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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. "Sure, I'll get right on it." Rebekah replied taking the order from the customer. She will send a PM when it is ready to pick up. She took a look at the order in detail, and studied what it required. She decided to get to work right away.

    Daily Attempt #1:

    She took out a piece of beef out of her refrigerator, and used the knife to cut it up. Then she looked for a skewer, luckily she had one prepared in advanced in case anything was needed. She put the pieces of the meat on to the skewer, and put it over the grill to cook it. After it was cooked on all sides, she took it out, and it was done.

    Crafting Dice: 11 (Uncommon Item) + 5 EXP

    Item: Meat on a Stick

    Type: Consumable

    Quality: Rare

    Shop: Rebekah's Cafe

    Enhancements: [Vitamins 2]

    Description: + 2 Loot Dice for 1 Roleplay Day OR 1 Roleplay Thread.

  2. She took out her rapier, and tried her best to get closer to the rabbit before making a sound, when she got there, she tried to attack it. However, she was not as silent as she thought, and the rabbit had saw her charging right at her. It was able to dodge her attack.

    Rebekah 19/19

    Rabbit 10/10

  3. She had heard about rabbit meat around these parts, and decided to take a look for herself. Maybe she will encounter a rabbit soon enough, as she made her way deeper into the woodland. She had seen lots of animal tracks nearby, but she could not tell which was which, as she moved on. Eventually, she had found what she was looking for, a rabbit, but she would have to be quiet, in order to not scare it away.

  4. She looked up at the group, everyone was looking at her. Oh right, it was her turn to do her introduction. "Hello everyone, I'm Rebekah" she said. She looked at the group, she enjoyed going on going on a party to train, since training by herself can get a bit boring sometimes.

    She looked up at the sky, it was such a nice day to go on a fighting trip with people, she thought as she equipped her weapon with her own dashboard. Her stuff are usually in her inventory, as she rarely walks around with them especially in a town.

  5. Salvaging Attempt:

    She decide to save what is left of the mushroom, by trying to collect it in a container and put it back in the fridge. She was still thinking a little bit too much about the mushrooms that she had butchered, as she dropped the entire thing on the ground. The mushrooms were now all gone, as she was not careful enough to pay attention to what her task at hand is. Well, that is it for today, as it was now dark, after her cooking adventures today.

    Crafting Dice = 1 (Lose Mat)

  6. Daily Attempt #2

    After making such a big meal with her cooking, she was looking for something a little less fulling to help her balance out the rest of today's cooking. She took out some mushrooms, and decided to make a soup. She started to chop the mushrooms with the knife, but she had badly destroyed most of the mushrooms with the knife. Cooking was simple in Aincrad, a few taps and everything is prepared, except sometimes, she would have no luck with any of it. Such as these mushrooms.

    Crafting Dice: 7 (Bad Item) + 1 EXP

  7. Daily Attempt #1

    Rebekah got back at the task at hand, which was to create a variety of food which would showcase her strengths in cooking. She took out a piece of beef from her refrigerator and began to cook it. It was a fine piece of meat, and she decided to make a high end beef dish, a beef wellington. She wrapped it around with some other ingredients and then decided to rest it in the oven, it had come out better than she had expected.

    Crafting Dice: 11 = Rare Item (+5 EXP)

    Item: Rare Beef Wellington

    Type: Consumable

    Quality: Rare

    Shop: Rebekah's Cafe

    Enhancements: [Hearty 1]

    Description: +1 Crafting Attempt. Can only be eaten once every 12 hours.

  8. Rebekah looked at the customer who had entered her shop. "Would you be interested in anything?" she asked. Currently, she is just focusing on expanding her menu, but if he had something specifically he wanted, she can go and fulfill that order first. Currently, she knew there were only 2 items available for sale, but hopefully she would be able to create a decent menu after some experimentation with the different types of food, and cooking methods.

  9. Rebekah looked up at the cupboard of her restaurant, and realized that she would burn through her materials shortly, if she did not go on a hunting trip. Instead of waiting for it to burn out completely, she decided to start her trip now, just so she has enough to survive the next while. With that, she left her store on the 4th floor, and made her way down to the 2nd floor. She wanted to go search for a variety of food throughout Aincrad, and might as well, start looking now. She made her way solo onto the 2nd floor, and will start off with a hunting trip first.

  10. As much as she knew that she would be partially correct, the main point was to get Setsuko to stop blaming herself. She had heard her answer, and thought about it. She was not excited to know where the conversation was headed, but regardless, she replied, "Well, depends how lucky they are" she said. She looked down, it did not seem that deep, but she did not want to encourage her to give it a try. There are a lot of factors involve, including how deep the pool is at the bottom.

    However, she was grateful to hear the words thank you slip out of her mouth. She knew that for some people it would be hard to tell their story, but letting it all out always helps. At least Setsuko was no longer feeling suicidial anymore, and now was the best time for her to slip out, to leave this beautiful waterfall. If she was to jump, then it meant that her talk had failed, but otherwise there was nothing else she could do for this girl.

  11. Daily Attempt #2

    Rebekah decided to go back into cooking after making a beverage as most people would enjoy something to eat alongside the wine that she created. She took out a new piece of lettuce, and decide to chop it up. She began to add stuff to it, and start to toss it around. She thought about adding some dressing, but decided not to.

    Crafting Dice = 8 (+2 EXP) Good Item

    Item: Green Salad

    Type: Consumable

    Quality: Good

    Shop: Rebekah's Cafe

    Enhancements: None

    Description: Just an ordinary salad.

  12. Daily Attempt #1

    Rebekah went back to work today, she would be doing this for the next eternity, trying to build up her shop, into one of the best restaurants in Aincrad. She liked the warm atmosphere inside, as she took out another one of her ingredients today. She took out some grapes, and decided to let it ferment for a short while. After she added it up, the grape had turned into some decent wine.

    Crafting Dice: 10 = Uncommon Item (+3 EXP)

    Item: Simple Red Wine

    Type: Consumable

    Quality: Uncommon

    Shop: Rebekah's Cafe

    Enhancements: [Alcoholic 1]

    Description: Grants + 1 DMG, - 1EVA for thread.

  13. Rebekah looked up at the giant Twinfire Phoenix, and then back at her. It was awfully a big boss creature that she had never seen before. She takes a deep breath, and it was her turn, but she just stood there. She just froze. She stood there for what it seemed to be an eternity, as everyone started staring at her, for just standing there. She looked up, and barely squeaked out, "Switch!". She had just blown her turn just like that, hopefully she can do better next time, she hopes.

    BD = 1 (No DMG)

    Ruri: 77/77

    Kirigiri: 7/7

    RyujinSeaLord: 56/56

    Alkor: 11/11

    Zelrius: 63/63

    Zero: 19/19

    Mayonaka: 27/27

    Keith: 83/83

    Yami: 17/17

    Rebekah: 17/17

    5iou5: 17/17

    Ethereal: 35/35

    Twinfire Phoenix 109/150 Paralyze and Bleed (1 Turn Left)

  14. Rebekah had no other plans for today, so she decides to head over with them to the field. The only bad part part with partying with higher level players such as herself, was that they had to find bigger and harder bosses in order to get rewards, as they would easily destroy everything. After thinking about it, if Steel is going, she would go as well, since they were both relatively the same level in terms of combat. She just did not want to drag up the difficulty for them on purpose.

  15. Rebekah was walking by, as she noticed an unusual group of players grouped up on the first floor. She had never seen most of them before. As she walked by she had heard a bit of commotion, and she decided to head towards it to see whats it about. Not many people create such a big scene in the middle of the town nowadays. When she arrived, she noticed that Steel was talking to some-lower level player over the basics of the game.

  16. Rebekah looks for her opportunity to fight, and she got hers, as she charges right for the monster before it could react. She had heard about an attack move that would work on a rapier, and decides to try it out. She jumps up and stabs the monster multiple times in the back, before landing nearby. It had actually work, she never ever has any luck with any new skill moves, but she was sure to try this out a bit more.

    Zelrius 63/63

    Rebekah 13/17

    Horgan 4/13

  17. ---Horgan---

    The monster dashes towards the girl once again, and knocks her back with its attack. She looks up at the monster, it was going to take quite a while before she could finish it off, as she was having no luck at all in this battle. Maybe both of them can land their attacks to finish it off.

    Zelrius 63/63

    Rebekah 13/17

    Horgan 7/13

  18. Daily Attempt #2

    Rebekah had enough of Salads for today, and decided to cook one of her chickens, she was a huge fan of chicken wings, and decided to create her version of it. She dreaded the cutting up of another material she had earned, but took a deep breath. Well, the results were not that bad, it was disastrous, but at least she managed to only destroy half the chicken.

    Crafting Dice: 5 = Bad

    Exp: +1

    Can be salvaged*

  19. Daily Attempt #1

    The first item on her meal that Rebekah would like to create is a simple salad, as she though to herself, how much harder would it be here in Aincrad. She would soon find out, as she would cook for the very first time. She took out her lettuce, and began to chop it up. She looked down at the lettuce that she tried to cut, it was an absolute disaster, as she had destroyed the produce.

    Crafting Dice = 3 = Fail

    Exp = 1

    Lose Mat

  20. Inside Snowfrost Town, there was a small but cozy cafe. It was situated on one of the best spots on floor 4, as it was between the of the primary exits leading out of the town and the teleportation gate. Contrast to the freezing temperature outside in the snow, one would notice a warm fireplace inside, and lots of coffee table. She did not plan this to be a busy cafe, but rather a comfortable place where a group of players may gather and be comfortable. After all, that was what this place was about, a private getaway from the harsh realities outside. Rebekah's Cafe specializes in deserts and meals. Orders can be placed for snacks, and Rebekah plans to start Feasts in the near future.


    Available Inventory:


    Also PM for Friend, Guild or Bulk discounts.
    Last Update: 05/01/22 - Post #88
    All Items are Tier 4/Tierless unless otherwise stated

    Cheesecake (Dessert) = Loot Dice

    Uncommon 206266-2, 206266-3, 206267-1, 206267-2
    206270-1, 206270-2
    Perfect 205525, 205527, 207432, 207439, 207550, 207441
    207442, 207443, 207756

    Nanaimo Bar (Dessert) = ACC

    Uncommon 205523, 208734
    Rare 207970, 207971, 208947-1, 208947-2, 208947-3, 208949, 208950-1
    208950-2, 208950-3, 208954-1, 208954-2, 208955

    Butter Tarts (Dessert) = Col Multiplier

    Uncommon 204961-2, 204962
    Rare 205522, 205524, 205526-1, 205526-2
    Perfect 206268, 208738, 208741, 208742

    Beavertails (Dessert) = Daily Craft + 1 EXP or Gathering/Fishing + 1 EXP

    Perfect 204960-2, 207748, 207751-1
    207751-2, 208946-1, 208946-2, 208946-3, 208948-1
    208948-2, 208948-3, 208953-1, 208953-2, 208953-3

    T4 California Roll (Meal) = Mitigation

    Uncommon 205458, 205460-1, 205460-2, 205462
    Rare 203686, 204807-1, 204807-2, 204707-3
    Perfect 208254, 208255

    T4 Poutine (Meal) = Overhealth

    Uncommon 208211, 208252, 208784-1, 208784-2, 208784-3
    Rare 208253
    Perfect 208781-2, 208785, 208797, 208798

    Avocado Toast and Smoked Salmon (Meal) = Evasion

    Uncommon 204804-1, 204804-2, 209075
    Rare 209067, 209068-1, 209068-2, 208069-1, 208069-2, 209074
    209076, 209077

    Limited Time: T4 Perfect (203855-1, 203855-2, 203855-3 (all EVA +2, OH +1))

    T4 Caribou Stew (Meal) = Protein (+DMG - MIT)

    Uncommon 203859-1, 203859-2, 203859-3

    T4 Ketchup Chips (Snacks) = Less Damage Over Time

    Uncommon 205755, 207315-1, 207315-2, 207320
    Rare 207314





    Tier Uncommon Rare Perfect
    1 500 Col / 1 mat 750 Col / 2 mat 1,000 Col / 3 mat
    2 500 Col / 1 mat 750 Col / 2 mat 1,000 Col / 3 mat
    3 500 Col / 1 mat 750 Col / 2 mat 1,000 Col / 3 mat
    4 500 Col / 1 mat 750 Col / 2 mat 1,000 Col / 3 mat

    Custom Order Form:



    Custom Order Cheat-Sheet/Guide:

    Enhancement Description Max Slots Food Types
    Vitality Restore (2 x slot x tier) energy 2 Snacks, Desserts
    Loot Dice + 1 LD per slot for 1 thread 3 Snacks, Desserts
    Prosperity + 1 per slot col multiplier for killing monsters for 1 thread 3 Snacks, Desserts
    Ambition + 1 Crafting EXP per crafting attempt for 1 day; OR
    + 1 Gathering EXP for 1 thread
    (Must be Perfect Item)
    1 Desserts, Meals
    Protein + 1 per slot Base Damage AND
    - (5 x slot x tier) mitigation for 1 thread
    2 Meals
    Accuracy + 1 ACC per slot for 1 thread.
    Cannot be used to generate critical strike
    2 Snacks, Desserts,
    Meals Feasts
    Evasion + 1 EVA per slot for 1 thread.
    Cannot use to avoid critical strike
    2 Snacks, Desserts,
    Meals Feasts
    Mitigation + (5 x slot x tier) mitigation for 1 thread 3 Desserts, Meals,
    Over-Health + 5% per slot health for 1 thread 3 Meals, Feasts
    Probiotics Prevent (3 x slot x tier) damage from damage over time for 1 thread 3 Snacks, Feast





    4/4 T4 Rare Nanaimo Bar ACC +2
    4/2/22 (207966-1, 207966-2, 207966-3, 207968)

    10/10 T4 Rare Avocado Toast and Smoked Salmon EVA +2
    4/3/22 (207983-1, 207983-2, 207983-3, 207987, 207989)
    4/4/22 (208171, 208171-1, 208171-2)
    4/5/22 (208210, 208212)

    4/4 T4 Perfect Poutine OH x 3
    4/4/22 (208168, 208170-1, 208170-2, 208170-3)

    2/2 T4 Perfect California Roll MIT x 3
    4/3/22 (207986)
    4/6/22 (208247)



    Rank 7: 1,036/1,280 EXP (7 Crafts per day) Tier 7

    Trading hall

    Every member of Firm Anima receives an additional +2 EXP for each craft. +5 to salvage recovery LD's. (10+ for alchemy crystals, 6+ for others). If you are rank 9 you also get +1 crafting attempt/day. If you are rank 10 you get +2 crafting attempts/day.

    Custom Ambition Tool (+1 EXP)

    [1] = Critical Fail (Lose materials)
    [2] = Fail (Lose materials)
    [3-5] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
    [6-8] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
    [9-11] = Rare item (2 slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 slots)

    [1-12] = No additional items.
    [13-17] = Yields 1 additional item.
    [18-20] = Yields 2 additional items.

    Exp Chart:


    Rank 8: 1280 EXP (9 Crafts per day) Tier 8

    [1] = Critical Fail (Lose materials)
    [2-4] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
    [5-8] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
    [9-11] = Rare item (2 slots)
    [12] = Perfect item (3 slots)

    [1-11] = No additional items.
    [12-15] = Yields 1 additional item.
    [16-20] = Yields 2 additional items.

    Rank 9: 2560 EXP (10 Crafts per day) Tier 9

    [1] = Critical Fail (Lose materials)
    [2-4] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
    [5-7] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
    [8-10] = Rare item (2 slots)
    [11-12] = Perfect item (3 slots)

    [1-9] = No additional items.
    [10-15] = Yields 1 additional item.
    [16-20] = Yields 2 additional items.

    Rank 10: 5120 EXP (11 Crafts per day) Tier 10

    [1] = Critical Fail (Lose materials)
    [2-3] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+)
    [4-6] = Uncommon item (1 slot)
    [7-10] = Rare item (2 slots)
    [11-12] = Perfect item (3 slots)

    [1-9] = No additional items.
    [10-15] = Yields 1 additional item.
    [16-18] = Yields 2 additional items.
    [19-20] = Yields 3 additional items.

  21. When she went back to the cooking academy inside the town, she showed the NPC her items that he had requested before she would be taught how to cook. The cooking instructor showed her how to cut and cook the meats, and told her that it was not the only thing that she can cook, as she could cook a bunch of other food, each with its own buffs that can be used for each adventure. After the lesson, she decided to open her own shop to cook.



    1 Page = 400 Col

    4 Drops (2 Beef, 1 Wild Boar, 1 Chicken Meats)

  22. Rebekah somehow was sitting on top of the cow, after that last sequence of bizarre events. She took her weapon and stabbed it immediately before it could react and throw her off it. She had killed it instantly, as it shattered into pieces. She fell down directly to the ground, and made a note, not to jump on top of monsters that she was about to kill, because that landing had hurt. She headed back towards the town of beginning, bring the materials dropped to the NPC Cooking Instructor.

    Rebekah 13/17

    Cow 0/3 --> Drop

  23. ---Cow---

    The cow tried to attack the girl that wants to kill it, but as it tried to attack it, she had jumped up on top of the cow, so it could not charge at her at all. The only thing left for it to do is to shake her off its back before she could kill it, it realized that it was in a bad position for it to do anything at all.

    Rebekah 13/17

    Cow 3/3

  24. She tried to attack the cow from a close distance but she had missed her attack, as her mind was not focused at the battle. She was still thinking about finally learning how to cook in Aincrad, instead of going to NPC bars or restaurants to get food. Now, she would be able to create her own food.

    Rebekah 13/17

    Cow 3/3

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