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The Black-White Human

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About The Black-White Human

  • Birthday 03/01/1997

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    Solo Player
  • Position
    Just wanderin around da ze~

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  1. I really want ta come back... But I'm still looking for inspiration for the place before I try a full return.. I mean the last time didn't end up well when I tried ta force myself to come back since I vanished again very soon after >>

    1. The Black-White Human

      The Black-White Human

      Hold up. Ignore what was said earlier since I've got a ton of ideas now. All it took was a little change~

    2. Pinball


      Well, welcome back! I hope you find it in you to stay! If you have questions, feel free to ask me or any one of our lovely staff members over on the Discord, if you're not already there~! 

      Plus, if you're out looking for a RP partner, I'd love to be a part of that uwu 

    3. Zeke


      I can't believe you left again. I would have replied to this sooner, but I was banned without a heads up. No real way of getting in contact with you.

  2. Well it seems I am alive yet again. I wonder for how long that will last before my next absence. Hope I'll be bale to last at least a year this time though~

    1. Zeke


      Considering how easily I know you can go from one thing to the next, it won't be for more than a month. Last time we talked, you had just moved on from this site to another Rp, and now you're back again. Add in all the games and music, that makes it an even shorter time frame for how long you'll stay. Welcome back, though.

    2. The Black-White Human

      The Black-White Human

      Eheh. Yeah ya may have me there. ^_^;

    3. Zeke


      It's good to see you back where we first met. Hope you enjoy yourself for however long you are here.

  3. Name: Demonic Eye Item Type: 2 Hand Straight Blade Tier: T1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +2 Dmg +1 Life-steal Description: (This is not remembered due to not having access to the store I got it from.) Post Link: (Honestly I am not 100% sure. But I think it was made by Kiluia Seiko close to when I first joined the site.. Again it could be kiluia or kosan.) To Name: Demonic Eye Item Type: 2 Hand Straight Blade Tier: T1 Quality: Perfect Enhancements: +2Dmg +1 Bleed Description: (Still can't think of a good one or what it looked l
  4. You know. I just realized this. But a lot of people I rp with tend to become player support. Just thought it was a little funny is all :b

    1. Macradon


      I know the feeling, and I've been on here for a while as well

    2. Ryo


      Im only a GM now. :p

  5. It's just my opinion. But I think either the first or fourth one would be the best option. I myself prefer the fourth one over the first or the other two, since even though the level variety is (very) diverse. I'm actually surprisingly okay with it and I'm only level 7 xD
  6. Have a good birthday Zandra-Chan! ^_^

    1. Zandra


      Thank you Marisa-Chan =D

      It will be even better if you posts on our meeting at the cafe ;)

  7. Car wrecks are very good at hurting people's heads...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Black-White Human

      The Black-White Human

      Iv'e had that happen to me as well due to being half asleep... Course what I said actually happened yesterday to me.

    3. Takneil


      What I said happened to me the day before yesterday. wow everyone is hurting their heads recently...

    4. Calrex


      Geezes you guys! Hope you feel better!

  8. I looked through some rp's and I realized something... Kotori is stealing everyone's hearts. :_:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. The Black-White Human

      The Black-White Human

      At least I don't think anyone has fallen for me O_o

    3. Kotori


      That wasn't what I origanally going to do with her.

    4. XWuZHeAR


      Eh it happens

  9. It's been a while since I was last on, How has everyone been?

    1. Rusty


      Good! Or Bad.. Hmm.. It could be the other.. Or the farmer.

    2. The Black-White Human

      The Black-White Human

      Both work for everyone. Course there are also a lot of people that Marisa hasn't met yet as well! This is going to be great Ze~

  10. Nothing I can think of right now but I'll try thinking of something!

  11. Smiling slightly Marisa picks up the blade and looks it over. "It's a pretty nice blade, thanks Kosan!" She says to him then equipping it and goes out the door seeming excited about using her new weapon. [Gained two-handed straight blade Demonic eye: +2 damage and +1 life-steal on roll 9-10]
  12. Going into the shop Marisa notices he is talking to someone so walks over to red. Putting an arm on her shoulder Marisa talks to Kosan. "I was wondering if my sword was ready yet and if it is could I pick it up ze?" She says while looking around wondering which blade could possibly be her's, then seeming to remember something Marisa turns to look at red. "I havn't really seen ya around before, The names Marisa Kirisame though you can just call me Marisa! What's your name ~Da Ze?" Marisa asks red not really seeming to be paying attention to people's 'personal' bubbles.
  13. "It's nice to meet ya, the names Marisa Kirisame though everyone just calls me Marisa!" She says smiling back. Remembering what she had come here for "Oh yeah I was wonderin if you could make me a two-handed straight sword with the ability to paralyze and steal life from enemies, though I'll leave it up to you on it bein rare or perfect." She says as she sits down. "I'll leave it up to you how it will look since you'r making it."
  14. Marisa walks into the store and looks around her before shouting. "Is anybody here or should I come back another time!" She waits for an answer from the owner or somebody else that's at the place.
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