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About Life

  • Title
    Offspring of Lighting
  • Birthday 01/30/1998

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    Solo Player

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  1. If anyone was curious about my looks these days xd
  2. My friend, your desire

    Is the bringer of life, the gift of the goddess

    Even if the morrow is barren of promises

    Nothing shall forestall my return

    1. Morgenstern


      Is that... is that a Final Fantasy 7 reference?


    2. Life


      Indeed, we have a winner

  3. Kami armguards (2Lm +1thorn) | Knightmare cloak (+2evasion +1 Thorn) Would like to change them since they're both light armour to: Kami armguards (+3 LD) | Knightmare Cloak ( +2 Mitigation +1 Evasion) I also have 8 HP potions (Restores 50hp) that don't fit with the current system and would like to have them fit into the current system to be used.
  4. Yo how do you play this game xd

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Life


      Seriously how do i play someone help this account didn't come with instructions when i bought it off ebay xd

    3. Baldur


      You gotta get a job, and a house, and you spin to see how many spaces you move down the road of life. Oh Did you mean sao? ;)

    4. Hirru


      You get a Profession, get a 'house', and you roll to see how much you missed the target.  Oh, you mean helpful guide?

  5. Gah, so many memories.

    1. Hirru


      Life returns to the masses, and all rejoice in undead reverie.

    2. Hikoru



    3. Helios
  6. Azide

    Hope life's treating you well. Happy birthday!

    1. Mack


      Happy Birfday Life!

  7. Medium and Hard RGQs now give more sp

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Baldur


      I don't see why not.

      Take for a grain of salt I'm not staff, but the (6 total) etc... comments were Life's way of making it easier to calculate total SP. So yes, you still get the +1 SP per page, he just forgot to include that change in his revision.

    3. Life


      What baldur said,ty for remind me. The idea is to make the rewards at least on par with the easy rewards

    4. Life


      Yes RGQ's are open. I believe they were locked by mistake.

  8. Grave

    About RGQs:
    'at least 5 'floor levels' above their highest level player'
    materials required is 1 + floor level divided by 5 rounded down'
    What is meant by 'floor level' in both of these cases?

    1. Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      Ariel - The Crowned Lion

      for example, a player is level 25.. then he need to kill at least 5 mobs of floor 30 strength mobs like you'd find on a dungeon at floor 30 : 

      floor strength mobs:   (Floor Level x 4 Health, Floor Level x 3 Damage), mitigation that is at least 1/4 of the mobs HP 

      loot mobs:   (Floor Level x 4 Health, Floor Level x 3 Damage), mitigation that is at least 1/4 of the mobs HP and at least half the health of the highest player in the thread.

      so a group with a player with max. level = 25 would need to fight 5 mobs with the following stats:

      Health: 120 [(25+5)x4]
      Damage: 90 [(25+5)x3]
      Mitigation: 30 [120/4]

      if the mob's health is least half the health of the level 25 player, then he's also a loot mob.


      Hope that cleared it out. If I'm wrong then a GM will correct me.

    2. Grave


      Don't worry, Zaz cleared this up for me last night :D Thanks!

  9. I'm sorry @Lycan but there is nothing on that list that hasn't already been discussed or thought over by staff. The committee is redundant and does not speak for the whole community. New players shouldn't be told that other players know what they want and whats best for them. Once you get into that territory of changing things based on how you think things should be, it enters GM territory. Players have been able to express their opinions and suggestions since forever, instead of having a committee perhaps we should start taking them more seriously and start being a little more transparen
  10. Teen drinking! Is very, very, bad!

    Yo i got a fake ID tho~

  11. Reading Azides last few posts left me speechless. Painful to see him go..

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Macradon


      That's what I said

    3. Hirru


      Sorry, just got back from work, and I'm rather tired.

    4. Macradon


      It's k bro.

  12. Stonewall has been nerfed.

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