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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. Rebekah woke up from a short nap inside the inn, she had received a message. It was from Kiluia, he had want to go on an expedition on the 5th floor. It had been forever since she visited the desert, and she was also meaning to get a lot stronger lately. She replied quickly, and soon got dressed. She did not remember meeting Kiluia specifically yet, but did see him around a while ago. She thought he had disappeared for a tiny period, away from people and the front lines, as he had a brief spell of time when he could not be found.


    Anyways, she had made it to the town square in the desert, and looked to fill up her water before trekking out to find him.

  2. She had just executed a textbook block, which was very nice, as she never attempted to try it before. She had seen people do it, but it was quite rare in practice, as most players relied on shields, or just attempted to dodge from a distance. However, she was still daydreaming about that block, and had not noticed that she had missed her golden opportunity to attack.


    140 BD: 4 (+1) = 5 (No DMG)


    Rebekah 19/19


    Iron Goblin 1/10

  3. Rebekah had gotten the message late, and was now scrambling down to the inn where they guild would be meeting. She did not want to make a bad first impression to the rest of the members. Thankfully, it was not too far away from her shop, and she made it here, albeit a tiny bit late. She opened the door, and tried to slip into the room unnoticed.


    There she had noticed that she was the last person to arrived, and quietly went inside. She had only caught the last bit of Tristan's speech about working together with another guild. That would be an interesting situation, as she had never visited anywhere near the front lines before, but she had been training up for the day where she could be strong enough.

  4. I think it is still active, however, I assume some of the files got lost during the transfers, as all of them now read < > rather than deleted. I actually hope it was still up, as I have been meaning to take the gemini quest for quite some while, and ask for a while, but never had the time.


    I think its only, (breaking the rock, gemini, and the traveler have extra skills) and I believe they do not go towards your skill limit, but if someone can clarify this.

  5. --- Goblin ---


    It had watch its HP bar drop done into the red, and almost completely gone, but not dead just yet. It took a second before swiping its weapon at the girl. Even though she did not have a shield, she was practicing how to block an attack effectively with one of the weakest weapons to stop attacks, a rapier.


    120: BD=2 --> 0 DMG

    Rebekah 19/19

    Iron Goblin 1/10

  6. Usually the success rate of just using big logs to start a fire in the real world would be close to zero, however that was not the case in the floating castle. She place the wood on the ground before tapping a machete and flint next to the logs. She then took a step back and waited for a few seconds before the fire started to burn. She had to remind herself to extinguish the fire after she is done, as she did not want to burn the rest of the forest.

  7. Rebekah decided to head back to her shop on the 4th floor. She had a perfect spot for her, her shop has some extra space at the back, where she could put in a small pool, for the penguin, it would be just enough for now, until she got her home. It was also luckily on the same floor, so the weather outside would be just right.

    Quest Complete:
    1 Page = 400 Col
    3 Mats = Shrimp, Bear Skin, Wolf Skin
    Familiar - Penny the Penguin
  8. Rebekah now turned her attention to the penguin that she had tried to save, she could see that it was a tiny bit injured, so she decided to help patch it up a bit by tying a sling around its arm. It did not look too bad, and she then took out the fish that she had caught earlier from her inventory. She looked up at the penguin, then handed it right to it.


    It took the fish and quickly ate it, as she was turning to leave, it started to follow her, so she decided to tame it. She needed a name for the female penguin, Penny.

  9. She had seen the entire scene unfold in front of her, as she looked up, she realized she knew where the weak spot of the bear would be. She got up, and ran with her rapier charging right at the bear, and launched herself at it. The next thing she knew, the bear had vanished into a million of smaller pieces, and the battle was over.

    • Rolled a 9 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 5 on the d20 (loot) dice.

    Rebekah 15/19


    Bear 0/20 --> Drop (Bear Fur)

  10. Rebekah had an opportunity, she had just blocked an attack, and would now be given a direct opening to attack the goblin, as she had just a split second before it could respond. She quickly attempted to make the most of her opportunity. She spun around, and thrust her sword into one of the critical points of the goblin as deep as she could before pulling her weapon out.


    118: BD: 9 ---> 2 ( + 2 + 1) = 5 DMG


    Rebekah 19/19


    Iron Goblin 1/10

  11. --- Bear ---
    It saw the girl slip on the ice, and it was an opportunity to attack her while she was down. It bolted directly at her, and was about to attack her, when suddenly the penguin it had been fighting earlier threw itself at the bear, thus confusing it for a second. Where did the penguin come from, but now it did not know which target to attack, it was stunned.

    • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (battle) dice.  (-1) = 4

    Rebekah 15/19


    Bear 5/20

  12. Rebekah took a look at Agra before looking around. She quickly ran out to start collecting some fire wood, and luckily, she had an axe from some previous event a long time ago. She never knew when things would come in handy, and started chopping away at the nearest tree she had found. She took a deep breath before she started swinging, luckily in Aincrad, she did not need to worry about how the tree would fall down, as the logs would automatically be in her inventory. She enjoyed the simplicity of the system a lot, but sometimes wished there was a shortcut.

  13. --- Goblin ---

    It had been attack by the girl, and decided to charge right at her. It took out its weapon, a rather weak sword, and made its way towards her. However, the girl had seen the goblin charge at her, and used her rapier in attempt to block the attack. The attack had been blocked.

    117: BD = 5 (-1) = 4 (Blocked)

    Rebekah 19/19

    Iron Goblin 6/10

    • Rolled a 2 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    Rebekah stood there, and ran directly at the bear, but her boots slipped on the ice. She had not noticed that the battle had migrated to a small portion of ice that was there, so she had fallen down instead. She knew that she needed to be a lot less careless especially in meaningless battles, because that was her weakness, she could never concentrate enough to finish the job.

    Rebekah 15/19

    Bear 5/20

  14. Rebekah had left the town swiftly, and made her way directly towards one of the dungeons where she could find what she was looking for, an Iron Goblin. She had finally arrived, and decided to start making some progress, as it would take a while. The last she heard, she owed Lessa 3 mats, and it would continue climbing until she's done.


    Rebekah charged out at the iron goblin before it had recognized that she was attacking it.



    ID:113 BD: 8 ---> 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 DMG


    Rebekah 19/19


    Iron Goblin 6/10

  15. --- Bear ---



    • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice. (-1 BD) = 5
    • Rolled a 6 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 4 on the d20 (loot) dice




    The bear saw its HP drop into the yellow, and almost the red. It was time to switch up its attack patterns as it decided to charge head first into the girl, as opposed to attempting to swat at her like a fly. It was nearly impossible as they were now fighting on a part of the tundra, where there was ice, and she managed to dive out of the way, at the last minute.


    Rebekah 15/19


    Bear 5/20

  16. Rebekah had not forgotten about the situation that she was in, she knew that Lessa was going to forge her new weapon in exchange for mats that she would collect. So, she decided to set out on her adventure now, seeing that she had some free time at the moment. It was better than waiting until later, and trying to come up with a huge lump sum of materials that she would need immediately later.

    • Rolled a 10 on the d10 (battle) dice.
    • Rolled a 10 on the d12 (craft) dice.
    • Rolled a 2 on the d20 (loot) dice.

    She saw that the penguin was needing some help, as it would die in this weather, so she had to finish the battle as soon as possible. She looked up at the bear, before charging at it from a relatively close distance, and striking it with one of her sword skills. This will make the task a lot easier for her to finish the battle.


    Rebekah 15/19


    Bear 5/20

  17. --- Bear ---


    The bear was attacked by the little girl, and had noticed that its health bar was almost into the yellow, but not quite. It continued with the same move that it had known to try to claw at the girl with its giant paws. However, she was standing just out of reach, just barely, and nearly tripped over itself trying to reach with every inch of its body.

    • Rolled a 3 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Rebekah 15/19


    Bear 11/20

  18. She landed on a soft pile of snow, or that could have gone a lot worst. Rebekah quickly got back onto her two feet before resuming the battle. She knew that she needed to strike quickly and had to keep her guard up when getting out to a safe distance to avoid the counter-attack. She charged right at the bear and thrusted her rapier as deep as she could possible do before trying to get enough distance quickly.

    • Rolled a 9 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Rebekah 15/19


    Bear 11/20

  19. --- Bear ---


    It was going to destroy this penguin for being on his terriotry, but just as it was about to hit, a player managed to attack him before it could do anything. It was a little girl, so the bear decided to switch targets towards the girl. She was just in arms reach as she tried to jump away from being in close combat range, and raised its paws and decide to swat at her. It had worked, as she could not get away far enough.

    • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Rebekah 15/19


    Bear 16/20

  20. Rebekah charged directly at the bear before it can make its final attack on the penguin, she managed to attack it from behind before it could even respond. She knew that she would not have much time as it the wind was picking up. The windchill would be making the weather feel a lot colder. She got there, and thrust her rapier into the bear a few times before disengaging completely.

    • Rolled a 8 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Rebekah 16/19

    Bear 16/20

  21. Well, at least that was over, as she continued down the deeper into this frozen wasteland. As she heads deeper, she continues to actively look for the animal she had been searching for all along on this floor. It was getting dark now, but she was not discourage as she knew that she was determined to continue. She continued walking until finally, she had found what she was looking for. However, the penguin was being attacked by the big bear.

  22. Rebekah had jumped up to in the air and took the opportunity to orientate herself with her rapier pointing towards the wolf as gravity pulled her back. She struck it, and the wolf had exploded into many small pixels. She had killed her first animal in quite a long time, and had forgotten how it had felt. She plans to learn to incorporate more skills into her fighting

    • Rolled a 5 on the d10 (battle) dice. + 1 BD = 6 (Hit)
    • Rolled a 6 on the d20 (loot) dice.

    Rebekah 16/19

    Wolf 0/10


    Loot: Wolf Skin

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