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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. Rebekah took out her notebook for a second, and took a look at what she had written down earlier. There was nothing important that she had to get done by tomorrow, so she was available. She took a quick glance at the timer and saw that it was almost done.


    "I'm free..." she replied as she took out some smaller bowls, and eating utensils. "What do you have in mind?"

  2. Rebekah had been too busy lately with stuff to do. She had created a long list of tasks to finish lately, as she needed to write them down or else she would forget. Her list would never end, as she kept adding stuff to-do's on that list, such as this or that. Today, she decided to take a break from her busy life, and decided take the day off. She randomly chose a floor, and ended up on the 3rd floor.

  3. This girl was semi-correct. There were many girls around, but not all of them are often active at the same time. Rebekah, herself, have not been partying with people as often lately, so she did not know if that was true.


    "There's more than a few of us around." she replied. "What brings you out here lying on the grass?" She knew that it was dangerous for any girl anybody to be sleeping outside by themselves in this game.

  4. Rebekah was finish as well, and started to put her ingredients into the pot with water. She felt like as she was missing something, but she did not know what. After all the ingredients were put inside, she put on the lid, and out came a timer, that she could set the cooking time. She looked up, and was trying to estimate how long it would take for it to cook. She told him, can you set the time, since its your cauldron, it will not let me set the cooking time.

  5. That was over, and now she had a choice to make, either go into the dungeon/cave nearby to fight more monsters or stay outside to continue fighting. She thought for a second before deciding to stay outside, as she was afraid of encountering some anti-crystal area, where she would not be able to teleport to safety. After all, she was all by herself going on a training/hunting mission.

  6. Rebekah walked by the busy town on floor two. She was looking for a specific store to pick up a few items that she had been needing to restock, the typical stuff. As she was walking, she noticed a girl sitting there on the lying their. It was quite rare for her to see players lying around on a floor doing nothing, so she decided to walk over and see if anything is going wrong. After all, her shopping trip was not urgent, just to stock up on random items that might come in handy somewhere.

  7. Rebekah was not happy at all with losing her health points from that last attack. She focused all her emotions, particular her frustration/anger into this attack. She had always been someone who follows is more emotional, and is not as rational as her person. She goes in and focuses directly on the goblin thrusting her weapon as many times as possible, before it could hit her back. That had finished the job, and now she had fixed up her second mat of this trip.


    206 BD: 9; LD: 1


    Rebekah 16/19


    Iron Goblin 0/10


    + 1 Mat

  8. Rebekah was walking by, and saw a group of players gathering over what it seemed to be an ordinary hill, that was all over aincrad. She was looking at another one not too far away, but when she got closer, she realizes what the debate was about. It was not just any hill, it was the hill, and with that, she took out her rapier, and charged at Ethereal. It wouldn't hurt him, but the knockback effect on that sword skill would be enough to knock him off the hill itself.

  9. Daily Attempt #1:

    Rebekah had taken a long time away from cooking, and now was the time to get back into the swing of things. She wanted to improve and quickly max out her cooking skills, which she had not heard anyone achieve that yet, especially cooking. She took out her piece of chicken from her inventory, and decided to try to make some chicken wings. She took out her knife to cut the chicken...


    When it had finished, she had butchered the chopping of it, her prep skills especially her cutting still requires a lot of practice and work.

    205 Crafting Dice:2 (Fail) + 1 EXP, - Lose Mat

  10. --- Iron Goblin ---


    Rebekah was having such an easy time fighting these monsters, or so she thought. She took a moment to think about why she was having such an easy time, perhaps they were getting weaker, or she was more accustomed to battle. Suddenly, she had been struck by the Goblin with its weapon, that appeared out of nowhere. The force had knocked her backwards and off-balance. As she quickly scrambles back to her feet, she needs to remember that she needs to continually focus during battles.


    204: Mob: 10


    Rebekah 16/19


    Iron Goblin 2/10

  11. Rebekah just realized that she had some sort of light source in her inventory, but decided not to use it. After a short period in the dark, her eyes would naturally readjust to seeing things in the dark, which would be more favorable when tracking down another person. Besides, using the light source would tip them off, if she did see anything, so that she could concentrate on trying to find what they were looking for.


    To be honest, she could not really see much in the dark, but would not be surprise if her level zero tracking skill could not detect a player's high level hiding skill. Regardless, she paid extra attention, because she recognized that she would probably be the target in the group, if someone were to attack.

  12. She took a look at the small cauldron, it will work perfectly, as it could just sit perfectly on top of the fire, without rolling over. Rebekah got up and took the cauldron to a nearby river, and filled it with water. In this game, she knew that the water was perfectly fine, before carrying back over to the campfire that she had built. She put the it on, and a timer popped up. She could ignore that for now, as she finish prepping the rest of her ingredients. She got too carried away from helping with the prep work, while building the fire, as Agra was almost done.

  13. Rebekah needed a pot of some sort to hold the food, but she forgot to bring anything with her. All she had was a small pan, she kept scrolling down her inventory of goods, usually she would not bring as much with her, as she could leave most of her good equipment in her shop. Instead, she decided to ask Agra if he had something to cook with, seeing that she was completely loss for ideas at the moment.

  14. Cydel, at a quick glance, will the mob dice be intergrated into the searches. I did a quick search of my previous dices, and noticed that the mob dice was not found at all. Other than that, I like your system a lot, its easy to use, and it takes cheating out of it. :)


    Just a quick question with the looting dice, will the numbers be adjusted in the future as it currently shows d25 (according to the loot, col, materials guide) rules, but the loot dice is d20. I do understand that is not as important as getting the current dice system running in the short term, but hopefully thats on the radar somewhere down the road to take a look at.

  15. OOC: Now using mob dice for any future mob rolls.



    She had not encounter this much luck in fighting monsters for a long time. But perhaps combat does improve with skill, and training over time. She took a look at the goblin in front of her, she did not really want to kill it, but she needed the loot that would gained as a result of it. It was starting to begin like it was second nature, stab the monster, then go back and defend. She was finally comfortable on her rapier, but knew that she would also have to reaccustomed to her new sword in the future.


    187: BD: 8 --> (1 + (2 + 1)) = 4 DMG


    Rebekah 19/19


    Goblin 2/10

  16. --- Iron Goblin ---


    The girl had just struck her with its sword, but before it could react, it felt like as if the goblin had been stunned for a full second, not too long, but long enough to not allow it to counter-attack right away. In reality, Rebekah had hit the goblin in a vulnerable spot of a monster, which may often create some immediate after effects such as not being able to land its next attack.


    148 BD: 6 (-1) = 5 (Miss)


    Rebekah 19/19


    Iron Goblin 6/10

  17. Rebekah woke up after a long night sleep. As she got up, she was thinking about all the activities that she would have to do, before realizing that she should meet up with her guild leader today. She sent a private message to her, asking if she would be available today to meet up somewhere, and perhaps talk or go some place.


    However, she was getting too far ahead of herself, as she sent the invitation, and then got changed and ready to head outside.

  18. She was surprised by the question, but said sure. Rebekah did not know if he wanted to take part  the cooking, but decided that its best that if they both split the task of cooking the food. Besides, she did not bring everything that she needed to cook out in the wild with her, she needed to make a mental note to be prepared. She was usually well-prepared but apparently not today.

  19. Rebekah had finally arrived at her destination, an uncommon spawning ground for iron monsters of all types that drop loot ranging from iron ore to iron ingots. All of this will be quite useful, as she starts to collect materials. She looks up and sees a iron goblin nearby, and she decides to make her way towards that. After all, she has to start somewhere, she races up to it and thrusts her weapon as deep as possible to inflict as much damage as she could.


    147: BD = 5 (+1) = 6


    Rebekah 19/19


    Iron Goblin 6/10

  20. She took a look inside the cave, she could not see much, but it did not feel that many players had visited it. However, she felt the need to take a closer look, as you can never be too sure. She took out her rapier out of her scabbard, just in case. Just before she took a step away from the group, she paused.

    Rebekah realized that she should not have been checking the caves like this, she had never levelled up her tracking or vision skills. That would have been a bad idea.

  21. She moved on deeper into the far edges of the floor. She was lucky not take any damage during that battle, even though she could easily heal up. She decided to make a check, she now had 1 of 4 mats that she needed. Therefore, she had to keep going, looking for the specific type of monster that she was going to fight.

  22. Rebekah wanted to finish this battle quickly, and decided to use one of her sword skills, it was a weak attack move, but had a surprisingly high accuracy. She saved the move for times like these were only 1 hit would be sufficient in a small time/category. It had been a while since she used the move, but she knew it would work.
    144: BD: 6
    Rebekah 19/19
    Iron Goblin 0/10 (Loot Dice 2)


    + 1 MAT

  23. Mavericks were by nature, unpredictable, and as a result a threat to the overall safety to the society. However, she knew that Kieth was one of the strongest players in the whole game, and knew that there was a good opportunity that they could resist a fight. Although, she would not expect a maverick to accept being jailed for the remainder of the game. She had heard Alkor ask that question, and was interested in his response to that interesting question. She would expect it depended on the strength of the maverick, of course a low level maverick would probably not bother fighting someone such as Kieth, but these situations are impossible to guess or make assumptions.

  24. --- Iron Goblin ---


    The girl just froze right in front of her, and it would try to attack her from such a close distance. It raised its arms and tried to punch her in the face, but somehow the punch had just missed. The game had made the accuracy of the attacks a bit lower, especially on the lower levels to help compensate for the difficulty of killing these mobs. Rebekah was also lucky enough to wake up from her dream at the exact same moment.


    141 BD: 2 --> No DMG


    Rebekah 19/19


    Iron Goblin 1/10

  25. She took a look at Agra before deciding that she should be the chef, after all, she had done this before. She was still prone to burning things, but at least her cooking is level 2. She looked up at the piece of meat that Agra had handed her, well, it could have been done a lot better with a sharp knife, but it will do. She was thinking about how to cook it with a fire, either by roasting it over the fire, or by grabbing a pot and boiling it in more of a stew, as she could not use her pan with the fire here. Eventually she realized that she left her equipment locked away in her shop, and not in her inventory, so she said, "this might take a while"

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