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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. "Sure, I would love to help" the girl replied. There was nothing else she liked doing than helping other players, especially if the player is a lower level than her. She equipped her rapier before she was going to leave this place. She looked up at him, and saw that he was just as ready as she was. She always had her equipment on her, excluding her rapier outside, as she never knew if anything would happen.

  2. Rebekah decided to walk over past the hill a little bit more. She had just fought her 4th monster today, which is already a lot for her usual standard but she knew that she had to continue. She could not quit now, not when she was just two more away from her goal. Of course, it was going to take a while, but hopefully she could finish it tonight and get back to cooking. She had not cooked in quite some while, and wanted to brighten up her shop.

  3. Rebekah had noticed that the Goblin went all out for that last attack on her, and as a result, she saw that there was a slight weakness, in its moves. With that, she saw her opportunity to land the fatal strike, as its defenses were completely vulnerable at this moment. She attacked with her rapier, hoping that her sheer power would be enough to take it out completely, and it did.


    697: BD = 7; LD = 14


    Rebekah 17/19


    Iron Goblin 0/10


    + Mat

  4. --- Iron Goblin ---


    It had noticed that the girl was unable to attack after that attempt to block its previous attack, thus it knew it had the advantage for at least another free shot at her. It took out its weapons and sliced her when it was near her. She had not noticed that he had a weapon, but it would be interesting for it to fight a sword vs sword battle for the first time in ages.


    696: Mob = 7


    Rebekah 17/19


    Iron Goblin 4/10

  5. She had noticed that she was still holding onto the ladle, and scoped the rest of the food out for Agra. She had already finished hers, and realized that she will clean up the equipment when she gets back later today. Besides, it would get dark soon, the sun was still up, but she figured it would not before long, until the moon would come out, maybe another hour and half at the most.

  6. However, that critical block had cost her the momentum with her sword, and thus was unable to finish the monster off. However, she was able to reset into another defensive position that would allow her to dodge another one of its attacks. It would be crucial for her to finish this battle as soon as possible which would allow her to move on.


    695: BD=1 (Miss)


    Rebekah 18/19


    Iron Goblin 4/10

  7. As the cow charged past her, she managed to stick her rapier out to slice its legs as it went by. She had hoped that getting one side would be enough to finish the job, or at least immobilize it so that Mari can finish it off. However, her power was too strong for the cow, and just the single weak attack had finished it off. She looked up at Mari, "You did fine out there. Anyways, how would you like your food (beef) cooked?" Rebekah asked.


    694: BD = 5 (+1) = 6; LD = 7


    Rebekah 21/21

    Mari 17/17


    Cow 0/11


    + Drop (Beef)

  8. -- Cow --


    The cow was peacefully grazing on the grassy hill when two players had attacked it right away. It had wanted to be left alone, but now had to fight. It had charged towards the first girl with the light brown-ish hair that attacked it, but she was easily able to dodge as she was a lot more agile than the big heavy cow.


    693: Mob = 4 (Miss)


    Rebekah 21/21

    Mari 17/17


    Cow 3/11

  9. --- Iron Goblin ---


    After it had been struck in the head, it quickly looked for revenge, and decided to strike its arms at her head. It was a natural instinct of monsters to fight back as quickly as possible, but she had been expecting that, and managed to get her rapier back in position to block the attack. It was a difficult move, trying to block an attack with a weapon as thin as a rapier.


    691: Mob = 6 (-1) = Miss


    Rebekah 18/19


    Iron Goblin 4/10

  10. She had received a message from one of the players that she had meet in this game so far, but have not quite really talked to a whole lot. Rebekah was contemplating about showing up, but decided to show up anyways. There were a lot of good sides to showing up to meet up with people. Luckily for him, she had been wondering around on the 3rd floor for quite a while already, so she did not need to travel that far. As she walked towards the teleportation gate on the floor, she had found who had messaged her about half an hour ago.

  11. She had finally arrived at the respawn location of the Goblins that she had once fought before. She saw the nearby monster, and began her approach. Her rapier was out in front of her, as she made her way directly at it. She charged right at the monster, and noticed that it did not have armour around its head, and instead of aiming her rapier into the metal armour of the goblin, she aimed for the head.


    690: BD: 10


    Rebekah 18/19


    Iron Goblin 4/10

  12. She looked to continue searching for monsters that would drop any type of iron ore, but there were not a lot around for her to choose from. As a result, she would have to go back to Iron Goblins, as that was the best way for her to train, she had noticed that her life regen had gone back up after that miniature break away from fighting.


    (+5 HP - Survival)

  13. She quickly decided to check her messages before continuing, and she had received a message from Lessa. It had taken her 6 mats for her to finish her new weapon, and noticed that she had only collected 3 of the 6 mats that she needed. It would take her a while, but she realized it she were to leave now, to try to finish them tonight, so she could pick up her new weapon as soon as possible. She did not bring any food with her, and realizes that she should try to head back before it would be dark outside.

    She had decided to venture away from this spot for a bit, while she had nothing against fighting giant rocks, she wanted to fight something a lot smaller, which would be a lot easier for her to dodge. It did not really matter a whole lot, nor did it make a big difference but that battle was exhausting and she hoped it would be a lot quicker before she could finish this mission. However, surviving in a harsh environment such as this would not be a big deal if she did not have enough food or water, she has done it in the past before.

  14. Rebekah took a quick break at a nearby wood stump. It was perfect for her to sit on, and take a break for a short while, to quickly regain her strength, as she was exhausted. She had noticed that she earned some col and mats from her last battle. She took a look at the sky above her, the sun was still out, and she could continue going, after she catches her breath.

  15. It was still getting back up, and before it could regain the advantage, Rebekah took her rapier and stabbed the giant rock monster in the chest before it could get back up. She had hoped that it would be enough to finish the job, and it was. It was a tough and exhausting battle, fighting monsters that are way bigger than her, but she had done it once again.


    680: BD: 9; Loot: 16


    Rebekah 13/19


    Iron Elemental 0/10


    + Mat, + Bonus Col (10x5=50)

  16. --- Iron Elemental ---


    The giant rock was slowly getting itself off the ground, and could not spend the time to retaliate the latest attack by the girl. It would require a bit more time before it could attack, as it did not attempt to attack. The girl had it where it had wanted, as it knew that she needed to miss her next attack, or else it would die.


    679: Mob: 2 (Miss)


    Rebekah 13/19


    Iron Elemental 2/10

  17. The giant monster was lying on the ground, and she decided to use this opportunity to land a glancing blow. It was on the ground, and now it would be the best time to finish this attack. She hoped to land the glancing blow, but her attack was not enough, it was just short of finishing it off. As she saw it's HP bar drop down but not far enough to zero.


    678: BD = 5 (+1) = Hit


    Rebekah 13/19


    Iron Elemental 2/10

  18. --- Iron Elemental ---


    The big piece of rock had just narrowly charged past the little girl, and now turned around to attack her again. She had managed to easily evade his move, as she was quick. Even though it had charged, a big giant piece of rock cannot outrun her, and had tripped up over itself. It had fallen down to the ground, and now is struggling to get back up.


    669: Mob = 1 (Miss)


    Rebekah 13/19


    Iron Elemental 6/10

  19. Oh right, she had almost forgotten to wield her ladle. There was so much to prep a meal in Aincrad out in the wild, especially when you do not have all the equipment in front of her. She quickly scrolled through her inventory for the right piece of equipment. She had found it, and took it out, and scooped the food into her bowl. She was glad that she had gotten her inventory expanded to hold more things, especially all these equipment that may come in handy once in a while.

  20. Rebekah took a moment to think before answering the question, well this was the second guild that she has ever been in, as the first was big but inactive. "I guess as long the guild is active, it does not really matter what events the guild holds." she replied. As for the anything personal, she did not have anything planned that she wanted to work on with Lessa, she was more interested in getting to know her, although if she had an idea, she wouldn't say no.


    She took a moment to think, but nothing else came into her head at this moment, "I will let you know when I think of something."

  21. Rebekah took a look up at the fight that had just started. Which boar should she attack, she still had not made up her decision, but decided to quickly make her attack. She had been thinking to attack boar 2, but had gotten the boars mixed up, and when it came time to draw her rapier to attack, she had missed.


    668:  BD = 3 (Miss)


    Lotharian 15/15

    Rebekah 19/19


    Boar 1: 8/10

    Boar 2: 10/10

  22. She handed him the spagetthi that she had made. Usually, she would charge 50 col for normal items, but normal items are essentially worthless in this game, without the added bonus stats. She told him, "This one is on the house" she said, as she was looking forward on clearing some of her normal items. "This has been open for quite some while, but its a niche floor, most people like to avoid the freezing 4th floor all together, but its a nice floor to hang out, and have activities indoors."

  23. Rebekah looked over at Lessa, she was right. She was not the only person who burnt herself out trying to grind really hard. In fact, she burnt herself out for quite a bit of time, trying to become one of the strongest. Now, she had learned to add in some flexibility, but more important relaxation time. She took a minute to think, and maybe a journal would be an excellent idea if she could find the time to start one. Anyways, she was excited about joining this new guild, she had always wanted to be in an active front-line guild, as her last guild quickly became inactive without much events.


    "I'm really excited to join your guild, I cannot wait for events, stuff to happen soon" she replied. It had been a while since she had last heard about the progress on clearing floor 9, and hope that can shortly resume in the near future.

  24. However, her attempt at getting out of the way, had left her in a very bad position, one that could not allow her to attack this turn. She was hoping to get an attack on its knee as it charged by, but she was still thinking about avoiding all damage, and therefore wasted her perfect opportunity. She knew that it would not be long before it would attack again, and would now face the challenge of playing defense yet again.


    642: BD: 3 (Miss)


    Rebekah 13/19


    Iron Elemental 6/10

  25. --- Iron Monster ---


    The girl had swung wildly at it and missed it by a lot. She had swung herself off-balance, and saw this as the perfect opportunity as she has yet to regain her footing. It charged at her in an attempt as it was one of the best opportunities that it will receive to inflict some free damage. However, Rebekah had been well-aware of her positioning, and was able to dodge the attack as it was coming right at her at full speed.


    641: Mob: 3 (Miss)


    Rebekah 13/19


    Iron Elemental 6/10

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