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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. Rebekah looked up at the player that walked into her cafe. "Hello, is there anything you would like in particular, extra damage, extra luck in roleplays, etc..." she asked. She had a wide range of things that she could make.


    She handed the player the menu of stuff that she could make, and decided to stay nearby just in case he had any questions.

  2. Rebekah decided to grab a taste of the food before they poured it out of the pot. After Agra added the spices, it tastes amazing. She was interested to find out where he found the spices, as that is what her food had been lacking lately, some more flavour. Regardless, it was time to eat, and questions could be asked later.

  3. It took a while, but they finally managed to arrive at their destination. She looked up at Lotharian, and asked "you first?" The hill that they arrived on did not have the best respawn rate on this floor, but it was quick enough for them. The more important news was that this hill does respawn almost all of the animals that they would have to hunt, so they do not need to travel to another location.

  4. Rebekah replied, "Depends what kind of enemies you make, if you are stronger than them, then it does not really matter as much." She had been sure not to make enemies in this game, especially when she was trying to level up to become a lot stronger. Now, it does not matter to her anymore, since she has gotten past that stage.


    Anyways, that's enough thinking, she took out rapier, and tried to carefully attack the cow near one of its major blood vessels. She thrusts her rapier in, and pulls it out, only to realize she narrowly missed that critical point she was trying to aim. She has been focusing a lot on accuracy lately.


    634 BD: 6


    Rebekah 21/21

    Mari 17/17


    Cow 7/11

  5. Rebekah took a seat on the nearby chair, it had been a while since she had met up with another girl. She did not mind it wasn't a formal meeting, in fact, she just wanted to have a nice chat with someone else, someone she could trust. Lessa was right, this floor is very comfortable, even though some may complain that it is cold, there are a lot more things to do inside.


    It is nice to relax, once in a while, especially since we been stuck in Aincrad for so long. "I'm doing fine right now, been stuck in the same routine daily for the past few weeks, which is somewhat nice." She replied.

  6. Rebekah saw that the giant rock was nearby, and swung her weapon at her. However, her attack had missed as it had managed to dodge out of the way, and she had missed her attack. This was something that she did not want to happen, as the primary focus is her accuracy.
    416 BD: 3
    Rebekah 13/19
    Iron Elemental 6/10

  7. "I like to be a solo-player" Rebekah replied. She often prefered being a solo-player, as she does not have to deal with dynamics in a group. However, she does often create parties with a lot of the newer players to show them the game, when they are new. She enjoyed that aspect of partying, as she could help them by guiding them the way. She looked over at Lessa, and wanted to say that she did not have to be a cook to cook things. As long as she had the right set of equipment on her, it would be easy.


    Anyways, they had found what they were looking for, a wild cow up ahead. "Do you want to go first?" she asked.

  8. "In that case, I suggest, how about one boar, two wolves, and two deers." She knew that boars are easily found everywhere, and would not require much effort to find them. She has not ran into a deer at the moment, but would like to know where they could be found. As for the suggestion, it was nice, but it was unnecessary, she did not want to drag out this day as long as possible.

  9. Rebekah had received the notification of her sword being completed. She quickly sent a reply to Lessa, she had 2 of the 6 mats that she needed for this item. She will quickly try to finish her collection, as soon as possible.


    She knew that she could not keep Lessa waiting for long, and now had to quickly finish collecting the rest of the materials that she needed to pay Lessa in exchange for this sword.

  10. -- Iron Elemental --


    It saw the race close to it, to attack it. At that moment, it swung its heavy rocky arms at the girl, and the force drove her backwards. It had hoped to deal enough damage to discourage it from attacking further. However, the girl was persistent, and quickly scrambled back onto her feet. Rebekah knew that she needed to be more careful during her battles.


    352 Mob: 9


    Rebekah 13/19


    Iron Elemental 6/10

  11. Rebekah looked over, the first thing that came in her head was some boars, but they were really far away on the grasslands of level one. However, she remembered that there was a group of wild cows that would respawn right around that corner, not too far from here.


    "Don't worry about cooking it, as long as we can kill it, I can handle the rest." Rebekah said. She knew that having her camping stove in her inventory one of these days would come in handy. She pointed towards the general direction that they would be headed, and lead her the way.

  12. He made a good point. All along, she thought that he was leading the way, but it turns out that she forgot to ask the important question. "What kind of tailoring mat are you looking for specifically?" Rebekah asked. It would be a lot easier if she knew what they were looking for. There were slight variations in the different types of armour, but she has not gone in depth researching about them at all. In fact, she has not spent a single point on a defensive stat, other than her quest-drop battle coat, which has served her well up until now.

  13. Mari was semi-correct in her thinking. It was tough for a new player to find food other than bread as they did not have the resources to obtain anything more, either by killing it outright or by paying for it at a inn with col. Her attitude was not really that bad, her brothers were way worst, and that's how she had forgotten she had found refuge by being stuck in this death game, away from the daily quarrels at home.


    Anyways, she had received her answer, "What would you like to eat?" as she felt the need to go on a hunting trip shortly.

  14. Rebekah was determine not to repeat her last error, and told out her rapier. She had to strike quickly, and had a small window of opportunity to strike with her weapon. She was trying to focus on accuracy and increasing the damage, rather than trying to brute force it. She always like to rely on good technique, instead of burning her energy, trying to compensate for the low accuracy on important points. She quickly noticed that the knee was a weak point, and targeted by thrusting her rapier in. She had narrowly missed the critical point, which was something she could improve on in the future.


    343 BD: 7 --> 1 ( + 1 + 2) = 4 DMG


    Rebekah 15/19


    Iron Elemental 6/10

  15. "Sure, let's leave now, so we can get back before it gets dark outside." Rebekah replies. She looked over at Lotharian, he sure was sounding quite brave. Perhaps it had a lot to deal with how she had been previously sheltered in this game by several players early on, and when tackling some hard quests earlier in her times, or that she had searched for mavericks before. It had changed her perspective on things, she would not mind if they had to do what was best for them, she would do the same in a heartbeat if she was put in those shoes.


    Nonetheless, they left the building and headed towards their destination.

  16. It was a question, that completely caught her off guard. It was not as she was not expecting any, it would have been naive of her to not expect anybody to ask. She quickly responded, as she knew that the longer it takes for her to reply, the more awkward it would get between them in general. She did not see him anymore than just another guy she had just met in this game as of this moment, but she was not completely against anything.


    She always told herself, that if the right situation came along, she would say yes. She told him, "Sure, I'll meet you tomorrow." If it works out, than it's good, but if it does not, then that is at least better than rejecting them based on a preconceived notion. She could be convinced yes or no tomorrow, or hopefully not still undecided.


    "Maybe you should check the food" she said.

  17. Rebeakah was already walking by the town center by the time she had received the message. The inn was a perfect meeting place on this floor, as unless both parties would like to be outside in the cold, they were better off inside. She headed over towards the inn, and by the time she was there, she was cold, and in need of a hot beverage. She looked over at the coffee shop nearby, that would do for now, and she made her way inside.


    Looking at her message one more time, she had found the meeting spot inside the inn, and headed towards there before she could waste anymore time. It was a beautiful day, and it was not that cold outside compared to the rest of the days in the year so far.

  18. Rebekah listened to the quest details, 5 materials, that might take a while, but she was not busy. She was all set to go, and told him, "I'm ready to leave, whenever you are" she replied. To be honest, there was not a concrete plan that they needed to formulate, as they could just go and kill 5 monsters. However, he was right, there does need to be a plan, because it is often dangerous to travel with higher level players, as the monsters may have higher health points than the lower leveled player. She looked over, and told him, "If you need to bail at any point to stay alive, do what you got to do" she said.


    With that, she sent over a party request invite.

  19. Daily Attempt #1:


    Rebekah took out some flour that she had collected a while back, and decided to make some sort of pasta/noodle type food. She poured the flour, and various other ingredients into a bowl, and started to mix it. After a while, it was time to stretch/flatten the pasta with her rolling pin. It was a lot easier in Aincrad, as she had to roll it a few times, for it to gain the shape. After a few rolls, she now need to cut it into the small size for spaghetti. She took out her knife and made a few marks, and hope it would work. It did but it did not look pretty, it was something that was going to improve over time. Finally, she put it in the water to boil.


    339 CD: 9 (Good Item) + 2 EXP


    Item: Plain Spaghetti

    Type: Consumable

    Quality: Good

    Shop: Rebekah's Cafe

    Enhancements: None

    Description: None

  20. "Hello Mari, I am Rebekah" she said. Well, she could assume by her attitude that her own prediction was correct, she was a bit hungry. After all, nobody would want to continually keep eating the standard bread if they could help it. Even Rebekah herself, was not a fan of the standard bread that they gave out, it lacked something after a while, but she still had hers just in case for emergencies.


    "Well, I assume you do not want to eat bread anymore? Since I have nothing else to do, would you want to go visit a restaurant/bar in a town to go get some food, or do we want to hunt & catch it ourselves?" She gave her the option, as it was entirely up to her.

  21. "Not quite, I already finished my quest a long time ago." Rebekah replied. That was true, but that did not explain why she would be visiting the training grounds for other people to learn their crafts, and perhaps one day, perfect it. She was still a long ways away from perfecting her own, but it would come naturally one of these days in the future. Technically, she could repeat the quest to relearn extra mats, but she still had some with her, so she did not want to repeat hers yet.


    She had noticed that he was going to be a tailor, and ask, "would you like some help collecting your materials?"

  22. --- Iron Elemental ---


    After something had thrown a small pebble at the giant rock, it turned and saw a girl, who drew out its sword, ready to attack it, but she just stood there. It was mad, and was not happy that a person had destroyed its peace and quiet around here. It grab a big piece of Earth and chucked it as hard as it could at the girl. She was able to dodge most of the dirt that came her way, but not all.


    338: Mob Dice = 8 (-1) = 7


    Rebekah 15/19


    Iron Elemental 10/10

  23. Rebekah was wondering around aimlessly in the town of beginning today. She came across the place where people would learn the basics of a craft from a npc. It has been a while since she visited this area. She has not been here ever since she learned the skill of cooking, and she looked down at her armour, maybe someday, she will get better armour.

    She looked up and saw a guy approaching one of the NPCs inside. Perhaps, he might want some help with his quest, she decided to go inside and ask.

  24. It had just hit her, she was looking for something to eat. Then she remembered, not everyone in this game spends the time to level up their cooking skill effectively. "Are you hungry?" Rebekah asked.

    She did not have any food on her, but she did know where to find them, she has been out and about this region of floor 2 a lot, and knew where to explore for certain types of food. The girl was right about that she could kill different types of animals that she runs into. However, the problem are player killers that cannot lurk inside of towns, but can be found outside.

  25. She stood there awaiting the monster to respawn, but it was going to take a while. So she decided to attack something else that was around, some sort of granite monster, a granite elemental. It was entirely made of rock from head to toe up, and resembled the shape of a person. Well, since she was waiting, she might as well, go ahead with this first.


    It looked so big, that she froze for a full second after throwing a small pebble at it. That was a mistake, she should not have provoked it, without getting off an attack.


    269: BD: 1 (Epic Fail)


    Rebekah 16/19


    Granite Elemental 10/10

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