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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. "Just don't take a nap by yourself outside of towns." Rebekah reminded her. There was still a list of mavericks (player killers) that have not been caught, but it does not seem like they will be hunted down in the near future regardless. "Would you like to go on another adventure another time?" as she started to pack things back into her inventory, with the click of a few buttons in her menu box.

  2. Claim had missed yet again, but she was right there to follow up on that as the elf would not be able to dodge both of them attacking at once. It was a nice strategy that she picked up, which happens a lot in duo-parties fighting the same mob. Her speed as well as her long reach with the rapier did not hurt at all, especially trying to attack in that small opening of time.


    978: BD = 5 (+1) = 6


    Claim 15/15

    Rebekah 20/21*  (I typically ignore the new hp after i started a roleplay)


    Dark Elf 3/11

  3. [OOC: Don't worry, I like to make subtle jabs from time to time ;)]



    She was going to call him out for making a technical simplification of those floors in between, but she did not. She listened to that last line carefully, and thought his attitude shifted slightly. She thought about it briefly, and she knew that the chance to party with a higher level player is something that rarely happens, and she could possibly pick up a few better combat tips. However, the thought of being his entertainment for the day, well, I guess as long as I do not do anything stupid.


    "Sure" she replied.

  4. She was a bit annoyed with that question, it was implied at the beginning of the adventure that she'll help him get all 5 for free. However, she was not going to hand it over now, but after they finish collecting all 5 mats. That was typically the standard in most roleplays, but she just remembered that she had to explain information like this to the newer players. It was a lot faster for her to send one trade request at the end rather than several individual ones.


    He was right, she would like some time to heal up first, she asked, "What other mats do you need?"

  5. That did not come at a surprise to her, as a guy with a black jacket with yellow-ish short hair was fairly known around most of the upper level floors. That ... Blood Buccaneer was it? It was something like that, but he was probably one of the most annoying players in the game to deal with if not the most. However, that last sentence seemed to lose a bit of his natural arrogance, which was strange for someone such as him.


    She wanted to answer no, and ignore him, but she was not going to. "Weren't you that player who gotten a cold on one of the hotter floors in this game?" she asked, fully knowing the answer.

  6. Rebekah knew just by looking at it that it was good. In fact, this was one of the best attempts she ever made outside of her store, with her set of equipment. This was purely done on a simple portable set, which she brought with her all along. Maybe it had to do with the cow that she killed, perhaps it was of a higher quality, or it was fresh, but it was something that she would experiment by herself another day.


    "I'm glad that you like it." she said.

  7. Perhaps Rebekah might have grown as a player, but Zelrius was still the exact same as she remembered. "Perhaps you are the one in my way" she replied, showing her annoyance. It had been him who had walked right into her, not the other way around, but that of course does not matter. Although to be honest, she was semi-paying attention to her surroundings, walking on this floor, looking for a specific shop to buy one of the latest cooking equipment for her shop. She had forgotten the location of the NPC store, and thus was searching every store front.

  8. [OOC: Still using wicked rapier (+1 DMG, +1 ACC) and Rank 2 Rapier Skill]



    Rebekah checked up on Claim to see if he was okay after that arrow had hit his shoulder. He would be fine, and she decided not to waste anymore time by attacking with her rapier. She used her long reach to her advantage and managed to attack the monster. The long reach came in handy, as she could attack it at a range, where she could be safe enough for an immediate counter-attack.
    947: BD = 7
    Claim 15/15
    Rebekah 21/21
    Dark elf 7/11

  9. It had been a while since Rebekah had visited the higher up floors. She was planning on doing some last minute training on the higher floors in preparation for the boss battle. She was walking around the mountainous city of Nimbus, when she had noticed something. It had been a while since she ran into that arrogant high level player, his name was .... Zelrius. She had not seen him since his disappearance into the jungle a while back, back then she was still a bit too naive, thinking the whole town can be burnt down with a fire, but times have changed.

  10. Instead of Rebekah going on to describe the food, she decided to let her taste it instead. She was not the most descriptive person in the world, and that sort of shows when she says things. She likes talking about things straight to the point, and would not come up with more than say several adjectives to describe the dish that she had created in front of Mari today.


    "Try it for yourself" she squeaked out, she really had nothing else to say.

  11. Even though he was coming over to help, she knew that she could finish the battle all by herself. She only needed one more hit, and decided to use herself as bait. She was not going to defend against the upcoming attack, but instead let it attack her. This would make the boar commit to be near her, where she can easily land that last hit without missing. It was a risky strategy, but she knew that she had the hit points to take the hit.


    945: BD = 6; Mob = 10; LD = 6


    Lotharian 10/15

    Rebekah 12/19


    Boar 2: 0/10


    + Mat

  12. Rebekah had changed focus during this time to spend more time focusing on the defensive side of the game, and hopefully the offensive strikes will come from the counter attacks. She did not want to lose any more health points in this battle, and was now determined to end it as soon as possible.


    885: BD = 2; Mob = 6 (-1) = 5


    Lotharian 10/15
    Boar 1: 1/10


    Rebekah 15/19
    Boar 2: 6/10

  13. However, after her reach gave her the advantage, she tried to swing again, but extra greediness had cost her, as the pig was able to close the distance and attacked her. To make matters worse, she had missed her swing, and should have played a lot more defensively in that instance as opposed to trying to end the battle at this specific moment.


    883: BD = 1; Mob = 7


    Lotharian 10/15
    Boar 1: 1/10


    Rebekah 15/19
    Boar 2: 6/10

  14. Even though the pan did not have a lid, the timer ran out, and she knew at that moment, the food would be done. She had an extra plate with her, so she could put the food onto the plate as opposed to serving out of the pan. She decided to be safe, and started to cut it in half at the center, checking if it was cooked perfectly, it was the only way she could see if it was cooked to the colour that she wanted it to be on the inside.

  15. [OOC: I am still using my old weapons (ie. Wicked Rapier +1 DMG, +1 ACC, and Rank 2 Rapier Skill + 2 DMG) for remainder of roleplay; regardless of my signature ;)



    After taking the time to focus both she and the boar charged at each other, but she was faster, and was able to extend her long reach including the tip of the rapier and pierce the wild boar before it could hit her at all. It was nice for her to be able to fight from a distance away, with that extended reach is a huge advantage.


    879: BD = 7; Mob = 3


    Lotharian 11/15
    Boar 1: 3/10


    Rebekah 16/19
    Boar 2: 6/10

  16. Rebekah had the next day, and already had a new request. She had ringed the bell, and is now waiting for the girl to show up at the front of the store. She had already filled out a quote order form, and was ready to hand it to her. She was looking for an unnamed Chef's tool to help her out with her cooking.


    (Name - TBA; Perfect Quality; Ambition Rank 1; + 1 EXP for each Craft/Food Cooked)


    She knew that she was busy with the flood of orders especially with a potential boss fight upcoming, and would like to tell her, it can wait, the armour and weapons are higher priority, and this can wait for a while.


  17. "It should be done any minute now" she said. Rebekah had heard the rumors about a girl in pink forming a new guild, however she had entered a new guild herself. Word travels fast around Aincrad, or she has her sources as a solo-player. She took a minute before replying, "Well, I been less of a solo-player recently, but unfortunately, I am already in a guild."


    Just as about time that the timer went off, she took out some utensils and plates, just in case she did not have any with her.

  18. Rebekah ran off into the distance at where she had thought the arrow had come from, but she could not see anything when she got there. It had only attacked with one arrow, and she knew that she was close, but she could not do anything if she cannot physical see it even for a moment. She was ready to attack as long as she could catch a glimpse of the monster.


    798: BD = 3


    Claim 15/15

    Rebekah 21/21


    Dark Elf 11/11

  19. "It would truly be something if that happened" she replied. However, she knew the odds of that were low, as there would be many other players participating in these boss battles, however they were lucky not to receive a single casualty as of yet. It would not be the worst idea for a tank, as the pan could also act as a mini-shield. A timer had appeared in front of her, and she set the time that she thought would get it to be exactly medium-rare, that way she could readjust if it needed to be slightly more cooked as opposed to overcooking the meat.

  20. It had been a while since she continued cooking, but she knew it would be important. With the news that the next boss battle will be upcoming, she knew that she needed to start to get ready with extra enchantments to help save the players. She took out one of her 2 remaining mats, and had to start to cook. She had a big piece of steak and decided to roast it on the grill, along with some potatoes that she had collected earlier. It would be a hearty meal, but it would be good enough for someone looking to get a big meal before doing something important. She continued to grill it, and tried to get it perfectly medium-rare, as nobody likes their stakes well-done.


    788: LD = 12 (Perfect Item); + 8 Exp


    Item: Beef Steak with Potatoes

    Quality: Perfect

    Shop: Rebekah's Cafe

    Enhancements: [Well Fed - 3]

    Description: + 3 HP for a Roleplay

  21. Well, I am currently taking JAPN100 - (Intro to Japanese, passing but not doing well for my standards) at uni. So i do know some of the basics.


    I also know a bit of French as well. Bonjour, Comment Ca Va?

  22. -- Boar 2 --


    She had heard him, he had to be more careful, actually both of them had to be more careful around these lower level monsters, as they never knew how strong they actually would be. Just as she was thinking about it, the boar managed to ram at her with all its speed, as she was completely caught off guard not thinking about the battle at all.


    783: Mob = 9


    Lotharian 11/15
    Boar 1: 3/10


    Rebekah 16/19
    Boar 2: 10/10

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