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-1 Player Killer


About Mari

  • Title
    Looser Loner
  • Birthday January 26

Guild Information

  • Guild Name
    Jacob's Ladder
  • Position
    Soloest of the solos

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  1. Am back now (yay?) will take me a few days to integrate back into the site. So any new and upcoming Rpers I should RP with? nyuk nyul nyuk

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Teayre


      (4-27-2015 9:38PM (EST))

      The current council members agreed on kicking every member from the guild except themselves and went into hiding. Guild is now closed, but still exists RP wise.

    3. Mari


      As long as it has enough members to be counted as a guild they can remain active and closed for future applications. However if they do not have enough members then they cannot qaulify as a guild.

      I actually need to go through guilds and marks ones that do not have enough members as disbanded. Mine included. Since the members that were in it are not active any more

    4. Kiru


      Mari, welcome back! If you read my recent OP and looks through the forums you'll see that a lot has happened. KIRU almost went crazy because keith died and Zelrius spoke like a human for once.

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