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  1. Holding the sack of flour on her shoulder that the woman force on her. Everything that Nisa had said was so true it almost hurt. Stopping for a moment to take the others out of her inventory. If Freya wanted to make this experience as real as possible there could be no short cuts, it was all or nothing. Heaving those bags over both shoulders now, pain could not be felt here but exhaustion could. That would be her reminder that she was still alive, that she was still Freya. Walking through the streets of Deepedge, people were staring at her. The girl would walk with a smile painted across her f
  2. Watching Nishime's every movement and how to do this. Taking the bag from the woman's grasp after being shown where to place it. Without looking to her, "Morrighan I envy you but you also confuse the hell out of me," setting the open bag in a small hole as wheat specks start to drop down the grinding tunnel. Watching those pieces falling into place as her chest starts to get heavy. "You speak of hard set labor and us being lazy," pulling the bag as it fills to place another empty in its place. "To be honest you are right. Most people have forgotten what the real world is like." Pulling out a H
  3. Damn that woman was fast, gathered so much before she could grasp one. Reminded her of Raidou except on crack. Her clothing too, it seemed to change every time something else was being done. Walking to the windmill that was mentioned with her hands now full of the wheat bundles, sure that she was going to make a fool of herself once more and Nisa would tell her a million reasons why it was wrong. This other world of hers, there was a certain specific way that she did everything and for good reason. It was torture now, but later it would be of second nature and then Freya would be thankful for
  4. WOW this woman was harsh, but accurate. Freya thinks that she was starting to get it now. To be the best, you had to have the most fresh. Freya hadn't explored the floors like Sam and Raidou had. She had always bought the apparent crap ingredients. If this stuff was being purchased out in the real world they would likely be rotten or worse. Making a face at the thought but taking the Honey and replacing it with gold, bowing small and catching up to Nisa. There was likely some resemblance on records in the guild hall, Freya just never bothered to look. The next stop would seem to be deepedge, n
  5. They were Tuatha's people? Freya never really liked history class but this she could get behind. From now on these people, no fomorians would be treated by the up most respect. That is what she could do for Tuatha for saving her life. Agreeing to be a friend, this puts a smile on her face. Seeing the woman switch form again, that was never going to get old. "God you look like my 11th grade history teachers, the hair is a bit different though," spitted out without a thought. Pulling out the list that she had made earlier, folding the paper in half and picking out a pen. Writing down everything
  6. Light breeze making her hair flutter against her shoulders. Staring to the little wax wings, it was different than the teleport crystals yet did the same thing. Did Nisa make them herself or was it just something that she had laying around. Such a mysterious person, the question that Freya asked was still unanswered. That could mean many things. Setting the wings in her pocket carefully as to not break it, could it even be broken. A chill down her spine, Freya would shiver. She had an hour, a pit stop to home to drop off this cinnamon. Stepping into the crowd once more, glaring eyes in every d
  7. Maybe the woman was right, being older than her entire life 10 times over. Freya gives a sigh, the acted that was just pictured into prying eyes was a bit extreme but Freya couldn't help it. Getting mad quickly at the simple things, short temper. Glancing to the ground watching the NPC's grab the hair bands and placing it on the heads, it was clear that the girl had a lot to learn. Wanting to apologist to the man but what was done was done. Remembering that Sam had said something about NPC's around certain towns acting different and showing more emotion than others, made her feel just a bit wo
  8. Jaw drops for a moment hearing that name, eyes go wide. Looking over the woman, not girl, far from. Clamping her mouth shut with a few fingers, crossing her arms. "Eruda doesn't need a dry oven, whatever that is. Simply put she would add to it and make use of it in some way." It was crazy seeing Nisahime here. Most people in her guild had an issue with her just existing because they didn't understand her. Freya didn't need to understand, the woman saved her life by just being in this world. If anything Freya was grateful. Taking the band off her head and collecting the others, placing it in he
  9. Covering her eyes as to not be blind, this girl was pretty weird. Glancing back to a completely different outfit. "I don't remember changing cloths being that bright. I have grown a custom to changing them manually to sorta hit home a little more." Freya leans down to grab the hair bands, after placing the bags in her satchel. They were being dirtied, "You mind if I take these. My sister likes to make nothing into something. Has a real talent for this sorta stuff." Setting the bands on the counter out of the way till she got the answer. It was mentioned that the girl did nothing for a long tim
  10. Smelling nothing really... They all smelt the same, great. Well the NPC's should be smart enough to know what they were selling right? Meeting the hardy looking man eyes that was full of confusion. "Are any of these Catfish or Salmon and stop with that face. Was told something that apparently was made to look like I was stupid. Fish please..." Putting a hand to his mouth and clearing his throat, pointing to 2 different types of fish. One with whiskers almost and the other a very large specimen. "I only deal in the best quality here, it will cost you." Twisted her head slightly with a hand on h
  11. Shutting the door to the bathroom, Gaius was out of the house and there was shopping they had to do. It was nice to wear something casual for once. A pair of shorts with legging and a fluffy brown coat that length past her knees. It was something that Eruda made her a while ago but Freya had been so busy that there was never a time to wear such attire. Picking up a list from the table top and a paper coffee cup, Freya was going somewhere new today. Walking the streets Lhasri, it was very crowded. Getting advice from Simmone, it was were she frequented more of the rare ingredients that we
  12. Just as empty minding as Freya remembered her to be. "Okay honey, I am going to get really real with you for a moment here okay..." Freya lightly grabs Lanna's arm and pulls her to a stool, possibly placed there for waiting purposes. "This game, it..." thinking for a minute, trying to put into words that this girl could make sense of... "You remember Franky, your pet gold fish?" Lanna nods her head in excitement. "Remember how we told you that he died and went to heaven and he was never coming back, that you would never see him again?" Another nod but slower this time. "Lanna, Lynn died and we
  13. The town of beginning, coming down here daily to find new ingredients for the new creation of food. Gaius and her were getting better by the day, Freya had finally convinced him to expand on what they sold in their shop. It was exciting in its own way. That and there was that whole wedding thing that Eruda dumped on them with very limited time. It was rather exhausting, but it had to be perfect. Her twin was getting married and even if it was just in the game, it was still a big thing. That and maybe if she did well here, Eruda would let her cook for the actual wedding that was bound to happen
  14. Watching her friend vanish with a smile, wondering if she had actually got him past whatever was going on. In reality, Freyd had helped her through some un-thought issues himself. Things that she didn't know was bothering her. Freya missed those talks with her friend, and he was right about damn near everything. Freya couldn't be afraid of the what if's and she needed to stop living in the passed. Forward was all that needed to be done now. With a yawn, today found itself not very eventful with gathering anything but insightful on another note. It was rounding very late and she knew that Gaius
  15. Freya couldn't help but chuckle a bit. The thought of Freyd being Raidou was a huge demand, but It is what Gaius would do for her. "I get it, you want to protect the people that you love, and I would hate to see..." Freya didn't finish that sentence, she knew that Freyd was feeling it too. Probably the whole reason he joined in the first place. Looking Freyd up and down for a moment, "To be honest your already half way there. You have the determination and the will to keep others safe. That, I think, makes a great tank. You are really fast too, so if you get a little mit on your bones I think
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