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Arekkusu Sepera

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Everything posted by Arekkusu Sepera

  1. "The events that lead up to that moment were... Interesting to say the least." Arekkisu said with embarassment in his voice. "But overall things went pretty well."
  2. "Its been a while Tom." Arekkusu said. He then looked at Tom. The dungeon was a lot of fun, he never knew tom could fight so well.
  3. "Heh." Arekkusu laughed a bit. He knew Tom in some good ways and some not so good ways. The point was, he knew Tom. "It has been a while huh Yuki. Many things have happened huh."
  4. "Yuji?" Arekkusu asked. It uad been a while since he had seen his old friend. It would be a lot easier to see him in his shoo, but that isn't really an option at the moment. So to see Yuki once again surprised him, he changed so much since Arekkusu last saw him. "Is that seriosly you Yuji?"
  5. strict family, I might might not be on as often

    1. The_Kitty


      Good Luck then?

    2. Kiru


      Hope you can come on still!

    3. Arekkusu Sepera

      Arekkusu Sepera

      Kitty: Thanks!

      Kiru:Most certainly!

  6. While there is still time before Midnight, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone enjoyed it :)

    1. Kiru


      It's midnight lol too late XD

  7. What a great moment for a 1 on the loot die

    1. Draterion
    2. Arekkusu Sepera

      Arekkusu Sepera

      Escalated quickly, now restored to normal?

    3. Draterion


      Oh. Hey, we have one squadron leader spot in my guild. Do you want it? You get to name it and describeit and have it be the way you lie it.

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  8. Arekkusu looked down from the balcony-like ledge to see a player that seemed a bit down. He wasn't one of the new players that Arekkusu expected to see, he seemed way too advanced. He was sitting down on a bench when there are so many other things to do, if he wanted a Taxi, he can expect to stay there forever. "Is he ok?" Arekkusu asked himself. "Lets see how this plays out, if he doesn't move for a bit I'll talk to him."
  9. A quick analysis of how he feels the world of SAO is becoming... it is falling apart. More rivalries are building, backstabbing is being shown and plots against players are being made. If the players are going lower at this rate, Arekkusu might find himself being one of the few players left standing, wondering where everyone else went. He actually lost his sanity, but was snapped back into his senses once he was scolded by a player with a voice that knocked Arekkusu pretty far back. With advice to meet a certain player and a threat given to Arekkusu, Arekkusu just walked on, hoping to hit by t
  10. *pants* Finally... done... with... replying... AHHHHH! More!

    1. BioticRain


      Keeeep it up :D

    2. Arekkusu Sepera

      Arekkusu Sepera

      Thanks for the encouragement :3

    3. Kiru


      This always happens to me XD

  11. The tensions... almost every OP... tensions are rising way too fast...

    1. The_Kitty


      Tension is what builds drama....GET OVER IT :3

    2. Arekkusu Sepera

      Arekkusu Sepera

      Oh Kitty-Chan if you only knew...

    3. Zero


      Agreed Arekkuu, agreed xD

  12. I don't feel like can stay up tonight.

  13. Everybody do the flop!

    1. Tyrius


      I would flop, but only weighing like 100 lbs, I would gently and majestically float to the ground.

    2. Kiru


      Of course dude!~ "my time machine worked!, It really- I AM A STEGOSAURUS!"

    3. Arekkusu Sepera

      Arekkusu Sepera

      Life complete! I get to see a Stegosaurus! *Happily skips like a little girl*

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  14. Level 8 so close! I want it so badly! Level 7 is way too long! Must... make... it... happen!

    1. claim


      that is turn lvl 7 is to long but then again the next few lvl after that go fast ish lol

    2. Arekkusu Sepera
    3. claim


      true sorry for that typo demons need to get some food in me

  15. Now that I think about it... what the **** did a Nutcracker have to do to become so evil and powerful?

    1. Moartea


      Actually that's not true, according to German folklore, nutcrackers were given as keepsakes to bring good luck to your family and protect your home. The legend says that a nutcracker represents power and strength and serves like a trusty watch dog guarding your family from evil spirits and danger. A fierce protector, the nutcracker bares its teeth to the evil spirits and serves as the traditional messenger of good luck and goodwill.

    2. Moartea


      So a nutcracker isn't evil, its a symbol of good luck.

    3. Arekkusu Sepera

      Arekkusu Sepera

      I meant in my Sp... I was saying that I lacked thought...

  16. Sorry my party for being offlinell day, compute ar still frozen and i'm just using a friends right now :[

  17. Arekkusu has gone through a lot in a week... I don't think there is any proper way for him to start. The Gemini quest was the least of his problems. To start things off, he tends to help the lower leveled players based on what Arekkusu wanted when he was a newer player. He didn't want to see the other players suffer, so nowadays he focuses more on the players who are newer, making sure to put their lives first before his, but at the same time give them the instincts that will allow them to survive. He fought his first duel and actually won the battle and made a new friend. It was in a half los
  18. -_- My laptop froze on me... and I had to wait for 2 hours to come back

  19. So...tired... my fingers are typing all over the keyboard now! I'm losing my mind!

    1. claim


      if ok so are mine just wish they would go faster lol

  20. I'm just wondering. Was it a good idea to choose Monday for the boss fight? I mean that's MONDAY! The day where everything goes wrong.

    1. Arekkusu Sepera

      Arekkusu Sepera

      Hey, things could get hectic, but if they set it up during the weekend... I think the whole thing would collapse. What day would you recommend for the battle of the seven days?

    2. Lessa


      I would just like a couple more days. I don't think the majority of players are ready yet. We are still scrambling to complete quests, improve equipment, and (most importantly, right now) craft potions. For most of us, it's our first battle. I just don't think we are ready quite yet.

    3. Zelrius


      Tell you what, If you can get more of the Representatives from the Meeting to Agree with your Vote, I will alk with Shark and we will see about pushing it back a few days. But, See it from my View: At the speed things are going we are only at about a floor every month to Month and a half. Which is extremely slow. Time is of the essence here.

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  21. Arekkusu has been growing a bit more. He obtained a Violin, which allowed him to become in touch with the real world or as much of it as he could. He feels at home when he plays the Violin, it gives him inner peace when he feels stressed. He attempts to learn a bit more about the game by traveling upwards through the floors. He decides that it's safe to stay lower and make his maximum floor the 4th floor, in which he did recon before he moved back to the third floor. He made temporary parties for personal benefit as well as the benefit of those he is with, but in the end Arekkusu will depart
  22. My creator, Alex, came back from an important concert. Not relevant to everyones lives here, but he's proud and tired now.

  23. The 9th battle, about to be done. Though I'm just a player, I still wish every participant the best of luck in the fight. No comments, no punchline, just a wish for the best.

    1. MacGrath


      I wish you luck to friend. We will see each other at the end of the battle.

  24. Oh wow, Arekkusu is the kid of the story. He's young compared to... everyone really

  25. -Obtained Violin, Rosin, Violin Bow, and Violin Case- Arekkusu rosined his Violin bow to make sure the Violin can actually play. He played G scale to E Scale and back up with 8th notes. There were a few scratches in the notes, but that was caused by Arekkusu, not the quality of the items. Arekkusu was still a bit rusty to the Violin since he hadn't played it for a while, so of course he "This is perfect." Arekkusu said to Tristan. He packed all of his items in the case and walked for the door. Arekkusu stopped and turned his head back to Tristan. "Thanks again." Arekkusu said. "I h
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