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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. Finally, it was not long until the bee was slipping a bit, as its tail and the girl's sword were still crossing. Rebekah could feel it slip a bit, and gave it all her power to break the deadlock, and land a direct jab at the bee. This was the breakthrough that she had been waiting for quite a while, and it had finally arrived. Her determination to continue was the key reason why she had managed to break the deadlock.


    1820: BD = 8; DMG = 1 + 3 + 3 = 7


    Rebekah 29/30

    Giant Bee 8/15

  2. Rebekah froze for a second, then decided to put piece by piece together. That guild armour, and the guild name, she was in one of the strongest guilds in all of Aincrad. How could she not have noticed that in the first place, she did not know why. She took a few seconds before being able to squeak out, "Nice to meet you too. What brings you up here on this tree today?" she asked the girl who was still hanging upside.

  3. -- Giant Bee --

    The standoff would continue as it would be impossible to tell who was a lot stronger. Both the bee nor the player continued to budge a single inch in this important battle. Neither party were to give up now, as both could tell that the other would be about to lose strength to continue this strength battle.

    1777: Mob = 1

    Rebekah 29/30

    Giant Bee 15/15

  4. -- Avalanche --

    The monster started to attack the girl which it had kept her eyes on the entire time. Yet, she knew it was heading her way and had enough time to dodge the attack. It tried to freeze her once again by blowing gusts of cold air at her. However, she knew that she could dodge for now, but might not be able to for much longer.

    1776: Mob = 4

    Kazuya 23/23

    Celes 17/17

    Rebekah 30/30

    Avalanche 22/50

  5. Rebekah hoped to continue with the strong attack that they were making, so far the monster had fallen below half health, and neither of them have taken much damage. However, it's if she felt like the monster is completely focusing on her, thus she was not able to do anything else other than getting her attacks blocked.

    1775: BD = 3

    Kazuya 23/23

    Celes 17/17

    Rebekah 30/30

    Avalanche 22/50

  6. Neither the girl nor the bee refused to budge another inch as they were still deadlock close together. Rebekah thought about just giving up now, and letting go, but she knew that the moment either of them break, they will take damage as both were putting up a lot of power just to maintain this position with her sword against the bee's tail.


    1651: BD = 1


    Rebekah 29/30


    Giant Bee 15/15

  7. -- Giant Bee --


    As their sword and tails had interlocked in the middle of the fight, neither the player of the insect budged at inch. They stayed in this position for quite a while, as neither was able to deal any damage in this position. The bee continued to stay in this position, knowing that it cannot back as it was not stronger than the girl.


    1553: Mob = 1


    Rebekah 29/30


    Giant Bee 15/15

  8. -- Avalanche --


    The Avalanche did not have any luck with its snowball toss, and instead decided to blow out a gust of freezing cold air at the players. As the gusts began to blow out, everyone was able to dodge and get out of the way behind those giant snowballs which it had just tossed around a few minutes prior.


    1544: Mob = 5


    Kazuya 23/23

    Celes 17/17
    Rebekah 30/30

    Avalanche 29/50

  9. Rebekah pulled out her rapier immediately and tried to swing her sword at the giant bee which was really close in front of her, however its sharp needle sticking out of its tail managed to block the entire attack. It was as strong as her sword and she now had to be worried about it.


    1542: BD = 3


    Rebekah 29/30


    Giant Bee 15/15

  10. Rebekah saw both of them run toward at the monster, and decided to follow. However, its eyes had been on her the entire time, and thus she knew that she would be in plain site of the monster the whole time that she was trying to attack. She waited on the two of them to attack before attempting to land hers, but it was blocked completely, as it could see her the entire time.


    1541: BD = 1


    Kazuya 23/23

    Celes 17/17
    Rebekah 30/30

    Avalanche 29/50

  11. Rebekah had continued walking, in front of her was a giant bee and an empty bee hive without any bees. She assumed that this was the bee that she had walked towards, unaware that she had walked into its territory. It had looked like that it would want to fight. It started to attack her, presumably for entering its territory.


    1516: Mob = 7 (-1) = 6


    Rebekah 29/30


    Giant Bee 15/15

  12. Rebekah continued her searching, but it was not far until she would see another tree in her horizon. She took a look and saw that the cocoa pod was on the tree, and it was low enough for her to climb. She had learned how to effectively climb a tree today, as it would not be too difficult for her to scale up to find what she was looking for. When she got up there, she realized that she would rather fight a monster to find what she was looking for, as opposed to continually searching for mats. She easily collected it up, and then slided down the tree.


    1481: LD = 18 (Success)


    + 1 Mat

  13. -- Avalanche --


    The Avalanche turned around to attack the girl which had just hit it from behind. It threw gigantic snowballs at her with her arms, but she saw the trajectory as they were flying in towards her, and would easily just dodge them as they threw it her. She looked over to Kazuya and motioned for him to attack while she still has its attention as she continues to dodge the attack coming her way.


    1480 Mob = 7 (- 2) = 5 (Miss)


    (-1 from Celes' Disguise & -1 from Rebekah's Battle Coat)


    Kazuya 23/23

    Celes 17/17
    Rebekah 30/30

    Avalanche 36/50

  14. Rebekah had spent a few seconds to study the monster while the other two had attacked, and had noticed a weaker area where she could attack to deal more damage. After Celes had attack, it was her turn to attack, as well as to take brunt of the agro, that it would attack with. She knew that the monster was not focusing on her, which would allow her to easily deal damage as it would not be facing towards her.


    1478: BD = 8


    Kazuya 23/23

    Celes 17/17
    Rebekah 30/30

    Avalanche 36/50 (-1 to battle dice next roll)

  15. Rebekah continued to walk searching for what she has been looking for. So far, her success rate has been low, and would continue to be low until she would be able to find what she was looking for in the end. However, she knew that in the end it would be worth it when she would start cooking. Yet, she would have to continue trying as succeeding now would help a lot towards improving her cooking skills.

    1473: LD = 7 (Failed)

  16. That ended quite quickly, as she knew that Zelrius was strong, but not that strong. Perhaps he just had a bad day the last time that she had bumped into her. But that had just showed her why he was one of the he strongest players in Aincrad. She was still thinking about it, but realized that Zelrius was already walking ahead, and now she would have to catch up to him.

  17. Rebekah slid down the tree and decided to continue moving forward, perhaps she could find another tree that looked exactly like this one. She continued walking and stumbled on a fallen cocoa pod on the ground, however it was completely empty inside and was of no use to her. She had to keep going to look for the stuff that she would want.


    1374: LD=10 (failed)

  18. At this rate she would have to find somewhere else to attack the scorpion, preferably not its tail as it was very strong, and was hard to penetrate. She took a quick lock at the monster to try to find any glaring weak spots that it may have, but she realized that as long as she could avoid the tail, it would be fine. She did not know how easy that would be but decided to aim for its upper body. However the scorpion had blocked the attack with its tail yet again.


    1373: BD = 4 (Fail)


    Claim 15/15

    Rebekah 20/21


    Scorpion 6/11

  19. [OOC: Please fill in your hitpoints before you attack]



    It was fine with her, as she could tank the damage of the monster for quite a while, but she did not want to tank it for long, and would like to hurry up and finish it off. They had finally made it, a small trek up a trail from the town, and she asked if they were ready. I will attack last then, she said, as she waited for her to attack first.




    Rebekah 30/30


    Avalanche 50/50

  20. Rebekah this time realized that she could use one of her swords that she would have her, and this time managed to scale up the tree, after doing it once. She knew that if she could climb all the way up, it would be very easy, as she took out one of her swords that she no longer used in combat to cut the pod from the tree. She swung her knife and managed to catch the cooking ingredient that she came here to get. Now, she had to slide down the tree.


    1326: LD = 20 (Success)


    + 1 Mat

  21. Rebekah looked up and with a swipe of the menu bar that appeared in front of her had equipped on her equipment. It was the first time that she has meet either of them, and would hopefully be a rather quick and easy battle. "Hello, my name is Rebekah" as she offered to shake their hands. She knew that the boss would not be too dificult with a party, but if she were to solo it, that would have been a little bit tight. Fortunitly she was doing it with two others, so she would hope that this would go swiftly.

  22. Watching the scorpion miss, Rebekah realized that this would be the time to attack. If she could possible land a clean strike in an attempt to kill the monster now, it would be a lot easier, however the monster had saw her attack the entire time, and was easily able to avoid her attack. If only she was not making too much noise, then she would have had a chance without being seen.


    1325: BD = 3 (Failed)


    Claim 14/15

    Rebekah 20/21


    Scorpion 6/11

  23. However, she was determined to try again. Hopefully, she might get a bit more luck eventually. This time she decided to give it everything she has got to try to climb up the tree. She put her hands and did not think about the possibility of climbing down, she had arrived to the to the top of the tree but realized she did not bring a knife or anything to harvest these cocoa pods, and now would have to head back down empty handed.


    1320: LD = 14

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