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Everything posted by Lessa

  1. The woman glanced at her supply of materials. "Only eight left," she muttered. "I'll have to go out looking." She sighed, and wiped her brow on the back of her sleeve. "Until then, I might as well keep crafting." She plucked a bit of material from the drawer, and made her way to the fire. Nothing felt different as she warmed it up, and moved over the the anvil. But as soon as the the hammer struck the metal, she felt a shiver run up her spine. "Again?" She whispered, her blue eyes widening. "No way." Days had passed since she had crafted her breastplate, but it looked as though she was
  2. Hit 100 profile views! Fess up, who has been creepin'? ;D

    1. Lessa


      You might say that you came in like a wrecking ball.

    2. Life


      It's only going to get harder and longer to level up. I was looking at all the topics i'd need to complete to get my ideal skill set-up. It's not looking very time efficient for me xD

    3. Kiluia Seiko

      Kiluia Seiko

      I always creep xD

    4. Show next comments  99 more
  3. New guild in the works! Only in the brainstorming phase, but still excited about it!

    1. Tyrius


      I'm eager to see it, or at least read about it.

    2. Life


      Im looking forward to it. Im sure you'll make a great guild master

    3. Lessa


      You're sweet, thank you! Turns out things are moving faster than anticipated! May just have the guild proposal up by tomorrow.

  4. Don't forget, we still have to take down that pesky Bone Knight!

    1. Life


      I'll try to get strong enough to fight a long side you guys

  5. New site means it's time to find new roleplay partners!

    1. Kazuya


      I'll still be a good partner

  6. New site is sweet! Glad to finally be back.

  7. The woman knew that if she stopped, and reflected on the terrible attempt, she would lose steam. She had to keep trying, to keep that momentum going. Her perfect item stood testament to what she was capable of. She had done it once. She could do it again. Lessa strode across the room, selected one of her few remaining materials, and shoved it into the fire. I'll have to go looking for more materials, she thought to herself. The sword that she molded from the hot material was nice, but nothing special. "I'll use this for training sometime," she said, setting it aside. {Craft successful
  8. Still glowing from her previous perfect item, Lessa plucked another material from the pile. She still had a lot to learn, and she knew that the perfect item had probably been just a lucky break. Still, it motivated her to work harder, and continue to improve her skills. Her last attempt had gone so well that she was bound to have a failure. But the epic failure that rest on her anvil as she began pounding away made her cringe. "That is terrible," she said aloud, scooping up the blob that was meant to be armor, and tossing it away. {Craft failed. Material lost.}
  9. "Might as well go again," Lessa announced to no one in particular. Her shop was empty, after all. But the lack of other people did not make the place lonely. The fire crackled away happily in the corner, and everything was still in its place. She had not had time to dirty anything up yet. Every tool, every material, every action, was still new to her. The woman still got chills when she reminded herself that this shop was hers. She could tell that the item would be perfect right away. The way that it moved under her hand and her hammer was incredible. And when it began to show the slightes
  10. Retrieving another material from the drawer, Lessa returned to the fire. Another day, another try, she thought to herself. She continued the silent pep-talk as she stuck the material into the flames. Before drawing it out again, she selected the Hammer of Dawn. Klein had given it to her as a gift, after crafting her gauntlets and beloved Hell Rose. At the thought of him, she had to smile. He had been a delightful young man. She wondered where he was now. When she finally withdrew the material and began to craft it, it became apparent that this would be another failure. She had hoped to c
  11. Very pretty! I love your smile. It is contagious.
  12. It was with great excitement that Lessa carried her first material to the fire. Her blue eyes were wide, and her hands shook with anticipation. Lenore had taught her well, but now, she was on her own. It was up to her to craft her own weapons, and her mentor was no where to be found. She was alone in the shop. But it is MY shop, she thought, swelling with pride. She had worked hard for her humble little place. And now, she was about to embark on a new chapter in her story. Lessa thrust the material into the flames. It did not take long for Lessa to realize that the craft was a complet
  13. Wild Rose Forge A small, brick building stands on the outskirts of town. A handful of tools line the wall, and the fire crackles merrily in the corner. It is a clean, cozy shop, and it is clear that a lot of love and care went into its creation. A wooden sign hangs above the door. In pink, cursive font, it reads "Wild Rose Forge." Level Six Blacksmith Experience/Materials: Here Daily Crafts: 7 [1] = Critical failure (Lose materials) [2] = Fail (Lose materials) [3-5] = Salvage (Keep materials on LD 11+) [6-9] = Uncommon item (1 slot) [10-11] = Rare it
  14. I'd love to get involved in this! If someone wouldn't mind adding me, my username is xxshibs.
  15. Lessa

    Lessa's Journal

    BASICS character name Lessa real name Alyssa DOBMay 28 age 20 genderFemale height 5'6 hair color Blonde eye color Blue orientation Bisexual profession Blacksmith tRACKER Here Vices & Virtues Compassionate Lessa is an incredibly kind-hearted individual. She has the unique ability to make people around her feel at-ease, and she seems to be an endless supply of positivity. She can find the good in any person or situation. This makes words her strongest weapon, as most of her disput
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