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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. ---Cow---

    After watching its partner get destroyed instantly, the cattle put its head down and charged right for the girl. Unfortunately, the attempted headbutt did not work, as she tripped up over the terrain, nearly falling down. It was fortunate to not have fallen down as it would have been impossible for it to get back on its feet.

    Rebekah 13/17

    Cow 3/3

  2. At the pasture, she took a look around before deciding to pick which targets she wanted to fight. She looked around, and saw a pair of cows before she decided to attack. She hoped for it to be a quick battle, so she could finally learn the craft of cooking. She charged towards the first one, and attacked it with her weapon, she had killed it instantly, before it could react. She was relieved to collect all the materials she needed to finish this quest.

    Rebekah 13/17

    Cow 0/3 --> Drop (Beef)

    Cow 3/3

  3. She looked at the wolf, and attacked it. She used to have trouble with these monsters on the first floor, but recently, she was flying through them, and it had meant that it was time for her to look for stronger monsters to battle, since they became too easy. The wolf died instantly, before it could get a single attack off.

    Fubuki 7/7

    Rebekah 17/17

    Wolf 0/3


  4. She headed back towards the grassland, as she heard from some people that cows could be found there. However, she had never seen people fight them, so she did not know, if she could secure some beef in order to head back to the complete the quest. Regardless, she had kept searching, hoping that she was able to find it. She had finally arrived at the pasture above, and had found what she was looking for.

  5. Rebekah had saw that the boar was about to swipe her with its big claws from a close distance, she ran in to attack before it could get the move off. She was able to get there just before she was in any trouble. She thought about it afterwards, maybe she could have let her fought it before taking it out, as it would be too easy for her to just kill any monsters that she could see.

    Fubuki 7/7

    Rebekah 17/17

    Frenzy Boar 0/3

  6. ---Chicken---

    The other monster watch its friend die instantly, and was no longer the passive chicken that she thought it was. It ran towards her trying to peak her with its sharp beak. The little pecks were quite hard and starting to sting after a while, as she did not dodge the attack while collecting the drop of the other chicken.

    Rebekah 13/17

    Chicken 3/3

  7. She had finally saw the beautiful girl take off her hood. It was about time, as they had just left town, and had entered into the wilderness. She did not have a preference over what to fight, as she would let her pick which monsters, she had wanted to fight. There were many different types of monsters on the grassland of floor 1. There was no point burning herself out, chasing after the girl, as she was still easily worn out from long extended battles.

  8. There were two targets for her to choose from, as she looked between the two of them. She realized that one of them was more aggressive, and it was best to take that chicken out first, the one who dived directly at her. She charged right at it, and attacked it with her sword, it had died instantly. She had gotten the drop that she had wanted, but decided to kill the other one as well, just for extra practice.

    Rebekah 16/17

    Chicken 0/3 --> Drop (Chicken Meat)

    Chicken 3/3

  9. Rebekah picked herself off her ground, and ran directly back at the monster. She was determined to get the monster this time, with her attack, as she charged directly towards it, and attacked it with her rapier. She knew that she needed a response against the monster after that attack, to show that she was not weak.

    Zelrius 63/63

    Rebekah 14/17

    Horgan 7/13

  10. ---Horgan---

    The Horgan ran directly at the girl, and charged right at her trying to knock her off her feet. Rebekah was not expecting such an aggressive move from such a big monster, as she was thrown backwards from that collision. It had caught the girl at the exact moment when she was not 100% focused at the battle.

    Zelrius 63/63

    Rebekah 14/17

    Horgan 10/13

  11. She knew that it does get quite dangerous for a new player to train by themselves out in the wilderness, especially if it was the first time. She remembered her first time in combat with someone, really did make a huge difference in the way she fought. "Sure, I'll come along", she replied as she followed her. There was no hurry to go fight as all the monsters would respawn anyways, as she walked behind her.

  12. ---Chicken---

    The first chicken tried to tackle her with its body, but Rebekah had saw the attack. She was quite interested to know how the chicken's move as they were smaller than the wild boar that she had fought earlier. She was lucky this bird could not fly, or else it would have been impossible to fight it.

    Rebekah 16/17

    Chicken 3/3

    Chicken 3/3

  13. She had gotten the message to arrive back at The Frozen Blacksmith, as she went to go pick up her new weapon. She was happy to receive it, as the wait was not too long. She looked up at Setsuko, and handed her col, as she waited for her to give her new weapon. Rebekah would enjoy this new weapon, as it will help her out with some of her accuracy issues with her normal weapon.

    (2,165 - 750 = 1,415 Col)

  14. She had finally arrived at her destination, and she looked around for the animals to fight. She saw a pair of chicken together, and decided that they were the easiest way for her to finish this quest. She runs towards the pair to attack, but they both jump in 2 separate directions, and became lost over which one to follow, as her brain told her to attack the first one, while her body wanted to attack the second one.

    Rebekah 16/17

    Chicken 3/3

    Chicken 3/3

  15. She had gotten what she wanted from the grassland, and started exploring the other parts of floor one. She had gotten her first item to finish her quest, and now would like to receive her second. She knew that it may take a while for others, but she was able to get the locations of where to find the animals that she would be hunting, or at least the general location.

  16. The pig was lying right there on its belly, and before it could get away, she took her weapon and stabbed it as hard as she could, as she watch the health bar drop down to zero. She had finally slain her first of the three animals she needed to finish her quest. Luckily for her, she receive a drop of boar meat, so she can now move on to the other two.

    Rebekah 16/17

    Wild Boar 0/9 --> Drop (Boar meat)

  17. ---Wild Boar---

    The boar dived right at the girl, who did not attack last turn. It tried its hardest to scratch her, but it had deflected off her leather battle coat, and bounced right off to the side. It was now laying on the floor, ready for her to attack once again. She knew that she was easily exhausted from extended battles, and hoped to move on quickly.

    Rebekah 16/17

    Wild Boar 3/9

  18. ---Wild Boar---

    The wild boar had tried to attack her once again, but its attempt was feeble. It tried to jump on her, but she fended it off rather easily by using her rapier to stop its advances. This battle was starting to take a while for her to complete, and now its beginning to favour the monster, which does not tire out at all.

    Rebekah 16/17

    Wild Boar 3/9

  19. She knew that end was near, and one more attack on the wild boar would end the fight. She looked over at the boar for one last time, or what she thought was the last time, and attacked it. Yet, the boar managed to dodge her attack completely, as she had missed. She knew that her own accuracy needed some work.

    Rebekah 16/17

    Wild Boar 3/9

  20. The momentum was on her side now, as she charged towards the wild boar yet again. This time, she was determined not to let her attack be mitigated, so she tried out a new battle move that she had not yet used during this battle. She thrusts her rapier into the pig, and it had worked.

    Rebekah 16/17

    Wild Boar 3/9

  21. ---Wild Boar---

    As she lifted the sword out of it, it quickly ran away, as far as possible from the girl, so that it could not stab it from this close range. Once, it had gotten far away, just enough so that she could not stand there to attack it, it looked for the opportunity to attack. However, it had wasted its chance to attack by running away.

    Rebekah 16/17

    Wild Boar 6/9

  22. The pig was lying flat on its stomach, and this was her golden opportunity to deal damage, as it would not be able to run fast enough. She took her sword and sliced the pig before it could escape. She had done it, it may have taken her a while, but she has finally did some damage against the boar.

    Rebekah 16/17

    Wild Boar 6/9

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