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Everything posted by Lime

  1. Ruby snorted "basic" she said. She was no expert on swordplay but even she knew that much.
  2. Ruby gestured at the now charging monster as if to say "have at it."
  3. Lime moved slightly from behind Ruby and said show "battling a boar perhaps?" Lime took one of the small throwing picks from her belt and aimed like throwing a dart and fired. It didn't really hit the boar she aimed it at, only grazing it so no hp was lost but it did catch its attention as it turned to look at them.
  4. Ruby snorted. "If you know how to take care of yourself then I would think there's more than what you tell us." She smiled "perhaps a demonstration is in order."
  5. Lime gasped as the sound of a player speaking reached them. She grunted as she was thrust behind Ruby watching the confrontation develop.
  6. Ruby spun around and at the sight of the white figure pointed her sword at her while pushing Lime behind her. "I know how to defend myself too but not with a sword ghostie! What do ya want?"
  7. Ruby eyed the window thinking. This girl seems pretty confident.... She thinks. Tapping the accept button she said “okay why not? Where do you wanna start?â€
  8. Lime shook the hand nice and firm. “Nice to meet you. Um this may be sudden but would you like to form a party?†Lime waved her hand and using the system sent a Party Invite.
  9. Ruby took the hand slowly saying “Ruby.â€
  10. Lime smiled “thank you so much.†Bouncing up to the other girl slightly she said “I'm Lime†holding out a hand.
  11. Ruby spun. She watched as the boar fled only to be struck down by an arrow that flew down from the sky. She eyed the newcomer a young girl shrouded in green who seemed to be smiling nervously. Ruby frowned uncertainly. “Hey†she said gruffly. “Uh that was a nice shot.â€
  12. Lime stepped onto the grassy fields outside the starting town. Twirling around with her cape fluttering along like butterfly wings she laughed. As she came to a stop she a red clad figure. She recognized it as the girl from earlier. She took a step forward and watched as she took out some boars that got rather arrogant with her. As the third fled Lime Reached at back for an arrow and at her side for her bow. She brought it to the string, aimed, and fired the arrow, the projectile arcing through the air and landing on top of the boar which squealed and exploded. Lime took a step forward and rai
  13. Ruby walked along the grassy fields outside of town. Hefting her one handed sword she slashed here and there practicing and taking down some of the local boars. She smiled. This is pretty fun she thinks and it beats beating up jerks in the real world! As three boars got cocky surrounding her she smiled. About two minutes later two of the boars exploded in blue shards of light while the third panicked and ran away. Ruby laughed.
  14. «Name» Lime, Helpful Huntress Profile » Username:Lime » Real name:Serena Quetzal » Age:16 » Gender:female » Height:5 foot 3 inches » About: History/personality She's always been something of a good shot in the real world. As an athlete she's above decent. When she heard about SAO she stood in line for quite some time and managed to get a copy. Logging in she found her abilities tested and her personality changing. » Virtues: Helpful.She's always happy to help if she can. Alert.She's fast to think on her feet. Athletic.Her body is in peak physical condition.
  15. «Name» Ruby the Ruthless Profile » Username:Ruby » Real name: Crystal Black » Age: 21 » Gender:female » Height:6 foot 7 inches » About: History/personality Crystal grew up in an orphanage. At age 9 she was the tough girl of the neighborhood. Growing up she had patience for little things. She worked her way up and down through High School and came into a bit of luck during college with a scholarship. With a little bit money she bought SAO and logged in to try and relax for once. » Virtues: Serious.She's all about no nonsense. Loyal.To those that can actually be f
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