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Everything posted by Mari


  2. It's nice to be able to slwoly RP Mari opening up to people again and not being such a hard a-buhead

    1. Calrex
    2. Lowenthal


      Yes Calrex. Yay.

  3. Sleepy Mari

    1. Yami


      *tosses a pillow to her*

    2. Calrex


      *tosses a blanket*

    3. Teayre


      *strokes head*

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  4. Site guide has been updated to include information on Quests & Boss Room Scouting! Check it out here Don't forget that if you notice any issues, discrepancies or things missing do not hesitate to voice your opinion, be it a reply here or via other channels! This new site guide will have all the information in one handy dandy place! And we are hoping to keep things concise and ensure that there are no issues with 'unwritten rules' or things being misinterpretation! Note: This is not including the enhancement and profession guides which will be worked on once this is complete. -Tha
  5. ID:23039 CD: 5 Materials: 3 Mari sighed, deciding that she would use what little sap she had left to craft a final potion for the day. The Wither Flower powder just wasn't cutting it for her, she had crafted the two crystals she promised Arc; and that was the main thing. She wanted to do more crafts tomorrow however, and was already low on materials. As she mixed the 'Happy Honey' potion she mumbled under her breath about requiring a more reliable source of materials.
  6. ID: 23038 CD: 1 Materials: 4 "God f**king dammit!" Mari cried out as she quickly covered her mouth, waving away the plume of thick black smoke. Talk about a critical failure. It seems as though the flowers that her and Arc gained weren't very good - they created a poor qaulity healing crystal and when she tried to create a Sharp Edge crystal - it literally blew up in smoke. The powder was too volatile. It may be worth it to experiment with it however, in the form of a new potion, but for now. Mari had to wait for the smoke to clear.
  7. ID:23037 CD: 8 Materials: 5 Mari carelessly tossed the completed crystal to the side, it landed with a small bounce on her table before rolling onto the floor. She sighed a she bent down to pick it up, noticing it was now missing a small chip. She shrugged. It would still work and that was the main thing. She repeated her earlier actions, again placing the pure water on a drip over the crystal and sprinkling wither flower powder over the top of it. Boom, bang, done. Another Recovery Crystal. It seemed that the wither flowers produced a low quality crystal. Mari would have to make note of
  8. ID:23036 CD: 9 Materials: 6 Mari cracked her fingers, then her neck. With some basic potions out of the way it was time to get started on crystals. She quickly and deftly set up the crystal in its canister - allowing the water to drip onto it - waiting for it to infuse Mari began to grind up the wither flowers she had collected earlier with a mortar and pestle. Sprinkling it over the crystal until she had an uncommon quality item. It wasn't the best, but it was most certainly better than her failure earlier.
  9. ID:23035 CD: 3 LD:11 Materials: 7 Mari attempted to make a Calming Honey potion with her new materials. It bubbled over, Mari tried to fix it by lowering the temperature and adding more water to thin the sludge that had formed. It seemed to work, in theory. It did thin the sludge, but it wasn't at the correct consistency, and there was no way she could boil out that putrid smell. With a sigh she took the cauldron off the heat, and poured the contents into the trash. What a waste. -bad/fail salvage-
  10. ID:23034 CD: 7 Materials: 8 "Hmmm, I am pretty sure someone was asking about that.." Mari mused to herself as she checked her shop inventory. Noticing that she was completely out of Absolut' Greed. It wasn't exactly popular, especially after people saw it's effects on Mari - during that time in the field when she had sadly, taken Aubrey's young life. Still, it was one many were curious about. It was also quite simple to make. So she quickly crafted it, and placed it to the side.
  11. ID:23033 CD: 4 Materials: 9 Calrex seemed to be late with his material shipment; so Mari had to go out and find them on her own. Still; she managed to get enough, with the help of Arc - to get enough materials to craft to the day. She didn't like the idea of offering the Crystals for free, considering they didn't get a good enough haul - but Mari was a woman of her word. She started out with a simple potion; Starry Eyed Illusion she was out of stock and wanted to slowly fill her shop again, it was looking rather empty.
  12. No fall sleep #itwascottoncandehcloud

    1. Ashrah


      Stop count sheep

  13. Sorry, this has been denied and was mistakenly approved earlier. Please revert this equipment to its original stats. The Re-evaluation topic exists only to change equipment made before the Enhancement overhaul which no longer complies with the new system.
  14. Takkas Journal is so groovy <3

    1. Takao


      Thanks! <3

  15. Who want's to RP with me, just a quick thread :) ;) ^_^

  16. It's Official, Mari - first to find the boss for Floor 12!

    1. Mari
    2. Kiru


      Deng it, I was just about to start scouting for once...merp Congrats!~

    3. Rebekah


      I guess everyone will be trying to beat a certain pink player next time.

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  17. It's a race, its a race!

    1. Ssendom


      It's a damn gud race!

  18. Mari


  19. ACCEPTED -In future please do not forget to include the following -Linking the post to the dice roll, not the thread -Thank you!
  20. Much sleepies; need cheese and chocolate and hot tea

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    2. Kyaba Ishyama

      Kyaba Ishyama

      My school doesn't even have a coding class. GOD I HATE MY SCHOOL THEY NEED A CODING CLASS

    3. Mari


      My school didn't either; then again I do not have a bit interest in coding, be thankful you live in an age where you can find most anything online. When I was in school - we didn't really have a lot of access to the internet, so everything we researched or looked up had to be in libraries

    4. Kyaba Ishyama

      Kyaba Ishyama

      Yah, but my school is not helping me get a job in the future world at all. But I guess you are right.................

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    1. Zelrius


      FLOOR 11 HERE I COME, Loaded like a tommy gun

    2. Kiru


      Yessssss thanks mari and the rest who participated.

    3. Kyaba Ishyama

      Kyaba Ishyama

      OMG Yipee good job

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  22. dance practise is done want to get some RPs down and done during my break from staff ahaha

  23. Dance practise then I need to get some RPing down and happening

  24. Mari's grin widened. "Oh don't thank me just yet." She said, her tone devious. "It could work greatly in my favour, or against me - if you gain 50 materials, well then I get a hefty 25, but if you only gain 2, I get 1. So it is not much. So my gain is based purely on your determination. I do hope that you don't diappoint me. Chieri." Mari said, having gained her name from the trade that the girl accepted. Then, Chieri asked where, more so how she had managed to gain an orange cursor. This girl, she was so new you could smell it, if she continued to act like this; she'd die - but that wasn'
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