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  1. If there was an award for most hated character I am pret-ty sure Uriel would get it

  2. Mari why do you have to go to work? Our RP is JUSt getting interesting! v_v

  3. Had a quiet time now to havea fun time; also I have unfinished RPs I need to find them, Oh man!

    1. orhalimi


      You can always use "My Content" option ^_^

    2. Uriel


      Yes yes that is only for some stuff I created

    3. Tyrius


      Nah Uriel, it should cover everything you have ever posted in.

  4. had a quiet time, now to have a fun time.

  5. Night shift at petrol stations; you meet the weirdest people

    1. Lessa


      I bet! I'd totally read a book about your experiences.

  6. I think my character needs to start picking on someone else othr than just Mari

    1. orhalimi


      amm...are you looking for volunteers?

    2. Lessa


      It might be interesting if you ran into Lessa.

  7. So guys my recent status was in character but seemed to upset and offend people I RP a very deranged man; but I assure you I talk, discuss and plan any RP I have with the people I am targeting or attacking. I didn't mean to creep people out by being in character on a status. This is a RP site, I was just RPing. Sorry all.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. orhalimi


      Its OOC no? For IC we got the massage boards

    3. Zeke


      That was my thought, Rowan. But I can determine IC usually well.

    4. Cindel


      I get confused all the time by IC or OOC when people start talking about love too.

  8. so I've been told that people want to kill my character and I have to clean up my act or I will be killed but don't you have to ask permission first? I've been asking permission to do what I do.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Uriel


      Yeh well Argumail wants me dead apparently aha

    3. Daeron


      i want argumail dead so...

    4. Mari


      Daeron I'll join ya ;)

  9. Mari, Mari~ Come Play Mari

  10. Mari. Mari how does your garden grow? With silver bells and painful yells, and three pretty graves all in a row

  11. I want to do an RP with someone, I want to have at least 3 at once but no more than that!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mari


      I wouldn't mind either :D

    3. orhalimi


      It's ok I'm about to run to. Make a one and I will join

    4. Argumail


      I wouldn't mind, I like RPing with the newbies

  12. Uriel

    Uriels Journal

    Username: Uriel real name: Mike Lewis Age:23 Gender:Male Height:6’4 About: History Mike was born into high society, a spoilt brat of an only child who got whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. He was raised on the values of money and power. Money was power and power was money. That to reach the top you had to be cold, you had to step on the little guy and do it any way possible. He was sent to an expensive private school, and had to buy his way into Harvord Law University. Graduating; he became an underhanded lawyer, one of the youngest in his profession. He was a ruthless law
  13. It is nice to be here, wow so much activity

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Uriel


      Dothack? heh. No? Unless you are talkin' to Mari.

    3. Lessa
    4. Life


      Yea i was talking to mari xD

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