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About orhalimi

  • Birthday 04/08/1990

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    Geeky things

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  1. Would this work like last time? I'm guessing your email notifies you of this. I'm back now, so I could do minimal things to help you, if you'd like. 

  2. Happy birthday, brother!

  3. It is too early to say something, I personally don't felt any change yet. I would like to know more about the things you are working or dealing with. Something like what Lycan did "we though on x y z, we are working on a b c. What is your idea and etc". The whole idea start out because players felt they are not being listen (and not because "the system wasn't perfect" like some here think), and I don't think that everyone should come to PM and ask on what are you working right now, players have some great ideas and it should be wide open. About rule changing, notice that if you are changi
  4. Not that I am RP with too much players right now.. but won't be around in the next two days. 
    Going to some huge RP event (5 Room larps in two days ! :D  ><")

  5. Finished Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash, great anime.
    On the hunt for the next master piece.

    1. Baldur


      Agreed! Wish there were more like it.

    2. Vectis


      Too much fan service and cliches for my taste.

    3. orhalimi


      I feel the opposite, despite other animes in RPG themes I found this one  really unique 

  6. so...what do I need to do to pass floor 10?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. orhalimi


      Didn't understand ><

    3. Jomei


      You don't need to do anything. You can just start roleplaying on Floor 11 whenever you please. Benchmarks are used only for boss fights. 

    4. orhalimi


      ssdesu ka

  7. have less time to comment not on weekends but still want to RP :-( 

  8. I recommend everyone on Boku dake ga Inai Machi anime. Its kind of butterfly effect / life is strange concept. Also the company is the same one who publish SAO. Funny right?


    1. orhalimi


      Dude...you shouldn't spoiled....

  9. OOC: I think I just cross a new line of evil ><. (Didn't meant too)

    1. Macradon


      Wut you be doing?

    2. orhalimi


      I girl ask me if I saw her mother, so I pulled out my sword and asked her if it stubbed her mother, then the sword answered with a purple shine of confirmation.

      After that I realised how horrible it was xD

    3. Macradon
  10. Notice that Rowan is such an *****
    Looking for someone who will make Rowan feel miserable. Tell him things that he done in the past (you run away and let my teammates die) make his life hard, ,make him feel bad, guilty, will fight him (with words xD) and so on...

    I really like the memory part because my story back it, but other ideas will be filled. Requirement: character who won't kill him in the end :-) 

  11. She start to piss me off. I like that, didn't know why. "Your shop? I have never saw so [coursed] show owner in my life. Don't you want money?" I raised my voice. "Why its so hard for you to tell me how much you want?! You are an artisan, you have a shop. Now do as I asked!"
  12. "Don't be rude. How much you demand?" I answered quickly. She know how to answer, it remind me someone.vI put took a sheet and put jiberish on it, then I put it on the her desk forcefully "Now listen, I don't have time to talk with you, direct me to the shop owner or tell me the price".
  13. I walked in floor two looking for one artisan shop, they were so rare that it was funny. after hours of walking on floor one town I heard that there is a shop there around floor two. Finally I reached the shop and enter inside, I walked straight to the seller "Hey you, I need something that will give me accuracy and mitigation. The accuracy should be extremely good so it should be a perfect item. I don't have a lot of money, and nor any materials to bring with me so don't ask me to. Please go and ask the shop owner if she have something for me"
  14. Any one to make perfect necklace for Rowan?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. orhalimi


      you probably expensive... 

    3. Takneil


      ouch >.> here I was going to give it to you for free since you would be my first customer...

    4. orhalimi



      I don't think you would. Rowan was kicked out from the last shop he was in right now by force xD
      where is your shop anyway?

  15. my sword is ready!!!!!!! :D :D :D

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