verifiable

    Floor 01-10 (+33 SP) - 33 RP, 29 Verifiable (4 missing links)


    [SP-F1] Time to Grind + 1 SP

    [OP-F1] First Steps in the Grassland + 1 SP

    [PP-F1] Learning Curve ft. Klein + 1 SP

    [PP-F1] Dungeon Roaming ft. Dylan + 1 SP

    [PP-F1] First Meeting ft. Hatsume Miku + 1 SP

    [PP-F1] Fighting Time ft. Or'ell + 1 SP

    [PP-F1] A Training Day ft. Neloe + 1 SP

    [PP-F2] A Random Encounter ft. Setsuko + 1 SP

    [PP-F2] Meeting A New Friend ft. Argumail + 1 SP

    [SP-F3] Collecting Mats + 1 SP

    [PP-F2] Hankerin' For Hunger ft. Mari + 1 SP

    [OP-F1] Earning a Living + 1 SP

    [PP-F3] Curse of the Black Elf or Drow ft. Claim + 1 SP

    [PP-F7] That Arrogant Player ft. Zelruis + 1 SP

    [SP-F6] I Need Food + 1 SP

    [PP-F8] Meeting Somebody New ft. Mayonaka + 1 SP

    [OP-F1] Outside the City A Target Will be Found + 1 SP

    [PP-F4] Frosty Mat Hunting ft. Asen + 1 SP

    [OP-F4] A Night to Remember + 1 SP

    [SP-F8] A Rapier Grandmaster + 1 SP; Grandmaster in Rapier

    [PP-F2] Hunters ft. Square One + 1 SP

    [PP-F2] Prey ft. Square One + 1 SP

    [PP-F1] New Meetings ft. Irish Maiden + 1 SP

    [OP-F3] Sing Me To Sleep + 1 SP

    [OP-F3] The End + 1 SP

    [OP-F1] Mack Xion Duel + 1 SP

    [PP-F2] The Forage ft. Teion + 1 SP

    [PP-F2] A Night of Freedom + 1 SP

    [SP-F2] Testing of Sword Skills + 1 SP

    [PP-F10] Why Don't You Love Me + 1 SP

    [PP-F10] Why Don't You Love Me Again + 1 SP

    [PP-F2] The Forage 2 + 1 SP

    [PP-F6] Grind and Grind + 1 SP

    Floor 11-20 (+4 SP) - 4 RP, 2 Verifiable (2 missing links)


    [PP-F11] Boss Planning + 1 SP

    [OP-F11] Lions Tamed Saying Vows + 1 SP

    [PP-F12] Boss Planning + 1 SP

    [OP-F13] Azure Holiday Party + 1 SP

    Quests (+38 SP) - 14 RP, 13 Verifiable (1 missing links)


    [SP-F1] Worn Out Welcome + 2 SP; Quest

    [PP-F5] The Traveler ft. Echo + 2 SP; Quest

    [PP-F2] Long Live the Queen ft. Dylan + 4 SP; Quest

    [SP-F1] Earning a Living + 2 SP; Quest

     [PP-F3] Feeding the Enemy ft. Echo, Rebekah + 2 SP; Quest

    [PP-F4] Avalanche ft. Kazuya, Celesmeh + 4 SP; Quest

    [SP-F2] Let There Be Light + 2 SP; Quest

    [PP-F5] Blood in the Sand ft. Oikawa + 4 SP; Quest

    [PP-F4] The Essence of Steel ft. Oikawa + 2 SP; Quest

    [SP-F9] The Iron Guardian + 2 SP; Quest

    [PP-F1] The Colour Orange ft. Azure Brigaide + 4 SP; Quest

    [SP-F4] The Gemini + 4 SP; Quest

    [SP-F1] The Secret Medicine for the Forest + 2 SP; Quest

    [SP-F2] Breaking the Unbreakable + 2 SP; Quest

    Boss Raids (+24 SP) - 7 RP (All Verifiable)


    [MB-F9] Twinfire Phoenix + 3 SP; Boss Raid

    [FB-F9] Floor 9 Raid + 3 SP, Floor Raid

    [MB-F4] Frosty the Warlord + 3 SP; Boss Raid 

    [FB-10] Floor 10 Raid + 3 SP; Floor Raid

    [FB-11] Floor 11 Raid + 4 SP; Floor Raid

    [MB-F6] Pumpking Boss + 4 SP; Boss Raid

    [FB-12] Floor 12 Raid + 4 SP; Boss Raid


    Total : 5+33+4+38+24=104



  11. Rebekah continued walking down the pasture, she was looking for something else to collect. She had a choice to attack another animal, but chose not to, as the cost of doing so, would be quite high. She was looking for something a specific type of ingredient that could possibly be found here, but she thought not to press her luck. Surprisingly off to the side, there was a banana tree, this floor surely has everything. She was about to climb the tree, when she saw a banana broke off from the tree, and fell towards the ground. She took a look at it before catching it in her arms, and she put it in her inventory.


    3067: LD = 17


    + Mat

  12. She had heard all about that theory in sub-obscure place a long, long time ago, but could not recall its exact details. She disliked guys who were trying to be showoffs with their knowledge, or power. That is the one thing that she could not stand, and hoped that this was not the start of it again. Regardless, she was strong at concealing her actions, and replied no. She wanted to see if she could tell what kind of person just purely by his answer to that question. She was still working on that technique.

  13. As she had jumped right into the air, Rebekah decided to waste no time, and instead of landing away from the cow in a safe distance, she tried to attack it while she was still in the air. She was not afraid of heights, but she had a little bit of trouble trying to dive rapier first with her arm extended trying to hit the cow. It was a bad position she was in, if she had missed and if that happened she would have to find a way to land on her feet as she clearly did not want a concussion from a bad landing. Luckily there was no wind, and she was easily able to hit the cow just as she was coming down, before pushing off from it just before it exploded into many pixels to land on her feet not too far from where the cow had been.


    3019: BD = 6; Loot = 8


    Rebekah 26/30

    Cow 0/15


    + Mat

  14. Rebekah had arrived in this shop on an unknown floor, it was rather hard to find, but she had a request to give to the tailor. "I am looking for a lightweight type of armour, perhaps a leather breastplate." She handed him the slip of paper. It reads:


    Name: Perfect Breastplate; Quality: Perfect; Enhancements: + 1 EVA, + 2 Damage Mitigation


    How much would an item such as that cost? She could either pay in col or in mats.

  15. It had been a while since she had shown up at Lessa's shop, she needed to make a quick adjustment to her previous order. Rebekah still needed her knife, but was looking for something else first. She wanted to ask her if either of these were doable, and asking for two perfect items may take a while, but she was well-prepared for the wait.


    Name: Lightweight Boots; Type: Metal Boots; Quality: Perfect; Enhancements: + 2 ACC, + 1 EVA

    Name: Chef's Knife; Type: Cooking Knife; Quality: Perfect; Enhancements: Ambition: + 1 EXP per Cooking Attempt


    Rebekah was not worried about the cost, as long as they were possible, she would find the means to pay either in col, or in mats.

  16. -- The Cow --


    The cow was peacefully sleeping when the girl had attacked it, and now it was mad. It looked around but there were no other cows in the vicinity that was going to help it fight this battle, so it was going to do it itself. It charged right at the girl, in an attempt to tackle her, but she was quick, and easily jumped into the air to avoid it.


    3008: Mob = 5


    Rebekah 26/30

    Cow 7/15

  17. Rebekah continued sitting there until she realized there was a stranger who was asking if anyone was going to sit in that unoccupied seat across from her. She had never meet him before, and judging by his look he was another one of those new players on the first floor. Maybe he has something interesting to say, or maybe not. She had spent too much time the last few months away from this floor, and was not keeping up with the news on these floors.


    Anyways, he reached out his hand and introduced himself, so she shook his hand, and said, "Hello, my name is Rebekah". She disliked shaking other people's hands more than anything, but easily concealed her displeasure.

  18. She took a look at her time, there was still enough time to perhaps make another attempt to look for another mat, even if it would be hard to find anything. She had walked over to a field, it was nice, and all that she could see are the animals peacefully grazing over it. She needed food to cook, and thus she made no hesitation to attack it, besides it would respawn shortly after she killed it.

    3006: BD = 9

    Rebekah 26/30

    Cow 7/15

  19. Rebekah quickly walked behind the bee to look at what she had been protecting, or else it would not have gotten aggressive when she had infringed on its territory. She took a look behind at the empty beehive, there was nothing left for her to collect from it. It was such a shame since she had spent a long period of time fighting the bee.


    2956: LD = 5

  20. Just listening to Zelrius' level made her sound weak, is it really possible for him to be that strong. Regardless, she looked around, as if nobody was going to say anything next, so she decided she will follow after him. "Good Morning Everyone, I'm Rebekah, and I wield the rapier, Heartstriker" she replied into the crowd, hoping that was all she had to say, without leaving out anymore important details. She would find out soon enough when the next person begins to speak.

  21. Rebekah showed up at the monthly boss battle with everyone already there. She had hoped that she was not late to the meeting, as she had only received the message today. She knew better of herself to keep up with messages, but sometimes they got lost. She looked up at the crowd of people in front of her, she knew the majority of them at these events, but the word 200 HP really stood out in her head, now that was a tanky monster.

  22. The last thing she had wanted to see was this bee still struggling to fight her, after this battle. There was nothing else she could do for it, as its wings had already been lost, other than to end its misery at this moment, which would also save her from trouble. She took a deep breath before stabbing the bee for the last time, as it blown up into many pixels around her.


    2880: BD = 9; Loot = 6


    Rebekah 26/30

    Giant Bee 0/15


    + Mat

  23. After what it took to be an eternity, looking for the right cooking equipment to add to her shop, she opened the door back to the branch, and saw the girl that she was talking to earlier, was asleep. She wasn't planning on waking her up, but Rebekah had lost track of time in that shop, as there were a lot of things that she was looking at but did not buy. Maybe she would still be awake after this, or not.

  24. -- Giant Bee --


    Surprisingly, the bee still had a bit of life left in it, and was going to fight until the very end. It managed to drag itself out and hit the girl with its hands. While it did not feel much more than a light scratch, it was still a hit regardless, and that would leave her to fend for herself. Other than that, there was not much it could do, but to lie down and try to move without its wings, which was near impossible.


    2875: Mob = 9; DMG = 2 - 1 = 1


    Rebekah 26/30

    Giant Bee 1/15

  25. Rebekah took a closer look at the piece of meat that he was eating, and was running ideas in her head, how do they make the food here in these shops. Clearly, she had hoped for a way to replicate the food sometimes, and figured out that there was nothing she could do other than to collect a bunch of ingredients to try for herself. She took a sip of her drink, and sat there for a few moments before finishing up the rest of her food that she had ordered today.

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