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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. She charged right at the wild boar, and attacked it with all her power. However, she did not realize that she had swung and missed completely, and had not managed to damage the wild boar. She thought about how long it might take her until she could collect all the meats at the rate this is going.

    Rebekah 16/17

    Wild Boar 9/9

  2. She had finally arrived at the grassland, on the first floor, after a quick walk. She knew that it would take luck if she was going to be able to gather the types of meats that she needed. Hopefully, it does not take a long time, so she could finish up the quest. She had found what she was looking for, a wild boar.

    Rebekah 17/17

    Wild Boar 9/9

  3. Rebekah had always been very interested to cook, so when she arrived at the cooking school where the cooking NPC instructor was, she was very excited. She immediately took on the quest, in which she had to go and obtain several types of meats (boar, cow, chicken) before she would be taught how to cook. She left the town of beginning, and headed right towards the wilderness.

  4. Rebekah walked around the town over and over again. She had been so bored, she started to look for something to do. She had realized that almost everyone she knew had a profession in Aincrad, and she was one of the few rare ones who did not. She decided to go and look for a profession, and she walked around the town, seeking for all the NPC trainers before deciding on the one that she would want.

  5. It was her turn to finish off this monster, or so she thought. She ran right at the goblin, but she tripped up over a branch on the floor, as she lost all her momentum. Luckily, she did not fall onto the ground, but the bad news is that she had wasted her small window to attack.

    Rebekah 11/17

    Iron Goblin 1: 2/9

  6. ---Iron Goblin---

    The monster had charged directly at her, as she could not get out of the way this time, as the trees and terrain was not in her favour for dodging the attack. That attack did not do much against her, as she brushed it off. She did realize that she should get better armour, to help her out with her combat effectiveness soon.

    Rebekah 11/17

    Iron Goblin 1: 2/9

  7. She had noticed that she kept her hood on for quite some time, and wanted to let her know that she was inside a City, a safe-zone where she cannot possibly get killed. Rebekah remembered about the past, when she was just starting out as a low level player, it just takes some time for them to get accustomed to life in Aincrad, or at least it took her a bit of time before she got accustomed.

  8. There has to be a point in every deep conversation, where one has to start to leg go of the past from haunting them throughout life, and look forward to move on. Rebekah wondered if it is that time yet. "No matter how smart someone can be, we will never know really know if someone was hiding their emotions, or struggled to cope with internal issues. Regardless, if it is partially your fault, he choose to end his life, instead of struggling to live on" she replied. She knew that she had to get Setsuko to stop thinking it was completely her fault.

  9. An alternative would be:

    [ignore the brackets on the side - just showing the math]

    Rank 1: 2

    Rank 2: 6 (2+4)

    Rank 3: 12 (2+4+6)

    Rank 4: 20 (2+4+6+8)

    Rank 5: 30 (2+4+6+8+10) + GM Training Review

    This would be the an alternative as, then we just need to count skill-points, however, I like the old system due to the simplicity to remember, as 2,6,12,20,30 are not as easily to remember as 2,4,6,8,10.

  10. She looked up, it had felt like she had been fighting for a long time, but she was in actual fact only on her second monster. At this rate, she will never get better very quickly. She kept going in this battle as she sliced the goblin once again, dealing massive damage as she watches its HP bar slowly tick down.

    Rebekah 12/17

    Iron Goblin 1: 2/9

  11. ---Iron Goblin---

    The monster was not expecting anybody to be fighting it, since there were rarely any players around this area, but after the girl had struck him, it charged right back, dealing a damaging blow to the girl. It was not much, but the girl still lost health.

    Rebekah 12/17

    Iron Goblin 1: 6/9

  12. After that initial round, she was determined to finally get the Horgan this time, she knew that she need to show Zelrius, that she was not just a weak player from the first floor. She held her rapier up, and attacked the monster when it had a small lapse of focus.

    Zelrius 63/63

    Rebekah 17/17

    Horgan 10/13

  13. ---Horgan---

    The Horgan charges right for the weak girl, who had just missed her attack on her a bit earlier. However, she managed to jump out of the way, allowing it to swing and miss in the open air. Both the girl and monster had failed their attacks on one another.

    Zelrius 63/63

    Rebekah 17/17

    Horgan 13/13

  14. Rebekah knew that if they continue, the conversation would get a lot more difficult for Setsuko, but it may be one of the ways to let it all out, and move on with life. The things in the past were already completed and there was no point looking that far back mulling over it. She thought about it, the best thing she could think of was to let her release all that, and move on, if she could.

    "But that is a terrible thing to say, if you haven't been born." she replied.

  15. That had been a tough battle for her, but she knew that she would love to continue. There was no point making this much time, to make the trip out here, just for only 1 battle. She knew that she had to act quickly, trying to improve her battle skills. She saw another Iron Goblin, and quickly attacked it before it could respond.

    Rebekah 13/17

    Iron Goblin 1: 6/9

  16. Rebekah had enough with this battle, and charged right at it yet again, this time refocused, as she wanted to finish this battle as soon as possible. She charges, and manages to thrust her weapon into the Iron Goblin thus killing it. She had finally killed her first monster today.

    Rebekah 13/17

    Iron Goblin 0/9 --> Drop

  17. ---Iron Goblin---

    The Iron Goblin charged right at her once again, and with its weapon tried to attack the girl who so desperately is trying to kill it. She looked up, and saw the attack coming once again. She managed to predict the movements, as it used the exact same move again.

    Rebekah 13/17

    Iron Goblin 3/9

  18. As this battle stalls out, the advantage would go towards the Iron Goblin, since it is an AI which will not tire out the way she does. She knew she had to finish this battle quickly, and move on, however her attack was once again blocked by the Iron Goblin.

    Rebekah 13/17

    Iron Goblin 3/9

  19. ---Iron Goblin---

    It had gotten back up on its own feet, and charged right at the girl once again. This time, she was able to predict the move of the goblin, and managed to avoid the attack. She knew that she had to be able to consistently keep killing them in order to be a better at combat.

    Rebekah 13/17

    Iron Goblin 3/9

  20. It was her turn to end this battle, with the goblin lying completely on the ground. She takes a second to catch her breath, then charges in with her rapier. The goblin was able to block the attack by getting up fast enough to mitigate the damage entirely. These monsters never give up.

    Rebekah 13/17

    Iron Goblin 3/9

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