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    I don't know!
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    I'd like to live, to stay alive and fight with my friends until the end of Floor 100.

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  1. Too many feels.

  2. Happy Holidays, I was supposed to die yesterday.. XD

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brayden


      you were supposed to die a long time ago but whatever, being Sachi died before Christmas and Krito received the message on Christmas Eve, therefore relating to Christmas in no way. and it was also way in the future, some time in 2022?

  3. It's been awhile, hello sao-rpg.

    1. Grougaloragran


      Hiya Sachi RP with me sometime?

    2. claim
  4. Ha, anyone not in an rp?

  5. I just got my journal approved, anyone want to rp? :)

  6. I just got my journal approved, anyone want to rp? :)

    1. Tyrius


      Well, maybe. I only have until about six thirty before I have to go.

    2. Daeron


      I can have my alt diabel do it. He needs the levels.

  7. Hey everyone, would anyone like to roleplay?

  8. Sachi

    Sachi's Journal

    Profile » Username: Sachi » Real name: Sachi » Age: 17 » Gender: Female » Height: 5" 3' » About: History/personality Offline, Sachi, along with all the other members of the Moonlit Black Cats (excluding Kirito), were in a computer club at their school. She also happened to live fairly close to the leader of the guild, Keita. Sachi felt comfortable and content with her life out of SAO. The main reason Sachi logged onto Sword Art Online was to of course spend time with her computer club members there. Besides, it was technology she was dealing with! » Virtues: Kind- Sach
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