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Posts posted by Rebekah

  1. Seeing how easily Klein already defeated another wolf, Rebekah was not giving up hope of beating the one in front of her. She had stumbled again, trying to go in for the kill, and missed. She had not had much luck in any of her battles to date, and she needed to get better quickly, somehow.

    Klein 8/9

    Rebekah 6/11

    Wolf 6/6

    [you can simulate this wolf, so that i don't double post :P]

  2. If there were once a time, she needed to make a move, it would be now. And she swings another strike hoping to land, but it had failed again. She had been really bad at this, and she looked up thinking, is it time to escape, maybe one more move, if not I will have to come back another day, and heal up before continuing this quest.

    Rebekah 6/13

    Frenzy Boar 3/3

  3. She had gotten back up to her own feet, and took a deep breath. She takes a wild swing, and misses the wolf. It was not even close, she was still a bit dizzy from that last encounter. She took a moment to re-orientate herself, and now she feels much better now, but she still had not done a single hp of damage to that wolf as of yet.

    Wolf 2/6

    Wolf 6/6

    Klein 9/9

    Rebekah 8/11

  4. "He had been outside ever at that window, ever since you entered the bar. I noticed because all he did was stood their staring right at you. While I was observing, I noticed that he had a tattoo, and it is not uncommon for players to have a tattoo." as she spoke. Then it had hit her it was not just any regular tattoo, could it be ... what she had heard about ... the infamous guild ... whatever the name is?

    "Why don't we head back down and look for the player who had tried to pickpocket you?" as she stood there thinking about what had just happened.

  5. "No, I was sitting in the bar, and saw a huge commotion with you raising your weapon at another player, next thing I know, you are sprinting down this alleyway looking for something" replied Rebekah. She knew that there was something going on, either the bar incident or this. "I wanted to figure out why a player like you would go chasing after someone with a tattoo?"

  6. She woke up the next day and saw the message popped up on her screen. Well, something interesting is going on, she might as well see for herself, as she did not have solid plans for today, she had stuff that she wanted to do, but they do not have to be completed quickly. There is surely no harm from checking out what is going on, she thought to herself as she went to go find some food this morning.

  7. She had seen him run out of seat after threatening a player with his blade. Something is up... she just had this feeling. She leaves her seat, and follows the player running out the inn. He had tripped up again, then got back up and bolted down the alleyway. She had two choices, go back into the inn, or check what out what was happening. She choose the latter, and followed him down the alleyway, walking of course, but made sure to keep him in sight.

  8. She had been sitting in this inn all day, this was her day off to rest and relax after training hard the day before to where she had been. She looked up and saw someone walking into the inn. What was his name again? I remember I saw him somewhere as her mind raced trying to recall everyone she had met around these parts. Then it hit her, he was the clumsy guy that had always fallen everywhere. I wonder if I should go over and say hi.

    She decided against it, she was going to sit over here and watch, maybe something interesting will happen soon.

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