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Tristan Delaney

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Everything posted by Tristan Delaney

  1. elaborate on virtues and flaws
  2. So...Tristan & Rin is now officially a thing.

  3. On the 32nd night of Christmas, I forgot how to count.

    1. Rin Tachibana

      Rin Tachibana

      On the 1st day of christmas Rin gave to Tristan some lalalalalaaaaaaaaa

    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      Ooft, the censoring is making it hard to hell what you are insinuating ;)

    3. Rin Tachibana
  4. Sorry if I wasn't clear, I meant about two/three sentences on each. Use accepted journals as an example for the length we are looking for ^_^
  5. Approved. Edit - please add another virtue
  6. *sits waiting for replies*

  7. Elaborate on your virtues and flaws
  8. Punctuation just requires you to follow general proper grammatical use of it and what flows best in your head. Probably the only punctuation you would struggle with on the matter would be semi-colons, of which aren't exactly required or popular. So along as you don't overuse commas to combine three sentences into one, or use it improperly so that post context is misconstrued, there shouldn't be an issue. :) All these hints are great and the kind of stuff I use for my posts, take good note of them!
  9. Throwing curveballs at your character is always fun, bc being perfect is piss-boring.

    1. Rin Tachibana

      Rin Tachibana

      Its not if youre Rin

    2. Mari


      Mari will rarely catch a break

    3. Sousuke


      *throws screw ball* haha that caught u off guard didn't it :P

  10. On the next episode of the soap drama, Sword Art Online!

    1. Lessa


      Lessa does not enjoy being preyed on by Tristan, and she punches his lights out.

    2. Tristan Delaney

      Tristan Delaney

      It does feel like an episode of Eastenders or Coronation Street lol

  11. Breaking two hearts in one swoop. New record! XD

    1. Mari


      you're a bad person and you should feel bad XD

    2. Kiru


      It doesn't help that your character is oblivious to his surrounding! XD

  12. Time to stir some controversy in the party!

    1. Kiru


      Plot twist time~ In depth character building for Kiru! XD

  13. Tristan decided this time to play a Glockenspiel, an instrument he hadnt used in a long time. Well at least as far as he could recollect that is. Rolled a 12 on the d12 (craft) dice. Monster Grenade +3 made. One Material consumed. 2/3 Crafts left. ID 3848
  14. Tristan tried again with another tune, but failed. Clearly the recording crystals didn't enjoy him as of late, but he just had to roll with it as it comes. Oh well. Rolled a 6 on the d12 (craft) dice. Monster Grenade +1 made. One Material consumed. 1/3 Crafts left. 3814
  15. Tristan tried again, though this time with something more upbeat. Apparently it worked too as the recording crystal responded well to it and danced with recording. Rolled a 9 on the d12 (craft) dice. Monster Grenade +2 made. One Material consumed. 1/3 Crafts left.
  16. It turned out Ethereal had left, so he pocketed the grenades for another time. Instead he decided to craft some more, playing on a piano some Mozart while dancing with his fingers on the keys. It wasn't much fun, since he didnt like piano much. Oh well, turns out it didn't like him either as the recording failed. Rolled a 3 on the d12 (craft) dice. Failed. One Material consumed. 2/3 Crafts left. 3806
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