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-1 Player Killer


About Mari

  • Title
    Looser Loner
  • Birthday January 26

Guild Information

  • Guild Name
    Jacob's Ladder
  • Position
    Soloest of the solos

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  1. Oh my, ex guild member plotting to kill the Mari with Kazuya and another? Guess I won't join OPs for a while :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Draterion


      That's right. What level are you anywhere? Without backup wed destroy you in a matter of seconds. With backup, maybe a couple seconds longer... And do note that iron breathes is not yet locked, Mari! Everyone's leaving our guild, in which I ha e been training for! You will die eventually!

    3. Moartea


      Dude chill the hell down man.

    4. Mari


      Uhm The Iron that breathes has been locked and completed. XD And I checked your stats, in a 1vs1 Mari would easily be able to take on Kazuya, would annihilate Terrence and would have a fair chance against yourself. It's only you 3 that have the vendetta against Mari, and I Don't mind. It makes the RP intersting to me. I don't see Mari dying any time soon

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