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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. --- Wolf ---


    The Wolf charged back at her immediately, but before it could knock her over completely, the girl had anticipated it, and jumped up into the air to avoid the attack. It looked up, eager to swipe its paws at her, but she could not be seen. In reality, Rebekah had jumped high enough to be just out of the line of sight of the wolf.

    • Rolled a 6 on the d10 (battle) dice.  BD - 1 = 5 (Missed)

    Rebekah 16/19


    Wolf 1/10

  2. She looked back at Agra before drawing out her weapon. She stood there, and pointed at the animal, "You First", she replied. Usually it does not matter, but she decided to let him take first shot at the animal, as he had found it first. She was not expecting to find a deer out here, but it was not impossible. She remembered to make a mental note of where she could find each type of animal out here in the wilderness.

  3. Rebekah was waiting for Keith to tell her what type of strategy that should employ against this maverick. She knew that she had to take extra pre-caution when dealing with mavericks, as they can be unpredictable. She could feel the heat of the floor; it is hot enough to make people not want to explore the far edges of the floor, but she did not mind.

  4. "I am guessing you do not want to kill it?" Rebekah asked, as she awaited his reply. As far as she knew, almost all animals would eventually respond after they are killed, but it may take a while depending of the rarity of the drop, and the animal itself. She looked over at the deer, personally she did not really care if she kill this or that herself.

  5. That was a super weird question that he had asked, from her first glance looking at him, she could tell that he was older, but did not know by how much. She was not that old herself, as she was still in school before being stuck in this game. Rebekah was looking for the right words but could not find them, "Aren't you older than me?" she asked.

  6. Rebekah had felt the wolf bite her, and before it could attack her once more, she took out her rapier, and attacked it instantly. It was near impossible to miss from such a close range, but she also could not target the best spot to land that crit. All she care about at this moment, was to get the wolf off of her.

    • Rolled a 7 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Rebekah 16/19


    Wolf 1/10

  7. --- Wolf ---


    The wolf was knocked back slightly from the attack, and the battle had begun. It had noticed that the girl which had attack it did not wear much protective armour, and as a result charged right towards her to try to bite her. It had managed to bite something but fortunitly for the girl, that had only left a slight bruise, and mark that would recover later.

    • Rolled a 9 on the d10 (battle) dice.

    Rebekah 16/19


    Wolf 5/10

  8. Rebekah charged direct at the wolf on this floor. She took out her rapier in an attempt to make contact, and jumped up in the air before landing nearly on top of it, while striking its weak points, dealing a critical hit. She looked up at the wolf before backing off into a more defensive position, in order to ready herself from attack.

    • Rolled a 9 on the d10 (battle) dice.


    Rebekah 19/19


    Wolf 5/10

  9. Honestly, we do need a dice system, without it loses a lot of what makes this site the way it was to begin with. I was drawn to this RP site because of the dice system, and while I did have my struggles (ex. one of my quests took a while to kill 5/5 HP mobs to gain 4 mats to finish --> say 2-3 pages long), i enjoyed how it would be realistic.


    That said, there will always be cheaters, I do admit, sometimes I do role first to see if the mob would miss an attack first, or I would land a good hit, at the start of each battle, however without a dice system, it could get worst. However, these type are the minor type that we would have to live with, now if someone kept rolling 3 20's on the loot dice in a row, that is somthing that we would have to deal with.


    I do agree that anything competive or drops a good loot (uncommon or higher) - [boss battles] should require some sort of vertification.

  10. "Hopefully, we will never know..." Rebekah replied, she could not even think about the amount of desctruction that mavericks could cause if they would continue their ways. They had to be stopped before the situation gets worst. Luckily, the situation has been realtively stable, from what she had heard until now, as there used to be a lot more stronger players active in this game.


    Now, she waited for the party invites to pop up, as she took out her weapon, as she had to be prepared for anything.

  11. Rebekah finally made it out of the frozen lake, and started heading deeper into the unknowns of the frozen floor. She had noticed the wind picking up, but she moved on, eventually she would find what she had been looking for. She continued to stumble forward, and soon, she had found a wolf in front of her. That was what she was not looking for, but she could use the combat experience.

  12. "Sure, i'll come", Rebekah replied. She was waiting for something to happen, and now she finally found her chance. She has a bad habit of never equiping her weapon on her, especially in the town, so she took it out. She had heard about the rumers of that, but had never tested the theory if it was actually true, how it would be a lot easier if she would be try hunting further away from the town.


    She followed Agra out of the town square.

  13. Well, I suggest a mix of both systems. I do realize that people may "refresh" to get a better role, but I do think for simplicity reasons, avoiding the 3rd party app would be useful, and allows me to quickly post efficiently. As for fighting mobs, it is often on the small scope of things that it does not really make a huge difference, especially when you get stronger.


    However, that said, for stuff like Gemini Quest, or any boss battles, I think that those are better served with a 3rd part apps, that way it can be verified. Other than that, I like the dice system, it makes it fair when roleplaying battles.

  14. Rebekah had managed to hear only parts of the conversation, but she was looking for something to do today, so she decided to join them. She decided to approach the pair of higher level players, well Kieth was the strongest player she knew. "Can I join?" she asked, as she realizes that the boss raids on the front lines was being stalled lately, and this was the other major priority. She had heard about maverick players, but never encountered one before during her experiences.


    Perhaps she was lucky, or there was no reason to go after her, but she knew this was one of the task that was required especially with the amount of strong players missing in action lately.

  15. She was just about to give up completely, but decided to continue on sitting here in the cold. She could build a fire, but that could also melt the ice that she is on at the moment. She could not judge the thickness of the ice at the moment, but it was not thick nor thin enough to make a decision. Nonetheless, she lowered the net back in the hole that she had created.

    • Rolled a 19 on the d20 (loot) dice.

    She felt the net got heavier all of a sudden, and she immeditely pulled it out. It was a small fish, but it was something for her efforts today. Satisified with her haul that she had collected, she decided to leave this lake as soon as possible to go to her destination.

  16. Rebekah took a second to think about her inventory, she definitly needed more just in case, so she took out her net and decided to sink it back in the hole that she had created. The wind had started to pick up slightly as it had gotten a lot colder. Luckily, she had dressed for the weather.

    • Rolled a 9 on the d20 (loot) dice.

    She waited and waited, but nothing happened. After a few minutes, her patience was finally running out, so she pulled the net back out of the lake. There was nothing there.

  17. "Well, are most of the stores closed nearby?" Rebekah asked. She prefered to explore the wild, as opposed to stay in the towns, so she did not know where the food were. She was also a chef herself, but she does not have any food on her. She took a look, and there should a restaurant or bar open around here somewhere, as she knew that at least something would be open.

  18. Rebekah sat there on the 9th floor. It was scorching hot, but she had remembered her time in the desert. It was not that bad, as she found somewhere to sit down. She had been sitting there observing, but there have not been many players up here on he his town. She notices a small group gathering over to her side.

  19. Rebekah heard a noice around her, it was the sound of a stomach growling. She looked up at the man who sat there right beside her, and she quickly noticed that he was a high level player, one that she had never met before, which was quite rare. She introduced herself to the stranger, "Hello, my name is Rebekah."


    She looked up at the relatively quiet street in front of her, it was usually a lot busier, but nowadays there was not as much to do around here.

  20. She decided to try again this time, as she had all the time in the world. She had been waiting for this moment for quite some time, and she put bait into the net before dropping down onto the hole that she created. She did not have the patience for fishing, but she did not know what other types of food the mysterious animal would eat.

    • Rolled a 18 on the d20 (loot) dice.

    She felt the net got a tiny bit heavier before lifting up the net, and there she had received some shrimp for her efforts. She decided to continue, as she did not know if it will like it, she just would like one more just so she could test cooking with it.


    +1 Shrimp

  21. Rebekah had finally made it all the way to the frozen lake. She knew that she had to be careful that she would not fall into it, as she was there by herself. She stood there before slowly taking her very first step onto the ice. Luckily she did not hear any cracks, and she continued going, she knew this was the place to catch some food.


    She took out a saw that she had collected a while back, and had cut a small circle in the ice. She is going to go fishing, trying to catch some shrimp or krill, as she took out her net, and dropped it into the hole below.


    • Rolled a 7 on the d20 (loot) dice.

    She waited for a few minutes before taking her net back up. It was her first time fishing, and then she realized that she forgot to put any bait in the empty net.

  22. Rebekah had been busy all morning redoing her inventory of her shop. When she finished, she did not notice that it was late afternoon already, she had spent all day inside, and wanted to find something to do. She traveled down to the second floor to the plaza, and sat on the nearby bench, as she watched the water fountain run in front of her.

  23. She had heard rumors from information brokers about the type of animal that could be found here on the this floor, but nobody had ever seen one. She did not know if it was true at all, that they could appear, but nonetheless, she finally had sometime away from the busy training days to take a look. Perhaps she will find what she had been looking for all along.


    She took the first step into the frozen tundra. There was nobody else around for miles, and she kept walking. She still remembers teh quest's details, which was to successfully feed the animal of her choice. She did not bring food with her, but she knew she could salvage around looking for it. She was a chef after all, anything that she does not used can be saved for her restaurant.

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