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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. Rebekah opened the door to the shop on the second floor. It had been a while since she was here. She looked at her weapon, it had served her well, but it was time for her to look for something stronger. She waited for the shop keeper to show up before waiting to give her the request.



    Item: Rapier

    Name: Heartstriker

    Quality: Perfect

    Description: +3 Damage


    "Is this possible?" she asked, as she awaited a reply. She could pay from either col or mats.

  2. Rebekah walked over to a new patch of soil and looked at it. It was nearly impossible to guess where one could find stuff such as potatoes, but it could not hurt digging more. She was not exactly tired or burned out from the long day, so she knew that she could easily continue without getting physically drained.

    Looting Dice: 16 (+ 1 Mat - Potato)

  3. She took a second to think about what she would do next, before going into the jungle after him. She had nothing else better to do, other than potentially train and get better at combat. She looked up at the sky, it was still early enough for her to leave before it gets too dangerous later at night. Besides he was right, she was a bit too naive at times in this game, and needed to learn to actually use her brain at times.

  4. So the cycle continues, as it was her turn once again to fight the mighty Phoenix which stood in front of her. Quickly she charge from the flank after the switch call, but Rebekah was so caught up with where to preform the attack, that she did not see it's tail right in front of her.

    The next thing she knew, she was on the ground, after tripping over completely. This sucks

    BD = 1 (EPIC FAIL)

    Kirigiri: 7/7

    RyujinSeaLord: 56/56

    Alkor: 8/11

    Zelrius: 63/63

    Zero: 19/19

    Mayonaka: 27/27

    Keith: 83/83

    Yami: 10/17

    Rebekah: 17/17

    5iou5: 17/17

    Twinfire Pheonix 56/150

  5. Just as it seemed to be impossible, she looked at the rough guide/notes that she had received from someone. It specifically stated that potatoes should be found in this "general area", but it was not being specific. Could it be that she was looking at the wrong spot, she doesn't know, but she continued digging deeper. This was going nowhere, she decided to give it one more search before moving on to something else.

    Loot Dice: 3 (Failed)

  6. Daily Attempt #3

    After successful completing 2 dishes today, Rebekah was going to test her luck, to see if she can complete 3 different items today, or if she would fail. She took out her other piece of boar meat. This time she was just going to try to roast it whole, and put on a bit of salt, before putting in the oven. She had thought she had set the temperature to low, but she had accidentally set it to high without looking. When the time was up, she had realized that she had burnt her entire piece of boar meat.

    Crafting Dice: 3 (Fail) + 1 EXP, - Lose Mat

  7. Daily Attempt #2

    After making some grape juice, she started thinking. She would actually love to do some actual cooking on a grill or stove, because those actually require her to cook. She took out some boar meat from her inventory, and began to slice it all up using the knife. After slicing it up, she threw it all into a pot, and began to throw ingredients into the pot. The stew was coming along nicely, and it began to smell good. She made sure to double check the time that she was going to cook it, as she did not want to burn it.

    Crafting Dice: 9 (Good Item) + 2 EXP

    Item: Simple Boar Stew

    Type: Consumable

    Quality: Good

    Shop: Rebekah's Cafe

    Enhancements: None

    Description: Stew made from Wild Boar Meat.

  8. Daily Attempt #1

    Rebekah had gotten back to cooking, she started to take some days off, as she thought of the many other things she needed to do, and she was soon running up against the not enough materials problems that plague everyone. She took out her grapes that she had found and started to blend it up, to make some juice. She started the process, and set the time. This time she made sure not to overdo it by setting the correct time. She had learned the hard way of setting the time to 40 minutes instead of 4 minutes once.

    Crafting Dice: 11 (Rare Item) + 5 EXP

    Item: Grape Juice

    Type: Consumable

    Quality: Rare

    Shop: Rebekah's Cafe

    Enhancements: [Vitamins 2]

    Description: + 2 Loot Dice for remainder of roleplay thread.

  9. Rebekah was not a person to give up readily, so she continued her search for what she was looking for, a potato. She started digging a few shovel lengths over because she dug as deep as she could already in the current spot. She continued to search for it, and she finally found something. It was potatoes, but they were just growing, too small to help her make even a single dish.

    Loot Dice: 8 (Failed)

  10. Rebekah looked up at the guy. Oh wait, why did I not see that he was orange... She did not pay attention to that during the entire battle until now. She was not exactly sure how she would answer his question, but she started, "I'm Rebekah, a player trying to get stronger. I found you because I thought someone was going to destroy the town with a big fire."

  11. Rebekah had heard about a new farm nearby which grew various vegetables and plants that she could pick for food. She walked to a flat patch of soil, with a small sign stating the word potato. Luckily, she had bought along a shovel, with the hopes of actually digging them up. She started to dig her hole, but as she dug deeper and a bit deeper, she had found nothing, and made a hole in the ground. She started to put the sand that she dug out back in the hole, in the hopes that nobody would notice that this field has been tampered with.

    LD: 12 (Failed)

  12. Rebekah had enough of getting knocked around by this rabbit, and charges at it hoping to kill it for the final time. She charges up and activates one of the new sword skills that she had just picked up a few days ago, so she hopes that it would work. She runs up and slices her weapon through the rabbit, killing it instantly. This battle had taken its toll on her, as she lost quite a few health. Luckily for her, she would slowly regenerate it over time.

    Rebekah 11/19

    Rabbit 0/10

    Loot Dice: 19 (1 Bonus Mat + 10*5 Col)

  13. ---Rabbit---

    It did not plan on giving up, until it burst into a million pixels. There was no other reason other than the fact that it was programmed to do such a thing. It launched itself at the girl once more, attempting to do as much damage to her as possible, as that was the only way it could survive, force her to retreat. She had underestimated the rabbit, and was not expecting that amount of damage for such a small creature.

    Rebekah 11/19

    Rabbit 1/10

  14. Daily Attempt #2

    After finishing her first item of the day, she turned her attention back to her remaining stockpile in her kitchen. She took a look at what was left. She had grapes, and decided to make some grape juice to drink, since she had always liked to drink any type of juice when she was a kid. She took out the grapes, and began to put it in a blender. She tried to set the settings with the blender, but the blender did not work, she tried to turn up the settings, and suddenly grape juice exploded everywhere. It was a big mess for her to clean up now.

    Crafting Dice: 1 (Epic Fail) + 1 EXP

  15. Daily Attempt #1

    After a few days off, Rebekah went back to work. She had a nice few days of peace and quiet, before heading back. It was one of her goals to max out her cooking, but sometimes she just needed sometime away from the daily routine of life. She took out a piece of chicken from her fridge, and began to chop it with her knife. A simple click and the chicken is now ready, she thought about what to do with her chicken today, before deciding to just to chicken skewers as they were easy enough. She took them to the grill and set the timer, and when she had checked back, it was done.

    Crafting Dice: 11 (Rare Item) + 5 EXP

    Item: Chicken Skewers

    Type: Consumable

    Quality: Rare

    Shop: Rebekah's Cafe

    Enhancements: [brain Food 1]

    Description: + 1 Crafting Exp for entire crafting day.

  16. Rebekah waited for the opportunity. She will eventually find one, if she waits for the perfect moment. She holds up for a minute before launching herself towards the rabbit, leading with her weapon. She had learned one of the easiest way to attack was just charge straight at it, and lead with your weapon, as this is what most animals do around here, albeit without the weapon. She strikes the little rabbit, as she watches its health points drop down almost to zero, but not quite.

    Rebekah 14/19

    Rabbit 1/10

  17. She looked around at the group, they were all ready to fight. She walked with them through the fields, she had been here before, and knew where to find certain types of monsters. However, she decided to step back and let them find monsters, as she's done this before in the past. Maybe she will encounter something she had never fought before.

  18. Rebekah looked up at the monster, after seeing Yami make his move against the monster, she remembered that it was her turn. Last time around, she froze up when it was her turn, and she was determined not to make the same mistake. She runs towards the monster, and sees her opening. She jumps up and thrusts her rapier into the monster before landing on her two feet.

    BD: 5 (+1 weapon) = 6 = 1 + (2 skill) + (1 weapon) = 4 DMG

    Ruri: 77/77

    Kirigiri: 7/7

    RyujinSeaLord: 56/56

    Alkor: 3/11

    Zelrius: 63/63

    Zero: 19/19

    Mayonaka: 27/27

    Keith: 83/83

    Yami: 17/17

    Rebekah: 17/17

    5iou5: 17/17

    Ethereal: 35/35

    Twinfire Phoenix 71/100

  19. ---Rabbit---

    The Rabbit looked directly at who had taken out half of its HP in one attack, and stared at her. Well, there was really only 1 player around, trying to kill it. It threw itself at the girl once again in an attempt to fight, however this time she did it with not as much force, as she managed to held her ground.

    Rebekah 14/19

    Rabbit 5/10

  20. Oh well She made a minor note in her head, never to ask him anything like that. I guess he is another one of those people who do not like people inquiring if they are alright, especially if they are higher level than her. Besides, she was the one who nearly lost half her health trying to fight a monster. She looked at the ground, looking for the right words in this situation, but nothing came out.

    She decided against saying anything, because the less she says, the better the situation at the moment.

  21. Rebekah had gotten back to her feet, and she looked over at Zelrius. He must have been a little sick, as he must have missed multiple attacks in a row. It must be affecting him, she knew she had to finish up this battle first, before checking up on him. She could not recall the last time she had taken so much damage from any monster, and she jumped up to try to end this battle with one of her favourite moves on her rapier. She sets up one of her skills with the help of the combat assist, and thrusts her weapon into the Horgan. She had finally slain this monster, and turned over to Zelrius, "Are you alright?"

    Zelrius 63/63

    Rebekah 10/17

    Horgan 0/13

  22. ---Horgan---

    The Horgan had managed to evade another attack from the stronger male player that tried to attack it. It took a minute to pause before deciding which one to attack. It's target was once again the weaker girl who tried to kill it, as it was the first person to attack it. The Horgan threw itself at her, trying to do as much damage as possible. Without any armour, she had no way of defending herself from the attack.

    Zelrius 63/63

    Rebekah 10/17

    Horgan 4/13

  23. She looked back at the rabbit, she was not expecting something that small to be able to have that much power. Enough power to knock her back, well, she knew that she would have to respond after that attack. She looked for a weakness in the rabbit, but so far she could not figure one out, as she activated her sword skill, and charged right at the rabbit. She jumped up and stabbed her sword into it as many times as possible before she landed back on her feet.

    Rebekah 16/19

    Rabbit 5/10

  24. ---Rabbit---

    After dodging the attack just by a slim margin, it hurls itself at the girl, hoping to make her reconsider killing it. It was a strong rabbit, and it wanted to make her reconsider its options. The girl was knocked off her feet, and onto the ground behind her, and she slowly got back to her feet, trying to reassess the damage she had just received.

    Rebekah 16/19

    Rabbit 10/10

  25. Daily Attempt #2

    Rebekah took out another piece of mushroom out of her stockpile, and began to dice it up. She wanted to make some sort of soup, to go along with the rest of her food, and started to get right to work. She got her ingredients in, and put it in a pot with water on a stove. She had set the timer to check back in 20 minutes, but she had put down 40 minutes instead. When she got back to check on her creation, it was entirely burnt.

    Crafting Dice: 1 (Epic Fail) + 1 EXP, LOSE MAT

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