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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. "Well, as for shops, I have only visited Setsuko's Frozen Blacksmith and Lessa's Wild Rose Forge. However, the wait time might be getting long with the anticipation of a possible boss battle in the next while." she replied. However, she had not seen Setsuko since a few months ago. "Anyways, anything can be a weapon, even this pan, but it might not be as effective as a sharp metal weapon." she replied.


    She started to season, it was easy in this game, all she had to do was to pour some of the spices out of the container onto the pan, cooking was simplified in this game by a lot.

  2. Rebekah had finally arrived back from her training run, she had the 6 mats, she needed to give to Lessa to trade for her new rapier, as she waited for her to show up after ringing the bell, she had the trade request window ready. It was a long day collecting, but it was also nice as she gained quite a bit of battle experience while going on a journey to collect mats.


    [Gives Lessa 6 Mats]

  3. Rebekah knew that after a big attack such as that one, she would have a small window to deal her attack. She knew that the metal giant was one attack away from being finished, and she decided to to give it everything she has got to finish this battle early, as she knew that the longer this drags out, the higher the advantage the giant will have. She charged head on towards the giant leading with her rapier, and thrusted it as hard as she could, until she had managed to break her way through as the giant exploded into many pixals before fading away.


    760: BD = 10; LD = 10


    Rebekah 13/19

    Giant 0/10


    + Mat



    Roleplay Complete:


    2 Pages (x 400) = 800 Col

    1 Bonus Mob Col = 50 Col

    + 6 Mats

    + Skill-Point


    Subject to approval.

  4. -- Giant --


    It was completely shocked to see the girl appear out of nowhere, and she somehow managed to avoid its metal armour at the same time. It drew out its metal sword, as it was time to switch attack moves since it had fallen into the yellow zone with its HP bar. It used the longsword and attacked the girl, who did not notice the switch of attack pattern in time, and did not get her rapier out to protect herself. The attack had pierce through her weak leather armour, and it had dropped her HP, as she disengages and attempts to think about what had just happened.


    759: Mob = 9


    Rebekah 13/19

    Giant 2/10

  5. "Well, your weapon is good for now, but I recommend getting a new weapon, possibly of rare or perfect quality when you have the col to do so" she replied. It is a lot easier to fight with better equipment. She looked up at her, luckily for her she had all her equipment out in the wild, the only thing missing was that garlic sauce. However, that was not a problem, she had stumbled onto some garlic earlier the other day, and did not unload it into her shop yet. It would be available to use.


    The drop of meat was a steak, and that made things a lot easier, she took out a pan, and decided to season the beef inside, as she had no other containers to hold it in.

  6. Rebekah had finished formulating a plan. She had took the time when it was still throwing rocks to make it off to the side where there was some forest shade, which could help her disguise her run towards the Giant. As it was looking around for her, she quickly bolted as far as possible until the narrowest gap in the opening to the Giant, before charging straight out at her, and jumping up in the air to land the attack. She did not want to give away her position from the vibrations of the ground if she stayed on the ground. She managed to strike the giant from behind, completely unnoticed the entire time, before landing nearby.


    755: BD = 5 (+1) = 6


    Rebekah 15/19

    Giant 2/10

  7. -- Giant --


    There was no stopping what was not working, which in this case was continuing to throw heavy boulders at the girl, so that she cannot get near it. However, that can only last if it had enough pieces of rocks to use, and soon there was nothing left to throw. However, the girl could not been seen, she was not dead but she disappeared from view completely. All it could see are all the heavy builders that it had thrown around for the past few minutes.


    754: Mob = 1


    Rebekah 15/19

    Giant 6/10

  8. There was no way she could get close at this rate, as she was still busy trying to avoid all the rocks that were there. She needed a new strategy to fight it, but it would take sometime to set up. She needed to speed up a side to attack it without being caught at all, she did not know what could be done at this moment, but surely maybe one of her sword skills might provide her the answer that she is looking for.


    753: BD = 1


    Rebekah 15/19

    Giant 6/10

  9. -- Giant --


    The giant glancing at the situation decided to throw another heavy rock at the girl. She had saw the attack coming, and managed to avoid most of to avoid being completely crushed by the rock, and tried to use her sword to block part of the attack. Sadly, that attempted block had cost her some hit points, but luckily she was still alive, due to the heavy rocks that was be thrown around.


    752: Mob = 9


    Rebekah 15/19

    Giant 6/10

  10. However, that dodge had made her expend a large amount of energy as she now has to run around the rock to get to the giant. Realizing that she could not do much this turn, she decided not to bother, but spend the time to focus so that she could dodge the attack and immediately counter its next throw right away before it could find another huge rock to throw.


    751: BD = 1


    Rebekah 17/19

    Giant 6/10

  11. -- Giant ---


    The attack had felt like a pinch to it, but somehow it had lost a ton of hit points on that attack. It did not like to fight, but when it had to, it was very angry. It grabbed a nearby piece of stone, and threw it at the girl. However, Rebekah was able to predict the trajectory of the giant rock that was hurled right at her, and she was able to easily dodge it by simply moving out of the way.


    746: Mob = 2


    Rebekah 17/19

    Giant 6/10

  12. She was having zero success today, and she decided to rethink her first attack. It had whiffed completely but she had decided to forgo this attack opportunity in the hopes that she could rethink what she did wrong, after it had went completely terribly. Perhaps it was her rhythm that she was off, she did not know, and she kept thinking. She eventually came to the answer, but had realize her time to attack had been used up just standing there.


    745: BD = 2


    Lotharian 14/15
    Boar 1: 5/10


    Rebekah 18/19
    Boar 2: 10/10

  13. It did not take her long to find what she was looking for, a giant with metal armour was standing right in front of her, well it was not really gigantic, but it was bigger than her by quite a bit. She knew that if she was going to wait for another goblin, it may take a while, so she decided to start this fight instead. She decided to start off with her typical combo which was to try to pierce the armour with her rapier, it would be tough, but her sword was very durable, and was able to damage him, but the weapon did not go through the monster yet.


    741: BD = 5 (+1) = 6


    Rebekah 17/19


    Giant 6/10

  14. -- Boar 2 ---
    Meanwhile, Rebekah was having this one-on-one battle with the other boar on the other side of the battle field. They were oblivious to anything that was happening over there, except for the fact that their health bars were linked together. The boar had managed to evade the girl's attack and managed to swipe at her with its counter-attack at the split-second that she was vulnerable to attack. She was not expecting for such a smart boar to be able to pick out the time and location, but it did not matter at all.
    740: Mob = 7
    Lotharian 15/15
    Rebekah 18/19
    Boar 1: 8/10
    Boar 2: 10/10

  15. After that fight had concluded, she looked up at the sky and knew that there was time for one last quick fight before her day would end. It had nothing to do with the dark, however, she rather not be outside by herself especially when her tracking and hiding skills are so low, any player could easily track her out here, and she did not want to risk it. She was okay with spending the time in the morning when daylight is around.

  16. After she had heard that, Rebekah was determined to finish this battle before more would arrive. Even though they were relatively week, it would be a lot easier for her to finish them off before more of them would arrive. She took her rapier and followed up on the attack this time, making sure that she would land the attack for sure.


    739: BD = 8; LD = 16


    Claim 15/15

    Rebekah 21/21


    Dark Elf 0/11


    + Mat; + 11x5 = 55 Col

  17. The monster was lying there on the ground by itself. This will be an easy kill, and without giving much more thought decided to end this battle right now, as she did not want to stall anymore time. However, she wanted to be completely certain, as she used her best sword skill to date, fully knowing that activating it would give her a brief stun in which she could not defend herself from any moves.


    738: BD = 10; LD = 2


    Rebekah 17/19


    Iron Goblin 0/10


    + Mat

  18. -- Iron Goblin --


    The attack had just come moments after the invincibility had worn off, and the sheer force that was made by the girl, knocked the goblin itself completely off balance. It had tripped and fell, and started to roll down the big hill. As it had gotten down to the bottom of the hill, it eventually came to a completely stop, but the girl was now standing next to it, after having followed it the completely way down.


    737: Mob = 5 (Miss)


    Rebekah 17/19


    Iron Goblin 5/10

  19. Rebekah had saw the invincibility timer tick down, and knew the exact moment that she would be free to ready her attack. She had her sword skill planned for the exact moment that she could attack, at a perfect timing. When the timer reached zero, she had activated her several-hit sword skill combo in an attempt to drain as much health as possible before it could possibly react.


    715: BD = 9


    Rebekah 17/19


    Iron Goblin 5/10

  20. Rebekah looked to follow connect on the attack right after he had attacked it, but this time, the Elf knew she was coming, and instead spent its focus at attempting to block her attack. It was an unorthodox move, but her attack was completely nullified as her momentum carrying her through had been stopped after they had made contact.


    714: BD = 4 (Miss)



    Rebekah 21/21


    Dark Elf 2/11

  21. She looked up at him, and said "Good Night, I'll see you tomorrow." Rebekah looked up at the sky, and decided not to burn her teleportation crystal for the night, she was confident that she could make it back to the teleportation portal in the middle of the town quickly. With that, she left on her way, heading back, she had everything that she needed back in her inventory, and the fire was out already.


    [OOC: You can create the new thread in about a day or two]



    Roleplay Finished:


    2 x 400 Col (Page) = 800 Col


    + 400 col, skill-point each. Subject to approval.

  22. [OOC: You aren't the only one ;)]


    Rebekah decided not to waste anytime but to follow right behind him. As soon as he had missed his attack, or rather, the dark elf had dodge his attack, she was able to attack it instantly before it could get into position to dodge. It was a perfectly executed switch tatic, one that is rarely seen without communicating, but she had been in several bigger fights, where switching is an option to increasing the chances of landing a single hit.


    707 BD: 9


    Claim 15/15

    Rebekah 21/21


    Dark Elf 6/11

  23. --- Iron Goblin ---


    While in that state, the monster could neither be attacked or attack anything, but it wanted to, as it could register the sight of the girl attacking it. Knowing that the invincibility ends in about a few more seconds, it knew the player had the upper hand, and got to keep the first attack advantage of this battle, not that it mattered a whole lot in the grand skim of things.


    706 Mob = 2


    Rebekah 17/19


    Iron Goblin 10/10

  24. She had stood about where the monster would respawn a few minutes before it did. At that exact moment, she tried to ram her rapier into the goblin, but she had completely forgotten about the slight invincibility delay that comes with these respawns. They cannot be killed or attacked at the moment that they reappear, and thus she had wasted some needless energy.


    704 BD: 4 (Miss)


    Rebekah 17/19


    Iron Goblin 10/10

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